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I wasn't lying when i said i'd watch a movie and drink wine when i got home.
With the alarm system set i had had a quick shower and dressed in my Sleep shorts, oversized hoodie and fluffy purple socks before settling down on the sofa. I wasnt paying much attention to the film to be honest, i was enjoying the wine though. My phone vibrated on the table and i picked it up to see a security alert!
"Motion detected in front yard" i froze seeing the alert on my phone, all i kept thinking was that Jack was back!!
"Motion detected at front door"
I swiped the app open to get a look at who it was, if it was Jack i could maybe make it to the bathroom, lock myself inside while i called for help....
Knock knock knock
I let out a breath i hadnt realised i was holding when the camera opened and i saw it was Bucky at the door!

I got up from the sofa and walked to the front door disarming the alarm system before pulling the door open.
"Bucky.... what are you doing here?"
"Sorry i know its late, but i just needed to talk to you"
"Oh okay..... come in" i stepped aside letting him into the house smiling at him as he walked in. I closed the door and lead the way into the living room where i sat back down and grabbed my wine glass taking a few big gulps.
"You werent lying about drinking too much wine huh?" He teased.
"Shut up" i pointed a finger at him as he sat on the opposite end of the sofa "i almost had a heart with your fancy alarm system telling me i had a motion in the front yard.... then at the front door..."
"Oh shit! Did you think i was Jack? God i should have called or texted first.... Y/N i didn't think I'm sorry doll!" Bucky closed his eyes and shook his head cursing under his breath "the last thing i wanted to do was scare you..... i just really needed to talk to you...."
"Its fine Buck, no harm done" i chuckled "so what did you wanna talk about?"
"Okay, so Steve and i were talking after you left earlier...."
Oh shit! I felt my stomach flip and my heart start racing when he mentioned he'd been talking to Steve... what if he had asked Bucky the same questions about us and now he was firing me.....
"What d...did he say?"
"He told me that he had asked you if we were sleeping together. If there was something more between us...."
"God Buck I'm sorry, i told him not to mention it to you" i said feeling my cheeks burn and avoiding Bucky's gaze.
"No, no its fine. I think i made him feel bad, after you left i was telling him how i was concerned about you, that i thought id done something wrong.... said the wrong thing and you were pissed at me" he told me shaking his leg nervously, id never seen Bucky like this before!
"Why would you think that?"
"You were so quiet.... distant, you wouldn't even look at me" he said sadly.
"I felt weird around you with Steve there, he was watching my every move.... i didnt want you catching on and getting mad. If you found out what he had been saying then i thought....." i shook my head still avoiding eye contact with Bucky "I thought maybe you'd fire me" i shrugged.
Bucky scooted closer to me and took my hand in his "id never fire you doll, you're stuck with us until you quit" he smirked and i felt those pesky butterflies go wild.
"Im glad Steve said what he did.... he might have gone about things the wrong way like usual but he meant well"
"You're glad??...why?" I asked finally looking up at him.
"Im glad because talking to Steve made me realise something. I was telling Steve how much i love having you around, that i love the way you treat my girls.... and he asked me if it was all just about the girls" he said looking up at me, he looked so uncertain and scared? was that fear in his eyes? Id never seen Bucky look like this, he was always so sure and confident.
"Steve's my oldest friend Y/N he knows me better than i know myself half the time..... so when he tells me i look pretty smitten when it comes to you i know he's right.... I've known it for a while now but hearing him say it...."
"Say what?...."
"I like you" he said quickly and my heart started racing faster.... "i like you more than i should considering the fact that you work for me, but i can't help it"
His hand tightened around mine and i could see how hard this was for him, Bucky was definitely out of his comfort zone "and I've probably just made things a 100 times more awkward.... but i had to tell you"
I was sat staring at him with wide eyes, i had to be imagining this whole conversation right? How much wine had i had?.... Bucky Barnes would never be sitting in my house admitting to having feelings for me right??
"Doll.... please say something, I'm kinda freaking out here a little bit" he laughed nervously.
"I.... i cant...."
"You know what? Don't worry, just ignore me. Pretend i didn't say anything" he said standing up and heading towards the door "i wont mention it again"
"Buck!... wait!" I called jumping up from the sofa and rushing after him.
"lets just go back to how we were" he said shaking his head.
"Will you just stop a minute!" I grabbed his hand pulling him to face me "you didn't let me finish what i was saying"
"You're just gonna tell me you can't do this right?"
"Actually i was gonna say 'i cant believe this is happening'" i admitted shaking my head at him, i took a deep breath knowing id have to be honest with him. "Bucky....I've liked you since the first time i laid eyes on you, i never in a million years thought you'd like me back!"
"You have??"
"Mhmm" i nodded with a smile, Bucky's free hand was suddenly on my waist pulling me closer.
"Same, when you walked into my house that day i was floored! And the more time i spent with you.... saw how good you treated my girls.... i was gone"
I suddenly realised how close we were, and still it wasn't close enough.
"Im crazy about you doll" Bucky added still looking a bit unsure of how i was going to react to his confession. Before i realised what i was doing i surged forward closing the small space between us and kissed him. He let out a little surprised 'oomph' noise and i felt him smile against my mouth before he returned the kiss, both hands coming up to frame my face as he took control, and boy could he kiss!!

We eventually parted, both breathless. Bucky rested his forehead against mine and let out a breathy "wow" that made me chuckle, my hands were on his chest, i could feel how hard his heart was racing and i knew mine was beating just as fast.
"You can say that again" i smiled before i felt his lips against mine once again, Bucky slipped a hand down to my hip and around to the small of my back holding me close.
"Mmmm Buck" i found myself moaning into his mouth and making his hold on me tighten.
"I should probably go before i get too carried away" he chuckled burying his face into my neck placing a few kisses there.
"Or you could stay" i said as i cradled his head in my arms, he continued trailing kisses down my neck.
"Steve's got the girls right?"
"So why not? I don't want you to go yet Buck"
"Okay" he nodded quickly flopping down onto the sofa and pulling me down with him so i was straddling his waist.
"Wow that took so much convincing!" I laughed teasingly.
"Shut up and kiss me" he smiled before pulling me towards him and kissing me hard, i was a moaning mess in no time!

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