One Year Later...

Start from the beginning

"I had to get something," Oliver said. He glanced over at Joe and Eddie, who were smiling encouragingly at him. They were the only ones who knew what he planned to do. Joe, being the father figure to Barry, was very happy with Oliver's decision, and Eddie, being Iris' boyfriend, was also supportive about it.

After eating the assortment of sandwiches, hotdogs, salads, and cupcakes, the group began talking about anything and everything. They discussed how crime had lowered in Star City and Central City. They debated on what drink from C.C. Jitters was the best.

Eventually, and Oliver knew that it would happen, Joe and Eddie pulled him to the side and away from the others.

"When are you going to do it?" Joe inquired, glancing at Oliver's coat pocket, where he was fidgeting with the velvet box.

Oliver gazed behind the pair of men, watching his lover laugh at a joke or whatever it was. And he smiled. Even though he didn't catch the joke, just watching Barry laugh without the sound was enough to make him want to laugh along. He felt as if he fell in love with the speedster again and again every day. It always felt so fresh and new, and it would never get old.

"Oliver?" Eddie waved his hand in front of the anxiety filled man's face, bringing him back to reality. "We both know you're nervous, but we've got your back. And it's not like Barry will say no. He loves you so much. Whenever I chat with him, we end up talking about how much he loves you. So yeah, he won't say no. And even if he does, you've got a shoulder to cry on." Eddie patted his shoulder, grinning widely.

"Two shoulders, actually." Joe said, stepping forward. "In case one isn't comfortable enough. And Eddie's got a bony shoulder, so mines probably better anyways."

"Hey! My shoulder has the perfect ratio of bone, fat, and muscle, thank you very much!" Oliver chuckled He was glad that they were so supportive, even though he didn't even know one of them very well.

"Thanks for the shoulders, guys. I appreciate it."


An hour passed, and the sun was beginning to set. Barry stood up, saying that he had laundry to do. Eddie and Joe glanced at Oliver, who began panicking and quickly raced over to his boyfriend, who was about to speed off.

"Wait! Bear!"

Barry turned, raising an eyebrow at Oliver, who was practically dripping with anxiety. "You alright, Ollie?" He rested a hand on Oliver's cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. Oliver leaned into the touch, almost forgetting what he was trying to do. Then it all came back to him when he realized that everyone was staring at them, even some people who were walking in the park and weren't a part of their group. He could feel Joe and Eddie willing him to continue.

"Oh! Well, I have something very important to ask you." Oliver looked at their group and a few other curious people who were now surrounding them. Instead of freaking out again, he took a deep breath and continued, blocking everyone else out.

"This year that we've been together had been the best year of my life. And I don't ever want it to end. I want to wake up beside you every morning for the rest of our lives. I want to make you breakfast every morning just to see your beautiful eyes opening and sparkling when you see the breakfast that I tried my absolute best on. And in advance, sorry if it's burnt. I want to be the person in your life who you live the most forever, because you already are to me, and you have been for a whole year. Um... I had a whole speech planned out for this, but it's all flown out of my head now. But I hope you get it. I love you so, so, so much. So, Bartholemew Allen..."

Oliver slowly bent down onto one knee, taking the velvet box out of his pocket, and holding it out. Barry's eyes widened and sparkled just how Oliver said they did, and his hands went up to cover his gaping mouth. A collective of gasps reached Oliver's ears. At least 15 people who weren't in their group were now watching.

"Will you marry me?"

Barry removed his hands from his mouth, revealing a pearly white smile. "Yes, a thousand times yes!"

And the people cheered as Oliver slipped the silver band on Barry's left ring finger. He stood up, and was immediately pulled into a high by his boyfriend... fiancé. Then they shared a sweet, passionate kiss, not caring about the people around them, drowning out their cheers. And even Sebastian, though he would never admit it, was happy for them. But he wasn't excited to be around for the after marriage sex.

So maybe relationships could never be perfect, but moments like these make up for everything.


I don't know if any of you really wanted this, but there you go. 2000 words that, when put in a certain order, create a chapter to a story. Let me know if you want me to write anything else (Wedding planning? Wedding? Honeymoon?)

The Reunion: December 9, 2018
The Engagement: February 17, 2020

A New Run (ARROW+FLASH+GLEE) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now