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"Wait....is that... two??" I heard Bucky ask making me turn to look at him, he was sat staring and pointing at the screen with wide eyes.
"It is!" Dr Forester chuckled "congratulations, you're having twins!"
"What???!!!" I yelled pretty loudly as i felt my heart start to race like crazy "im having twins?? two babies??? are you sure??"
"Positive. See? Two sacs.... two babies" she pointed at the two dark spots on the screen. I suddenly covered my face with my free hand and cried, Bucky's hold on my right hand tightened before he stood up to hold me.
"Baby whats wrong?"
"Buck we didn't even plan on having one baby now we're having two!!"
"I know doll but this is great news!" He smiled sitting back down in the chair.
"Is it!?! Really?? cause this means we'll have five kids to look after!!"
"I thought this was your first..." Dr Forester started to ask looking between us as she passed me a box of tissues from the side.
"Its our first together, i have 3 girls from my previous relationship"
"Wow so your family is definitely getting a lot bigger!"
"Oh god" i sniffled wiping the tears from my face and blowing my nose, this was not how i expected this to go.

While Dr Forester printed us some photo's i cleaned the gel off my stomach and straightened out my clothes. We made an appointment for 6 weeks time to have my 12 week scan and then Bucky led me out to the car. The car ride home i stared out the window silently trying to wrap my head around the fact it was twins!!
"Doll?.... you okay?" Bucky eventually asked after deciding he had given me enough time to process, his hand resting on my thigh with his thumb rubbing circles trying to sooth me a little.
"I think i'm in shock....."
"Me too. I was not expecting to hear that at all!"
"Bucky we're gonna have to move! I know we talked about staying at the farm house and selling your place but the farm house isn't big enough!"
Bucky sat there and chuckled shaking his head, i raised my eyebrows at him as i felt a rage surge through me.
"You think this is funny??!" I snapped at him.
"That the first thing you think about is moving house? Yeah" he nodded still laughing as he pulled up outside the farm house "baby, for starters they can be in with us they don't take up that much room at first. Secondly.... we could build an extension on the back of the house? We don't have to move"
"Oh.... i didn't think of that.... i guess we have time to do that"
"See. You need to calm down, this isn't the end of the world"
"Okay" i nodded "I'm sorry for freaking out..... but don't laugh at me Bucky"
"Im sorry doll, but it was just too cute" he smiled leaning forward to kiss me "i love you mama".
"Love you too.... daddy" i smirked before slipping out of the car and making my way inside.

As soon as we walked in Steve was twisting in the sofa to look at us,
"How'd it go?" He asked looking like an excited puppy. I sat down in the armchair next to where Rosie was sat on the floor watching cartoons eating a chopped up banana.
"It went well.... everything's good, you wanna see a photo?" Bucky said already pulling the photo's from his jacket pocket as Steve nodded.
"You okay sweetheart? You look like you've seen a ghost" Steve smirked taking the photo's from Bucky.
"Oh im great Steve" i flopped back into the chair rubbing my temples as i felt a headache coming on.
"Wait....." Steve's head shot up "are you having twins?? i remember seeing the scans of the girls and they didn't look like this!" He was pointing at the photo in his hands with wide eyes as he looked between me and Bucky.
"We are! Surprise!" I smiled shaking my head "and i was worried about having one baby!"
"This is great you guys" Steve said with a huge smile and tears in his eyes.
"Steve are you crying?" I asked raising my eyebrows in question.
"No!" Steve sniffed causing Bucky to laugh at his best friend.
"He cried every time he found out about one of the girls too"
"Its just such a happy time!"
"I'll remind you of that when I'm screaming at you both with raging hormones"
"Bring it on baby we can take it" Bucky smirked and Steve nodded in agreement.
"Just remember theres two of them so i'll have double the hormones!"
"Oh shit" Bucky mumbled under his breath but i heard it and burst out laughing.
"Good luck Baby, just remember that i love you".

The evening was spent snuggled on the sofa with the girls eating pizza and watching Disney movies

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The evening was spent snuggled on the sofa with the girls eating pizza and watching Disney movies. We decided not to say anything to the girls about the babies just yet as it was still early in the pregnancy. We agreed we would tell them after i had had my 12 week scan.
"Doll.....Y/N wake up"
My eyes fluttered open and i was staring up into Bucky's beautiful blue eyes.
"No Buck I'm tired, just let me sleep" i whined "leave me here"
"Don't you wanna come to bed with me baby? I hate sleeping without you"
"Fine, can you carry me?" I mumbled against him only joking but the thought of actually having to get up and walk upstairs was exhausting!!
"Of course i can! Lets go!" He got up and easily scooped me up into his arms!
"Buck i was joking!! Put me down before you hurt yourself!"
"Hurt myself?? Don't be ridiculous" he scoffed before heading for the stairs and carrying me up to the bedroom like i weighed nothing!
"You wont be able to do this when I'm the size of a whale you do realise that! God I'm gonna get so big"
"You dont know that..."
"Seriously Buck? Its TWINS!! plus have you seen the size of you?"
Bucky just laughed and continued to the bedroom.

I was soon dressed in one of Bucky's t-shirts and snuggled in bed wrapped in his arms.
"You still awake?" I heard him ask after a few minutes.
"Yeah, whats wrong?"
"You are happy about the babies right?" He asked sounding so unsure, like he dreaded my answer.
"Of course i am" i told him turning to face him "Ive just been trying to process it.... i know i freaked out a few times but yes Buck, i am happy about the babies"
I told him stroking my hand over his bearded jaw before tracing his bottom lip with my thumb "how could i not be happy? They're part of you" i leaned forward pressing my lips hard to his as i moulded my body to him, our legs a tangled mess, it didn't take long before Bucky was rolling me onto my back and removing my shorts and panties settling himself between my legs.
"Its no wonder we ended up with twins is it!" I laughed looking up into those beautiful blue eyes that were now home, he smiled lovingly down at me before reaching down lining up his cock with my entrance and sliding home.

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