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I walked into the living room to see Bucky and Steve in a manly hug slapping each other on the back with huge smiles spread across their faces.
"And to think i was worried about telling you" i said smiling as i leant against the door frame watching them acting like a couple of goofballs. They broke apart and Steve came rushing over to me wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around "this is fantastic news sweetheart"
"Oh god! Steve put me down before i puke on you" i groaned making him laugh as he carefully put me back down.
"Sorry.... i got a bit excited"
"Its fine" i patted his chest chuckling at him, he was just as happy about this as Bucky was!
"Be careful punk precious cargo on board!" Bucky said pulling me into his arms and holding me close.
"Im so happy for you guys, you deserve some good news after the shit show thats been happening lately"
"Ain't that the truth" i rolled my eyes and shook my head as i thought about everything we'd had to deal with in such a short time.
"But we got through it doll" Bucky kissed the top of my head and tightened his grip on me slightly.

"But we got through it doll" Bucky kissed the top of my head and tightened his grip on me slightly

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I hadn't slept much all night, i had been worrying about my doctors appointment too much. Bucky had slept like a rock ALL night without a care in the world and i was totally envious of that! I turned to look at my phone to check the time, 5:14am!! I groaned and slipped out of the bed deciding id go make some tea, maybe go sit out on the back porch for some fresh air.
Just as i was stirring the milk into my tea Steve walked in rubbing at his eyes.
"You're up early" he stated looking concerned, i was never up early!
"Yeah i haven't sleep much at all, think its the thought of going to this doctors appointment. Im already thinking the worst"
"You'll be fine sweetheart, thats gonna be one tough kid with parents like you and Buck. You're so strong and Buck.... well he's stubborn as hell" he chuckled pulling out a mug and making a coffee.
"I hope so" i mumbled heading for the back door.
"Where you going?"
"Gonna have this outside get some air, try and clear my head. Maybe i'll be able to go get a couple hours sleep after"
"You want some company?"

After sitting outside and drinking my tea i headed back to bed, Bucky wrapped himself around me as soon as i was laying beside him.
"You're freezing doll" he mumbled still half asleep.
"Im fine baby, go back to sleep" i smiled stroking his arm. It didn't take me long to fall asleep this time, but no sooner had i fallen asleep the alarm was going off.

 It didn't take me long to fall asleep this time, but no sooner had i fallen asleep the alarm was going off

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Sitting in the waiting room at Doctors office was so nerve racking. I sat holding Bucky's hand, my leg bouncing up and down nervously.
"Doll, calm down" Bucky said quietly leaning in close enough to place a kiss behind my ear as his free hand landed on my knee holding my leg still.
"Im sorry, i hate waiting around in doctor surgeries and hospitals at the best of times, but now..... what if somethings wrong Buck?"
"Babe I'm sure everything will be okay, but if its not then we will deal with it. Together. Like everything else"
"Aren't you nervous?"
"Of course i am. My heart is racing right now" he chuckled "but I've also done this before. I know this is your first time going through this but you're gonna be fine".
"Ms Y/L/N, the Doctor will see you now. Room 4" the receptionist called over.
Bucky stood up and pulled me to my feet when i didn't stand up with him.
"Come on sweetheart thats us".

Bucky led the way into the doctors office, Dr Forester standing up to greet us as we entered.
"Morning Y/N, thank you for coming in so last minute. I had a cancellation and thought id get you in and checked over considering everything you been through" Dr Forester was saying with a welcoming smile as she reached a hand out to me and then to Bucky.
"I take it you're Dad?"
"Yes i am, James Barnes" he smiled at her and pointed me to a seat "she's a bit nervous, first pregnancy an all" he said to the doctor.
"Thats totally expected. You're not the first woman I've seen thats overwhelmed by all this and you wont be the last"
"Sorry, I'm just so nervous"
"Thats to be expected"
"So.... what happens now?"
"Well we need to ascertain how far along you are for starters. Do you remember when your last period was?"
"Um..... i can't remember" i shook my head as i tried to think back "there's been a lot going going on i kinda lost track... 4 weeks? Maybe 5 but thats a complete guess"
"Okay thats fine, we can try to do an ultra sound to confirm a timeline. We wont be able to see much this early on its purely just to get an idea of how far along you are" she nodded still smiling.
"Okay" i replied with a tight lipped smile, i felt Bucky squeeze my hand and i looked over to see him grinning too, trying his best to put me at ease.
"If you come over and lay on the examination bed for me and we'll get started".

I walked over to the bed my legs feeling like jelly and got up on the examination bed. Dr Forester got me to lift my top up just under my boobs and lower my leggings, in doing so i revealed part of the bruising still on my ribs.
"That looks like it hurts" she said sadly as she started to tuck some paper towels in my waist band.
"Its a bit sore yeah" i nodded "but it could have been worse".
It was silent and a little awkward in the room, she obviously didn't know what else to say on the matter.
"Okay, we're good to go. Im just going to put some gel on your stomach, it'll be a bit cold im sorry"
"Thats fine".
I flinched a little at the coldness at first but then it was okay, i sat quietly as Dr Forester passed the probe over my stomach. I watched her as she concentrated on the screen moving the probe this way and that as she clicked around on the keyboard.
"Well it looks like you're around the 5/6 week mark. We can go by that for now, when we do your next scan we'll get a better idea...." she was saying still watching the screen intently, i watched as her brow furrowed and she leaned closer to the screen "huh"
"Huh? what do you mean huh?" I asked feeling myself start to panic.
"Doc.... is something wrong?" Bucky asked looking worried for the first time since we found out i was pregnant.
"Not at all, everything looks great" she said as a huge smile spread across her face "would you like to see?"
"Yes please" i nodded quickly, i needed to see this to actually believe i was pregnant.
"Here you are" she said turning to show us the screen "remember its still early so you wont be able to see much....."

I looked at the screen as tears filled my eyes, i was actually pregnant!!

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I looked at the screen as tears filled my eyes, i was actually pregnant!!

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