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Joe realized that the mail was on the table, so Barry must be home. He went upstairs to check on him.

Barry's door was shut. "Barry? It's Joe," Joe said. There was no answer. "Barry?" He turned the doorknob, but the door was locked. Joe went downstairs, opened a cabinet, and grabbed a key. He went to Barry's room, and unlocked the door.

Barry wasn't there.

Joe called Caitlin. "Hey, is Barry at S.T.A.R. Labs?"

"No. I haven't seen him since the party." Caitlin's voice said.

"Okay. He's not home either," Joe said. Caitlin was silent for a while.

"What do you mean... was he kidnapped?"

"I don't know, I just can't find him." Joe said. He hoped Barry wasn't kidnapped, but he probably was.

"Joe, come to S.T.A.R. Labs."


When Joe got to S.T.A.R.S Labs, everyone else was already there. Cisco, Caitlin, Eddie, Iris, and Harry. So were Oliver and Felicity.

"You have to find him," Oliver growled. Joe realized Oliver doesn't want Barry to be hurt. He found it cute that Oliver was protective of the forensic scientist.

"We're doing everything we can." Caitlin said.

"Are we even sure he was kidnapped?" Felicity asked. It was a very irrational conclusion to jump to.

"His door was locked, so that must have been where he was taken." Joe said. Caitlin looked at him.

"Then that's where we should look!" Caitlin said.

"Caitlin, Cisco, Felicity, and Hairy will stay here to track him. The rest of us will look for clues in the house." Iris ordered.

So Joe, Iris, Oliver, and Eddie went back to Joe's house. They would do this Scooby-Doo style.


"This is ridiculous!" Harry shouted. He banged his fist on the desk, nearly making Cisco's coffee spill.

"Hey, chill dude! It's okay, we'll find him!" Cisco yelled, picking up his mug. Sometimes Cisco is still a little scared of Harry, since he looked like the man who killed him in another timeline.

"No Ramon, it's not okay! Barry is missing, and there are still bad guys running around this city! Now we have to rely on the police, who can't handle this city without the Flash. Now tell me it's okay, Ramon! Tell me!" Harry yelled. Cisco was getting angry now. Why did he always have to make everything worse?

"Okay, first off, rude! Barry's not the only super hero around here! Remember me?" Cisco said.

"I don't think a guy with a shirt that says, "Tacocat Spelled Backwards is Tacocat" can protect this city alone!" Harry said. Cisco looked down at his shirt, his face turning crimson red.

"Hey, stop fighting you two! You're supposed to be tracking Barry." Caitlin said. She and Felicity were getting some coffee at Jitter's, having faith they could leave the boys alone. But apparently they were wrong.

Felicity glanced at the computer. "Uh, guys? Something came up." Everyone turned to the computer.

"It's Barry!" Cisco yelled. The red dot that represented the hero was in a warehouse near the CCPD. Well, at least, he was. The red dot was jumping from one building, to another.

"No. It's just a glitch," Caitlin said. "It's not him."


"Okay, I guess we should spread out. Joe and I will go upstairs," Eddie said. Joe nodded.

The first room he checked was Barry's room, for obvious reasons. Joe imediatly saw Barry's closet was open, and his sock drawer was pulled out. He walked to the closet, and looked in the drawer. There was a mixture of socks and letters.


Joe pulled out the letter on the top, which was probably new. It was adressed to Sebastian Smythe. Why would Barry have letters adressed to Sebastian Smythe?

The letter was an invitation to a reunion from Barry's high school. It was from someone named Nick.

Did Barry get this letter today? He did check the mail.

Joe found an older letter, which was also adressed to Sebastian Smythe. Who is Sebastian Smythe? He read this one, as well.

Dear Sebastian,

I know if you won't reply to Nick or Wes, you probably won't reply to me. But are you at least getting the letters? We were really worried when you disappeared after highschool. We really want to hear from you. Also, you can call me if you want.


There was a phone number attached to the letter.

"Guys? I may have found something." Joe yelled. Eddie, Iris, and Oliver rushed into Barry's room.

"What is it?" Oliver asked.

"Barry's closet door and sock drawer were open when I came in. And look in the sock drawer!" Joe pointed to the closet. Eddie was the first person to get there.

"Letters?" He asked. "Why does Barry have letters?"

"And why are they addressed to Sebastian Smythe?" Iris picked up a letter.

Joe held up the letter with the phone number. "This letter was sent by someone named Blaine, and he put his phone number in it." Joe said.

"Call the number." Oliver said. Everyone looked at him.

"Are you crazy?" Iris asked. "For all we know, Barry could be getting these letters on accident!"

"But what if he isn't?" Oliver said. Joe groaned.

"Fine. I'm calling the number." He said. Then, he took out his phone, and dialed the number.






Barry woke up in a dark room. It reminded him of prison. His wrists and ankles were tied to a chair. Other than that, the room was empty.

"You're finally awake. That drug was only supposed to last an hour!" a familiar voice spoke out of the darkness.

"Snart?" Barry's throat was dry, and he needed some water.

Snart stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a winter jacket with a fur hood, and his glasses.

"Why am I here?" Barry asked.

"I want to learn about your past, and I thought it would be fun to torture you." Snart replied. Then, he shot his cold gun at Barry.

Everything slowed down, except for Barry. But he knew he couldn't stop what was about to happen.

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