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Today was Rosie's 3rd birthday and we had arranged a small party for her. She was still at that age where she wasn't quite sure what was going on but she was getting presents and cake! And there was a huge Disney Princess Bouncy Castle in the back yard for the girls and their friends to play on which they absolutely loved!

 She was still at that age where she wasn't quite sure what was going on but she was getting presents and cake! And there was a huge Disney Princess Bouncy Castle in the back yard for the girls and their friends to play on which they absolutely lo...

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Bucky was at the BBQ grilling burgers and hotdogs with Steve and Sam, drinking beers and enjoying the day and
I was sat with Wanda on one of the sun loungers chatting casually while keeping an eye on the kids. There were other friends and family of Bucky's scattered around the garden as well including Bucky's sister Becca.....She had surprised him by turning up this morning for Rosie's birthday.
Brooke and Allie came out the Bouncy Castle with a few of their friends and started running around chasing each other like kids do.
"Girls, stop running someone is going to get hurt...." I heard Bucky say just as Allie tripped landing on her front.
"What did i tell ya...."
Allie sat there looking unsure if she was going to laugh or cry, i sat up on the lounger trying to get a better look at if she was hurt or not. I saw her look at Bucky who was making his way over to her but she got up and run towards me crying.
"Hey pumpkin, are you okay?" I asked pulling her into my lap where she buried her face against my chest and cried. She just shook her head and held her little hands out showing me the small grazes on her palms.
"Shall we go clean them up and get you a band aid?"
Allie just nodded still cuddled into me. I got up re-adjusting Allie so she was sitting on my hip and headed inside with Bucky following behind us.
"Hey sweetheart, you okay?" He asked leaning closer to check on Allie when we were alone in the kitchen with her. She lifted her head so she could see him and then reached out for him. Bucky took Allie running a hand up and down her back soothingly as the crying died down and she just sniffled against him. I grabbed the first aid kit from the cupboard while Bucky was getting Allie settled.
"Okay babe, lets see those hands. You can have flower bandaids or stars" i smiled as i gently took one of her hands and began wiping it over with a antiseptic wipe.
"What one you gonna have?" Bucky asked to keep her attention on him and not me cleaning the small wounds.
"Stars.... they're daddies favourite" she mumbled.
"Wow they are?" I asked with wide eyes "they're my favourite too!"
"Yeah! I like the red stars best" i nodded smiling at them both.
"I like red stars" she said in a small voice as i finished wiping off her hands.
"Well would you look at that, we have two red star ones left. You want these ones?"
"Yeah" she nodded and let me cover the little grazes with the bandaids.
I placed a kiss on each palm once i was done and smiled at her "magic kisses to make them all better".
"Daddy you do it too" she held her hands out to him and he chuckled before placing kisses on both her bandaids.
"Wow daddy kisses are the best Allie! You'll be better in no time" i added sharing a look with Bucky.
"Did daddy kisses make you better when you were sick?"
"They sure did Al, I'm better now right?"
"Yeah" she nodded a smile finally creeping back onto her face "i think I'm okay now.... can i go play?"
"Sure sweetheart, no running this time though, be careful" he brushed a hand through her hair before letting her go off to play again.
"Magic daddy kisses huh?" Bucky looked at me wiggling his eyebrows at me smugly.
"Oh Buck you have no idea" i smiled leaning forward and kissing him quickly "the things you can do with that mouth...." i bit my lip and moaned at the thought.
"Right back atcha doll" he pulled me into his arms his hands trailing up under my t-shirt.
"Okay lets stop this before we get carried away" i giggled pulling his hands away "we have a house full of guests and kids. This will have to wait"
"Fine!" he grumbled grabbing me for one more kiss before turning to go back outside.
"You coming?"
"Yeah i just wanna find my phone to get some photos of the girls" i said looking around the kitchen, i was sure i left it in the kitchen charging but it wasn't there. Maybe i left it in the bedroom when i was getting ready. I turned and headed upstairs looking on the vanity that Bucky had set up in there for me but it wasn't there, i checked in the bathroom and nothing. Maybe i missed it downstairs..... i turned around to make my way downstairs and saw my phone in the middle of the bed.
"Huh" i huffed grabbing it and tucking it into the back pocket of my jean shorts, maybe Bucky or one of the girls had moved it.

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