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"I traced the call and it came from within the house!!"
"W..what???...." i asked shakily, my heart racing so fast hearing those words from Sam.
"Y/N, Jack is in there somewhere, you need to get out now! Im on my way to you but I'm at least 10 minutes out. Stay on the line with me sweetheart okay"
"Okay....." i said quietly, as i went to grab my car keys from my purse i heard a loud thump from upstairs "shit Sam he's upstairs!!" I grabbed my purse and made a run for the front door, i punched in the alarm code and flipped the lock open, i had the door halfway open when i felt the force of a body slam into me, i hit the door face first making the door close again as my phone dropped to the floor. I let out a scream as i struggled to escape Jacks grasp, he covered my mouth with his hand to shut me up before i drew any unwanted attention.
"Sshhhhh" he mumbled in my ear with a sinister grin on his face, tears were rolling down my face as i continued to struggle "stop fighting me you're just gonna hurt yourself" he cooed lovingly like he wasn't currently attacking me!
I managed to bite down hard on his fingers that covered my mouth, he yelled and let go of me for a split second but it was long enough that i could slip away from him. I ran back towards the living room knowing that i needed to get to the kitchen to try and escape out the backdoor.... or at least get a knife from the kitchen. But i didn't get far, he dived at me knocking me into the side table next to the sofa, a table lamp and some mail scattering to the floor. In the struggle i ended up landing hard on the floor with Jack climbing on top of me trying to restrain me, he hit me hard in the face stunning me for a few seconds.... my hand blindly reached out for anything i could use to hurt him, just long enough for me to escape. My hand found the fallen lamp and i wrapped my fingers around the base picking it up and bringing it down hard over his head. The ceramic base exploded into bits on impact, Jacks eyes rolled back in his head slightly as his body went sluggish and limp on top of me, i shoved him away hard and crawled out from under him making a run to the kitchen.
"Y/N!!" He yelled loudly and i could hear his stomping footsteps coming towards me again "you're making this so much harder than it needs to be baby"
I managed to get the back door open and bolted across the yard, just before i got to the gate he tackled me to the floor. He straddled my hips, one hand holding my arms in place above my head while the other wrapped around my throat. I kicked my legs and tried to flip him off of me but it was no use, he was overpowering me, barely moving from my efforts to get away from him.
"This is where you belong baby.... with me. We can be happy again...."
"Fuck you, you psycho!" I said through gritted teeth.
"Oh we can play that game if you want baby.... i have missed being inside you"
He smiled as his hand from my throat started to trail downwards "have you missed me too? Bet your new guy ain't half as good as i am"
"He's better than you will ever be! He's twice the man you could even dream to be Jack"
"You'll never see him again" he snapped as his hand wrapped around my throat again, squeezing,  cutting off my airways. Just as everything started to go black Jack's weight was gone and i was gasping for air. My head lulled to one side and all i saw was Bucky punching Jack over and over and over.
"Buck! Stop.... you're going to kill him!" I tried to say panicking that Bucky would end up going to jail for killing my piece of shit ex husband.
"Y/N!!!...." i heard Steve and Sams yells coming from the house before they came running outside. Sam was quick to pull Bucky away while Steve was at my side pulling me into his arms.
"You're okay sweetheart, we got you" he was saying as he held me close.
"Y/N.... baby are you okay?" Bucky was suddenly pulling me from Steve and into his arms. I nodded and cried as i clung to Bucky "Bucky i was so scared...."
"I know doll but i got you now, dont you worry"
"She needs to go to the hospital and get checked out, that head wound looks pretty nasty" Sam said in police officer mode, i heard a muffled groan from Jack and sighed in relief that he wasn't dead! Sam stood up and gave him a snide kick to the ribs "shut the hell up" he groaned looking down at Jack shaking his head "you brought this on yourself".

""I know doll but i got you now, dont you worry""She needs to go to the hospital and get checked out, that head wound looks pretty nasty" Sam said in police officer mode, i heard a muffled groan from Jack and sighed in relief that he wasn't dead! ...

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After being checked over by the doctor and having some tests done i was given the all clear, most of my injuries were scrapes from falling into the table and struggling against Jack and bruises to my throat as well as a swollen eye and a split lip. Nothing was broken so they released me on the condition that Bucky stayed with me for 48 hours incase i had a concussion.
"Im not leaving her side dont worry" he had said gripping my hand tight.
Sam had asked that we meet him at the house and give a statement, he wanted to  know exactly what had happened. There was no way Jack was getting away with it.

I walked them through everything that happened from the moment Sam called me warning me Jack was in the house.
"When you were on the phone to me you said he was upstairs?"
"Yeah, i heard a loud thump like he dropped something pretty heavy" i nodded, i had actually forgotten about that until Sam mentioned it.
"Can we go upstairs and you can see if anything looks outta place?"
"You can stay down here doll, i can go look" Bucky said stroking his hand up and down my arm.
"No its okay, lets go". 
Surprisingly everything looked untouched there was nothing out of place. From where i had heard the thump above the living room meant it was in the bedroom so we spent longer in there checking everything.
"I dont understand what could have made that noise...." i started to say but then my eyes fell on the closet door that was open slightly, we always made sure to keep it closed after Rosie got herself stuck in there a couple weeks ago. I walked over and pushed open the door fully, it was then i noticed an open loft hatch in the ceiling..... i hadn't even known it was there!!
"Son of a bitch!" Bucky mumbled stepping closer and looking up at the open hatch "he's been in the attic??"
"Jesus christ...." Sam grumbled snapping photos on his phone "how the hell did he even get up there??"
"The main hatch in the hallway has a ladder, we've never even used the attic"
"Lets go take a look".

I followed Bucky and Sam into the attic, i needed to see for myself. We walked over to where the open hatch in the bedroom was and found a sleeping bag and empty food cartons laying around.
"Oh my god Buck, how long has he been up here??" I asked covering my mouth with my hand.
"Too fucking long!..... what the...." Bucky trailed off as he knelt down next to the sleeping bag and started prodding around on the floor.
"What is it?" Sam asked joining him.
"He's been watching us"
"What?!! What do you mean he's been watching us Bucky!!"
"There's a hole here that overlooks the bed" he shook his head disgust clear on his face "that sick fuck".
Thats when it made sense, when Jack called the other night and said i looked tired.... he had been watching me!!
"I think i'm gonna be sick" i mumbled before rushing for the ladder. I just made it in time to the bathroom before emptying my stomach.
"Doll are you okay?" Bucky asked walking in as i stood at the sink gargling some mouth wash.
"Far from it Buck, how did we not see it? What has he seen?!!"
"He was clever about it, the hole was on the edge of the light fitting so we wouldn't have noticed. We found one in the bathroom too"
"I cant stay here anymore Bucky I'm sorry..... can we go to the farm house. Please?" I begged him throwing my arms around his shoulders "just get me away from here, i feel like his eyes are on me"
"Sure, let me grab some clothes real quick. Steve has got the girls at his place for the night so we dont need to worry about their things just yet. Lets just get you out of here".

 Lets just get you out of here"

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