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Waking up the next morning i headed downstairs to make breakfast for James and the girls, while they were eating i could get ready and then head home. I was surprised to see James at the stove already cooking, a hand towel over one shoulder, the girls already dressed and at the table waiting for their breakfast.
"Morning" James looked up and smiled "have a seat I'm making breakfast"
"Oh.... maybe i should just go and leave you guys to it...." 
"Dont be silly, come on have breakfast with us"
"Okay, i feel a little underdressed though" i mumbled sitting down next to Allie and looking down at my unicorn PJ's i was still wearing.
"You look fine" he chuckled as he plated up the food.
"I was gonna make you guys breakfast and then get dressed while you ate"
"Well looks like i beat you to it" he smirked placing a plate in front of me.
"So it would seem, who would have thought James Barnes could cook"

Once everyone had a plate James took his seat across from me, next to Brooke, Rosie was in her high chair between the two of us at the end of the table. 
"Y/N?" Allie said tapping me on the arm to get my attention.
"Yes sweetheart?"
"Can we still come to your house if daddy says its okay?"
"Of course" i nodded giving her a smile.
"What did i miss?" James asked looking around the table at each of us.
"Last night Allie asked me if i lived here with you guys, i told them no and that i live in a farm house..."
"There's animals daddy!!" Allie said loudly bouncing in her chair.
"The field at the back of my house has horses and the girls wanted to come by and see. I said they could as long as you were okay with that?"
"Yeah i dont see why not, as long as its not a problem for you?"
"No problem at all".

After breakfast i headed up and got changed and grabbed my overnight bag before heading back downstairs, I needed to get home before my new furniture was delivered.
"I can't come into the office today no!" I heard James say on the phone as he paced the living the room "Chloe i have the kids here i cant just leave them. All i asked for was one god damn weekend off with my girls....."
I walked into the living room and got his attention, he pulled the phone away from his ear and gave me his full attention.
"I can take the girls with me if you need to go in?" I offered shrugging a shoulder, its not like i had loads going on when i got home.
"Chloe hold on" James pressed a button on his phone that i assumed was hold and scratched his bearded jaw "are you sure its okay?"
"Yeah its fine"
"I shouldn't be that long a couple of hours tops.... Y/N you are literally saving my ass right now"
"I'll leave my address with you and you can just swing by for the girls when you're done. I'll put a picnic together for them or something"
"Maybe i'll be back in time to join you"
"You're more than welcome James.... i'll grab the girls and head off, i need to get back for my deliveries"
"Okay, thanks again doll"
"Sure" i nodded with a smile and turned to go get the girls.
"Y/N?" He called after me making me turn to face him.
"Its Bucky"
"My name, its Bucky. At least my friends call me Bucky" he said looking a little unsure of himself for the first time since i met him.
"Okay, Bucky" i chuckled a little as i left him to finish his phone call.

I unlocked the back door to take the girls outback to see the horses being as they hadn't shut up about them since we left their house! As soon as the door was open Brooke and Allie took off in a run as i followed carrying Rosie

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I unlocked the back door to take the girls outback to see the horses being as they hadn't shut up about them since we left their house! As soon as the door was open Brooke and Allie took off in a run as i followed carrying Rosie. There were three horses close to the wooden fencing grazing away at the grass.
"What are their names?" Allie asked and i shrugged.
"I dont know, what would you call them?"
"Errrrr i dont know...."
"Id name that one patch.... he's pretty" Brooke smiled pointing to a brown and white horse.
"I like it"
"That one can be coco!" Allie pointed at a brown horse.
"Okay, thats good. And what about old whitey over here" i reached out to stroke the side of the white horses neck.
"Whitey can be his name" Brooke said leaning against the fence watching the horses with a huge smile on her face.

We were soon back inside and i was making some sandwiches for the picnic while the girls watched TV, the doorbell rang and i quickly rushed to the door knowing it would be my sofa delivery... i was so excited to get it, the one that was  already here was awful!
"Hi" i greeted the delivery driver with a smile.
"Sign here" he mumbled without even looking at me, I signed the form and he headed back down the steps towards the van, i thought maybe he was going to put the paperwork away before taking the new sofa inside, maybe he had another guy in the van to help him but no, he got back in the van and started to drive off!!
"Hey!!" I yelled rushing down the steps to try and get his attention but he was gone! "Son of a bitch!" I muttered under my breath looking down at my new sofa, they were supposed to take the old one away and take the new one inside!! Now i had a brand new sofa stuck outside the front of my house!! There was no way in hell id be able to do it on my own.
"Y/N my dad is on the phone for you" Brooke appeared holding my cell phone out to me.
"Thanks sweetheart" i smiled at her and sat down on the porch steps.
"Hey, just thought id check in.... the girls behaving?"
"Yeah they've been great Bucky"
"Good....i should be another hour tops"
"You okay?...."
"Im fine just.... it doesn't matter" i sighed shaking my head.
"Im not buying it doll, tell me whats wrong maybe i can help?"
"Its nothing really.... my new sofa was delivered but they've just left it outside the front of my house! How do they expect me to carry that inside?? i paid extra for someone to take it in and take my old one....."
"They just left it outside?" He asked sounding just as pissed off as i did.
"Yep, lets hope it doesn't rain! I'll deal with it later, I'm gonna go finish preparing the picnic for the girls. We'll see you soon"
"Okay, i'll be there as soon as i can".

Me and the girls were out in the back yard sitting on a large red tartan blanket surrounded by sandwiches, snacks and juice boxes, some of their toys and stuff laying around

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Me and the girls were out in the back yard sitting on a large red tartan blanket surrounded by sandwiches, snacks and juice boxes, some of their toys and stuff laying around... it was a lovely afternoon.
"Who's that man?" Allie suddenly asked pointing towards the house, i turned to see who she was pointing at and felt my stomach flip and not in a good way!
"Girls stay here, Brooke watch your sisters for me" i said getting to my feet and marching towards him.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I asked him shaking my head.
"What do you mean what am i doing here?.... I'm here to see my wife of course" he replied smugly with a shrug of his shoulder.

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