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Walking into the Barnes house Brooke and Allie ran straight for their Uncle Steve, both diving onto his lap clearly happy to see him.
"How are my favorite girls today?" Steve asked them with a huge smile, he really did love these girls it was cute.
"I had a picnic with Y/N at school, it was so much fun"
"You did huh? That sounds fun, maybe Y/N will have a picnic with me one day?"
He winked at me making me shake my head.
"I've already had a picnic with you Steve" i said dropping my purse and the girls school bags in the corner.
"That doesn't count though, that was a family picnic"
I could see Bucky looking at Steve in confusion then at me, i rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen.
"I'll make dinner, then i'll get out of your hair for the weekend Buck" i said over my shoulder.
"No don't worry about dinner i'll just order pizza tonight"
"Okay, well i'll be heading off then" i smiled turning to grab my purse.
"You should stay for dinner" Bucky said quickly with a hand on my arm "as a thank you for today"
"Yeah! please stay Y/N" Brooke said bouncing in her chair "we like having you eat dinner with us"
"Come on doll, what else will you be doing if you go home?"
"Probably just watch a movie and crash on the sofa after drinking too much wine" i scoffed "fine, i'll stay for pizza but then i have to go before you start getting bored of me"
"Never gonna happen" Bucky laughed "you staying too punk?" He asked turning to Steve.
"Sure, I'm not one to turn down pizza".

Dinner felt so awkward with Steve there after he had asked me if i was sleeping with Bucky. Normally things were so easy and comfortable around Bucky and the girls but tonight was anything but. I felt like i had to watch what i said and how i acted and i just ended up feeling so awkward!
"You okay tonight, you've been quiet" Bucky asked taking a mouthful of his beer.
"Me? No I'm fine just tired i guess" i gave him a tight lipped smiled "actually I'm gonna head home Buck"
"Already? But its still early.... you don't have to go"
"Its probably better if i go now before i get too tired, don't wanna be driving and falling asleep now do i" i stood up and grabbed my purse from the floor in the corner of the living room and rummaged for my car keys.
"You boys have fun, i'll see you Monday" i smiled and made my way out to the car.
"Y/N wait" Bucky was suddenly following me outside, i let out a deep breath before turning to face him with a smile "yeah Buck? Whats up?"
"I just wanted to make sure you're really okay? Has something happened? Did i say something to upset you....."
"What? No Buck. You haven't done anything i swear, I'm just tired. I get a little....." i waved my hand in front of me not knowing what to say "you know, when I'm tired. I'll be fine after a few hours sleep, recharge my batteries"
"Okay, you'd tell me if it was something more though right?"
"Of course"
"Well just call me if you need anything?"
"Sure, goodnight. Have a nice weekend with the girls" i smiled before climbing into my car and driving away.

 Have a nice weekend with the girls" i smiled before climbing into my car and driving away

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I couldn't help but over think everything, usually Y/N was so chatty and happy but tonight she'd been quiet, distant even. Nervously shifting in her chair throughout dinner, barely looking at me.... she wouldn't even make eye contact with me for christ sake!
"She okay?" Steve asked when i walked back into the house.
"She says she is, just tired apparently"
"You don't believe her?"
"No" i shook my head "its always so natural with her here usually, we get along great and chat... even after the girls are in bed we'll sit and have a coffee and just hang out..... tonight it was like she couldn't wait to get away from us" i fell down onto the sofa with a sigh "she wouldn't even look at me man.... what if I've done something to upset her?? What if she leaves us??" I say starting to panic at the thought of Y/N leaving.
"Come on Buck, you're over reacting pal. For one, Y/N wouldn't leave you guys she loves you. And second, what could you have possibly done?"
"Maybe it was too much at the school... but it cant be that she seemed fine at the school. It was when we got home"
"What happened at the school?" Steve asks raising his eyebrows.
"Joanne Harper is what happened at the school!" I groaned throwing my head back on the cushion "that bitch is pissed that i turned her down and is doing everything she can to make Allies school day hell"
"What did she do now?"
"Y/N heard her telling Allie she shouldn't be at a mother daughter picnic because she doesn't have a mom" i tell Steve clenching my fists at the thought of this woman being so spiteful to my baby girl.
"She did what now??" Steve was pissed!
"Yep, Y/N put her in her place though, said she'd knock Joanne on her ass"
"She really loves those girls" Steve said smiling at me "i can imagine her doing it, Joanne wants to watch her back. Y/N's like a lioness protecting her cubs" he laughed.
"I gotta admit Steve, i love having her in our lives. I love how she treats my girls, she's the closest thing to a mom they've had in a while"
"And you're sure its all just about the girls?..."
"What do you mean?"
"Im just saying you seem pretty smitten Buck" i couldn't help but notice Steve looked smug as fuck!
"What you trying to get at Steve?" I asked feeling defensive all of a sudden.
"Im just saying it'd be okay if you wanted to ask Y/N out"
"W..who said i wanted to ask her out? She's our nanny for christ sakes Steve!"
My heart was racing all of a sudden.
"Buck you guys are practically together minus the sex" he scoffed "you're raising kids together, she cooks you dinner every night when she only has to do the girls......"
"She's just being nice...." was he right?? Was there something more between us but we're both blind to it?
"Sure she is pal"
"still doesn't explain why she was distant though..."
"Oh fuck it, that could be my fault" Steve said dropping his face into his hands and groaning.
"Steve..... what the fuck did you do?" I asked suddenly feeling nervous.
"I said how id noticed the two of you were getting kinda close... then i kinda asked if you and her were sleeping together"
"You did what??!" i whisper yelled sitting up on the sofa to look at him "why would you do that??"
"I told her i thought you guys were good for each other and that it would be okay if something was going on...."
"Steve why would you do that?" I run my hands through my hair in frustration "now she feels weird around me!"
"Honestly i don't think its you.... its me"
"Well you said she was fine with you at the school right?"
"Yeah" i shrugged not following what he was getting at.
"She only shut down when you got home, when you got home and i was here. Maybe she felt awkward around you because of what i said"
"She probably thought you'd be judging every little thing she did" i closed my eyes and sighed shaking my head at Steve "i have to go talk to her.....i need you to stay here with the girls"
"Maybe i should go talk to her, I'm the one that made this mess..."
"I think you've done enough Steve" i rolled my eyes at my oldest friend as i grabbed my jacket and car keys and headed out to my car.

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