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After putting the groceries away we had lunch out back and watched the girls run around playing, they would wander over towards the horses every and now then but never got too close. After a couple of hours they were beat and started getting irritable, Rosie had already thrown herself at Bucky and fallen asleep in his arms so we took them all inside for an afternoon nap.

While the girls were asleep Bucky and i started making the fort for movie night later on. This was clearly not Bucky's first rodeo! He was a pro! hanging various sheets around and over the sofa like a tent, god knows how he got them to stay up! Bucky dragged the mattress off the spare bed to lay on the floor infront of the sofa and then we scattered cushions over the floor until it was covered. I pulled some chunky blankets inside too so we could get snuggled later on, it was perfect.
"Well if you ever want a career change Buck you could always be a fort builder" i smiled at him admiring our fort.
"Funny" he chuckled pulling me into his arms "you like it though?"
"I love it! I might keep it like it" i said half serious, i really did love it.
"Wanna try it out before the girls wake up?"
"Hell yeah!" I laughed grabbing his hand and pulling him down to the mattress with me. We were laying side by side, Bucky pulled me so i turned on my side,  half my body resting on his, legs a tangled mess, my head resting on his chest as his left hand traced up and down my back.
"This is real nice" i mumbled stroking my hand over his abs.... there was no dad bod where Bucky was concerned!
"It is. I could happily stay like this all day"
"Me too"
"Hey, how you feeling after seeing Jack? You doing okay?" He asked after a few seconds of silence.
"I was a little shaken up I'm not gonna lie but I'm okay now I'm with you"
"I called Sam, he's going to go have a chat with Jack this evening"
"When did you have time to call him? Ive been with you all the time"
"When you were making lunch and i went to the bathroom" he smiled before placing a kiss on my forehead.
"You're amazing you know that?" I told him truthfully reaching up to place a kiss on his lips.
"You're pretty great yourself" he said with a smirk before he leaned in to kiss me again.

After changing into my pyjamas that consisted of grey sweats and white t-shirt with a dinosaur on, simple but comfortable for family movie night, i headed back downstairs and set out snacks and pizza along with juice boxes for the girls, soda for ...

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After changing into my pyjamas that consisted of grey sweats and white t-shirt with a dinosaur on, simple but comfortable for family movie night, i headed back downstairs and set out snacks and pizza along with juice boxes for the girls, soda for me and Bucky (i had some beers for us to have once the girls were down for the night).
"Okay girls last thing, pyjamas!" I said smiling holding out pyjamas that matched mine, theirs had long grey sleeves though. They squealed happily running over to collect their new pyjamas.
"Oh wow you guys are gonna look great"
Bucky smiled as Brooke and Allie started to change in the middle of the living room. Rosie was in front of Bucky holding up the top half to him to help her change.
"Let me do that, you need to put these on" i smirked handing Bucky a pair in his size.
"You got me some too?... thats so cool! No wonder Steve wanted matching PJ's"

"Yeah but Steve wanted pink unicorn ones! At least you've got dinosaurs" i chuckled as i helped Rosie get changed

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"Yeah but Steve wanted pink unicorn ones! At least you've got dinosaurs" i chuckled as i helped Rosie get changed.
We were soon all snuggled in the fort watching Minions, the girls laughing all the way through. After Minions was Beauty and the Beast. I was laying with my head in Bucky's lap, his hand running through my hair (which i loved by the way!). Rosie was asleep on my chest, Brooke and Allie were laying on their fronts at the bottom of the mattress singing along when i heard a camera noise. I looked up at Bucky to see him looking at his phone smiling.
"Did you just take a photo of us?"
"Yeah, you all look so cute. Plus its me and my girls, i want photo's to remember these times"
"I guess so, they grow up so quick. They're not always gonna wanna make forts and have movies nights"
"They do, but thats not what i meant" he laughed before aiming the phone towards me and snapping another photo.
"I want to remember these times as a family, with you"
"You should be in them too" i said sitting up holding Rosie to my chest being careful not to wake her up. I sat beside Bucky and shifted Rosie slightly.
"Hey girls, come have a photo with us real quick" i said to Brooke and Allie who jumped up and dived at Bucky being careful not to knock Rosie.
Bucky held out his free arm getting us all in frame before snapping a few photo's.
"Beautiful" Bucky smiled scrolling through the photo's he had taken "i definitely need to get this framed"
"Let me see" i smiled leaning over to get a better look.
"I love that! Can you send it to me?"
"Of course doll".

8pm we took the girls up to bed, they had decided they wanted to sleep in the same bed so we put them in the guest room with the double bed. They were asleep in no time clearly exhausted from their day.
"You want a beer?" I asked Bucky as we got back to the living room.
"Id love one"
"I'll go get them, meet you in the fort!" I laughed rushing towards the kitchen.
When i walked back in Bucky had my phone in his hand smiling, he looked up at me when i entered.
"You set the photo as your wallpaper"
"I love that photo Buck"
"Me too" he held up his own phone with matching wallpaper and we laughed.
I crawled up the mattress carefully so i didn't spill any of the beer and sat next to him "what movie do you wanna watch?"
"I plan on kissing you so i don't care what we watch, i wont be paying much attention" he smiled
"Is that so...."
"Ive been dying to get my hands on you all day doll"
"Well I'm not stopping you Buck" i shrugged a shoulder smirking at him. He reached for my beer and put it on the table with his before diving at me.

 He reached for my beer and put it on the table with his before diving at me

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