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We spent all of Sunday at my place, Bucky and the girls seemed right at home which was nice. When it came time for them to head home Bucky asked me to go with them, Sam hadn't managed to track down Jack yet so he didn't want me staying home by myself. I didn't need much persuading, i packed an overnight bag and went home with Bucky and the girls.

Monday morning was soon here and it was nearly time to get up and get the girls ready for school, Bucky was still in bed with me, usually he would be up and dressed by now.
"As much as i love having you in bed with me Buck, arent you going to be late for work?"
"Not today doll, I've got an appointment with Mrs Potts at 9:30 then I'm working from home today"
"Who's Mrs Potts?"
"Principal, you still wanna come with?"
"If you want me to" i nodded stroking my fingers over his stubbled jaw.

"I want you to""Okay, count me in" I kissed him quickly before getting out of the bed "im gonna go jump in the shower and get dressed before the girls wake up" "Shower with me" he wiggled his eyebrows

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"I want you to"
"Okay, count me in" I kissed him quickly before getting out of the bed "im gonna go jump in the shower and get dressed before the girls wake up"
"Shower with me" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"We don't have time for that Buck" i laughed and left the room before he could change my mind (which wouldn't take much to be honest the man was irresistible).

"We don't have time for that Buck" i laughed and left the room before he could change my mind (which wouldn't take much to be honest the man was irresistible)

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"Good morning James, please come in and take a seat" Mrs Potts said coming out her office. Bucky stood up taking my hand and leading me inside the office.
"Morning Pepper" he smiled at the woman with a familiarity, Mrs Potts.... Pepper, looked me up and down waiting for introductions.
"This is my girlfriend Y/N" Bucky introduced smiling down at me.
"Pleasure to meet you Y/N, I'm Pepper Potts" she reached out a hand which i quickly shook before taking the seat next to Bucky.
"So James, you said you needed to talk to me about Allie's teacher Ms Harper?"
"I do, honestly Pepper i don't think the woman should be aloud to work with kids" Bucky told her getting straight to the point.
"Okay.... what makes you say that?"
"Doll? Tell Pepper what happened"
"Sure....she made Allie cry because she wanted to wear a tutu and cowboy boots for a start, that alone was bad enough but the main problem was when i turned up to the mother daughter picnic to hear Ms Harper telling our 5 year old she shouldn't be at the picnic because she doesn't have a mom! That was the final straw!"
"She said what??" Pepper asked with wide eyes clearly shocked to hear this.
"Exactly! When i told Ms Harper she can't be saying things like that to a 5 year old she didn't even apologise! Just shrugged and said 'why not its true, her moms dead' i mean who says that to a kid Mrs Potts?? its disgusting and unacceptable behaviour from an adult who quite frankly should know better"
"James, Y/N im so sorry! You're 100% right, that is unacceptable behaviour from one of my staff and i will deal with her accordingly i promise"
"Thank you Pepper, i knew you would. I know you don't tolerate this kind of thing. I thought it best to sit down with you personally about the matter" Bucky said sounding very professional even though Pepper was clearly a friend.
"I just don't understand why she would target Allie like this"
"Ms Harper and i used to go to school together, she had always had a crush on me. Then when the girls started here she'd ask me out all the time and i'd turn her down. Ask Tony about Joanne Harper, im sure he'll remember her" Bucky rolled his eyes "she's never been spiteful to my kids until Y/N started doing the school runs"
"Even called me Mrs Barnes the first time we met" i added remembering that first confrontation with the she witch.
"Y/N was our nanny before we started dating" Bucky told Pepper "we haven't been dating long"
"I see, so she see's Y/N turning up everyday for school runs and assumes you got a wife? Wow" Pepper let out a breath as she tapped her pen against her notepad she had been making notes in.
"Crazy huh?" Bucky scoffed
"Id say so yeah, leave it with me. I'll deal with her".

After thanking Pepper for her time Bucky and I left hand in hand walking back to his car. We passed Allie's classroom and she smiled and waved happily, Ms Harper saw us both and was suddenly white as a ghost. I couldn't help but smirk at her 'i told you not to mess with my kid' i thought to myself as we continued the walk to the car.

