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12 weeks pregnant.

Bucky and I had just come out from my 12 week scan, Dr Forester said everything was looking great which was a huge relief! We were currently sat in the car looking at the newest scan photos.

"i cant believe how much has changed since the last scan! You can actually see they're babies now!" I said shaking my head "The weeks are flying by Buck!""I know! They'll be here in no time" Bucky said his eyes comically wide before he started lau...

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"i cant believe how much has changed since the last scan! You can actually see they're babies now!" I said shaking my head "The weeks are flying by Buck!"
"I know! They'll be here in no time" Bucky said his eyes comically wide before he started laughing "i can't wait".
"Me either, now we just have to tell the girls" i looked over at Bucky biting my lip nervously "do you think they will take it well?"
"You kidding me? They'll be so excited baby"
"Of course!"
"God i hope so" i mumbled as my hand stroked over my tiny bump, it didnt take long before Bucky's hand reached over to join mine.
"You have nothing to worry about i promise" he kissed me quickly "i cant wait for them to know so you stop hiding this cute little bump".
I rolled my eyes at him before chuckling at the man i loved. Bucky was obsessed with the tiny bump i had, his hands resting over it any chance he got.
"Come on lets go break the news".

When we got inside we found Steve fast asleep on the sofa the girls asleep all around him, Rosie was on his chest, Brooke and Allie tucked into each side.
"Oh my god how cute is that" i smiled down at them pulling out my phone to snap a photo.
"They must have had a busy day at school huh" Bucky laughed "Lets get dinner sorted while they sleep, we can tell them later".

We were all sat around the dining room table an hour later eating dinner, Steve stayed too of course! "Daddy can i have some more juice please, im thirsty" Allie looked up at Bucky while tapping his arm

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We were all sat around the dining room table an hour later eating dinner, Steve stayed too of course!
"Daddy can i have some more juice please, im thirsty" Allie looked up at Bucky while tapping his arm.
"Sure sweetheart"
"I'll grab it i'm gonna grab another beer anyway" Steve said pushing his chair back and heading towards the kitchen.
"Grab me one too please" Bucky called after his friend.
"Hey, are these the new scan photo's?" Steve called through before holding up the photo's from todays session as he walked back in with Allie's juice and a couple of beers.
"Yeah take a look" Bucky nodded proudly.
"OMG..... look at that!"
"What are you looking at Uncle Steve?" Brooke asked trying to look over at the photo.
"Um, its a secret" he said with a look of panic on his face, he knew we hadn't said anything to the girls yet and he didn't want to be the one who told them.
"Bucky why don't you tell the girls what Uncle Steve is looking at?"
"Go for it" i chuckled nervously, hoping they would be happy with the news.
"Okay, girls..... Y/N is pregnant! She's gonna be having a baby... two babies actually"
"TWO?!" Brooke asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah sweetheart, its twins" i smiled.
"Oh my god thats so cool!"
"Yeah!.... but wait, am i gonna have more sisters? I really want a brother" Brooke suddenly asked making me Bucky and Steve burst out laughing.
"We don't know yet, its still a little early" Bucky told her as Allie slipped off of her chair and walked over to stand in front of me. She stood there staring down at my belly looking confused.
"You okay babe?" I asked her stroking back some loose bits of hair from her face.
"There's two babies in there?" She asked pointing to my tummy with her head tipped to one side.
"There is"
"How? They wont fit in there"
"They're still really tiny at the moment Al, but they will get alot bigger soon".
She walked closer and put a hand against my tummy before whispering "hi, I'm Allie. Im your big sister"
It was the cutest thing ever!!!
"They can't hear you Allie" Brooke rolled her eyes at her little sister.
"Sure they can!" Bucky added quickly seeing Allie looking like she was about to get upset.
"They can?" Allie asked as she fell into my arms wanting a cuddle.
"Of course! Thats how they know who you are when they're born"
"Sounds stupid" she huffed with attitude giving Allie the stink eye "I hope i have brothers this time"
"We need some more boys around here, Buck and I are outnumbered already" Steve added.
"I totally agree with Steve, but i'll be happy either way" Bucky laughed.
"Well we'll find out soon enough".
Rosie didn't really understand what was going on yet, i think it will effect her more once the twins are here and she's no longer the baby of the family.

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