 I couldn't help but smirk at her 'i told you not to mess with my kid' i thought to myself as we continued the walk to the car

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"I come in peace" Steve called through the door before walking in with Rosie. I hadnt spoken to him since dinner the day he asked if i was sleeping with Bucky.
"Hi Steve" i laughed rolling my eyes at how dramatic he was acting.
"Hey sweetheart, are you still mad at me?"
"No, how can i stay mad at that face huh?" I let him pull me in for a quick hug with the arm not holding Rosie.
"Thank you, i promise to keep my mouth shut next time"
"It all worked out okay in the end so dont sweat it" i shrugged.
"Yeah? So you and Bucky....?"
"Are together, so thank you i guess" i chuckled "guess we needed that push to admit to how we both felt"
"You're welcome" Steve smiled looking proud of himself.

Steve came with me to pick the girls up from school later that afternoon, Bucky was at home working, his assistant Chloe was sat on the sofa in his office quietly scrolling through her phone waiting for Bucky to tell her what to do.
"Chloe could you grab me a cup of coffee please?" I heard him ask her as i walked passed the doorway.
"Hey, nanny?" I heard her call from behind me and turned to look her way "Mr Barnes wants a cup of coffee" she said before i could ask what she wanted.
"Im his nanny not his maid, besides he asked you to get it not me" i told her and continued on my way to the kitchen where the girls were sat at the table with Steve colouring.
"So girls what do you want for dinner?" I asked them.
"Spaghetti!" Brooke answered loudly sounding hopeful.
"Okay sure i can do that" i smiled and started to pull out what i needed.
"I want pork chops" Allie bounced in her seat .
"I don't think we have pork chops Al" i said looking through the fridge and freezer.
"But i want pork chops!" She pouted with crossed arms.
"Okay let me see what i can do" i said not wanting to let her down. I headed towards Buckys office to tell him i was popping out to the store but got stopped by Chloe.
"Im sorry but Mr barnes is busy, just because you're his nanny doesn't mean you can just walk in".

Y/N: Your assistant is a pain in the ass! X

Bucky: what did she do? Xx

Y/N: I was coming to tell you that i need to run to the store, Allie wants Pork Chops for dinner but your guard dog wouldn't let me in, said just because I'm your nanny doesn't mean i can just walk into your office xx

Bucky: what a load of bullshit! You can come into my office anytime you want ;)

Y/N: haha!

Bucky: can you come to my office please? Xx

Y/N: Fine I'm on my way xx

As i approached Bucky's office Chloe stopped me again!
"I thought i told you that you cant interrupt Mr Barnes!"
"Bucky asked me to come see him"
"Bucky? Its a bit unprofessional for an employee to use his first name so casually don't you think?"
"Its a good job I'm not just an employee then isn't it" i snapped pushing past her to Bucky's office. I felt her hand grab my arm and spun to face her "you better remove your hand from my arm before i break it" i said through gritted teeth.
Bucky's office door opened and he saw Chloe grabbing my arm.
"Chloe what the fuck do you think you're doing?" He practically growled.
"I told her not to interrupt you sir but she wouldn't listen"
"Let her go, right now! I asked her to come see me"
"Oh....." she released my arm looking a bit sheepish and i walked over to Bucky.
"You okay doll?" He asked rubbing my arm where she had grabbed me before pulling me into his arms.
"Chloe you should go home, its not like you're much help to me here. We'll talk at the office tomorrow"
"Okay" she nodded grabbing her things and making a quick exit.
"She's lucky you opened that door Buck, i would have knocked that bitch out!"
"Im sorry about her babe, i'll talk to her tomorrow don't worry. Ive ordered the pork chops by the way, they'll be here in 20 minutes"
"What? Who's delivering you pork chops?"
"I know a guy" he shrugged pulling me into his office.
"What are you doing Buck i need to start dinner...."
"Ive missed you all day"
"We can't do this now" i laughed as he pulled me down onto the sofa "Steve and the girls are in the kitchen"
"I'll be real quick they wont ever know" he mumbled as he kissed my neck.
"Behave Mr Barnes!" I wriggled off his lap "i'll make it up to you tonight i promise, but we got 3 hungry girls and a Steve to feed right now"
"Fine okay, but i'll hold you to that"
"I should hope so, you done in here?"
"Yeah i'll be out in a minute" he said resting his head back against the sofa as he tugged at the crotch of his pants that had gotten considerably tighter.
"You make it so hard to walk away Buck" i moaned at the sight.
"You just make it so hard doll" he smirked making me laugh.
"Down boy" i winked and quickly left.

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