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"Aaahhh!" The cold hit him, and Barry could only watch, he couldn't run. He didn't know why, but something was stopping him.

"Why exactly are you doing this? It doesn't make sense." Barry said. He tried to act calm, but he was panicking on the inside.

But Snart only laughed. "This is golden! I finally kidnap the Flash!"

Barry was confused. He had a lot of questions. "Aren't you supposed to be... dead? And not a bad guy?"

Snart died saving his friends. He was a fugitive at first, but Barry changed him, and he was a hero. So why is Snart here?

"The Legends had to stop in my time, while I was trying to learn more about you. So I hitched a ride to this time. But before, I found a video of Sebastian Smythe." Snart said.

Barry gulped. "Wh-who's Sebastian Smythe?"

Snart laughed. "Don't play dumb with me, Allen. Or are you really Sebastian Smythe?"

"What do you want?" Barry asked. He thought Snart might be threatening him.

"You're a good singer, Smythe."

"My name isn't Smythe. Now what do you want?"

"I just like getting on your nerves! And I'm bored," Snart said. Barry snorted.

"Please, you don't just kidnap people because you're bored. What's your plan?"

Snart thought for a moment. "I'm going to tell your friends about Sebastian. And yes, you're staying here, where you can't stop me."

Snart fired his gun for the second time, aiming at Barry's chest. He winced. Anyone else would be dead by now, but Barry already knew he was healing.

"You just made that up," Barry said. The videos were only from regionals. They never showed how terrible Sebastian really was. But if his friends knew about the videos, there would be questions. And Barry would eventually tell them everything. He wasn't sure if they would forgive him.

"You looked scared, though. Hmm, what did Barry Allen do in high school? Or... Sebastian Smythe?"

"Just stop, and let me go. You know I'll find a way to stop you," Barry smirked. It was the trademark Sebastian Smythe smirk. The one he always wore.

The one Barry forbid himself to wear.

Yet, here he is.

Flashing that old smirk, that always meant trouble. And that's when Snart knew it. He had a vague idea of what Barry, or Sebastian had done in high school. Manly because that's how his high school was. Maybe he had more things in common with Barry than he thought. Or maybe it was Sebastian.

"I can see it now. You, of all people, were a bully. And now everything is coming together. What would your friends say?" Snart said.

Barry was shocked. Is he that easy to read? It was the smirk. That evil smirk, was going against him.

He was too lost to see Snart holding a syringe, filled with a neon green liquid, and thrusting it into Barry's leg.

It happened too quick for Barry to fully understand what happened. He didn't realize what Snart did, no time to react. His body felt numb, and he understood now. But, he was too weak to do anything. And the last thing he heard was Snart's voice.

"Goodnight, Scarlet."


"Blaine, what are you doing? We need to get ready for the reunion! We're leaving tomorrow!" Kurt was impatient, wanting to finish the packing early.

They had a lot of time. They were leaving three weeks before the actual reunion, it was an excuse to get away from New York.

Blaine was busy on his phone, staring at the group chat, where everyone was confirming their presence. He and Kurt already informed they would show up, and so had many others. But Mercedes, Santana, Brittany, and some Warblers still hadn't replied. They would probably show up, anyways.

It was a reunion for all Glee members during Mr. Shuester's time teaching. Anyone who was in the Glee club before the school turned into an all arts school.

"Sorry. I'm just... excited," Blaine mumbled.

That's when the call came through. Blaine looked at the number, it wasn't from New York. But, he accepted it anyways.


"Hello? This is CCPD. I'd like to ask some questions."

"Um... okay?"

"Do you know anything about Sebastian Smythe?"

"Um, yes. Sebastian Smythe went to the same school as me until I transferred." Kurt was interested now. Why was the person calling Blaine ask about Sebastian?

"What about Barry Allen? Do you know him?"

"Uh, nope. I've never heard that name before. Unless you mean Henry Allen's son? I've never met him, though."

Blaine could hear the man sigh through the phone. "Okay, thanks." Then the man hung up.

"Well, that was strange." Blaine smiled at Kurt, pretending no one had asked about their high school bully.


"Apparently, Sebastian Smythe went to the same school as Blaine," Joe said.

"That doesn't explain why Barry has his letters!" Iris said. She was clearly getting annoyed. Eddie put a hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe Barry is just getting someone else's mail?" He suggested.

"That makes sense. I guess we don't need to let the others know about it, then," Oliver said. "Now, can we go see if they found Barry?"


"Guys! I was just about to call you! Come look!" Felicity yelled when they came back to Star labs.

The tracker showed a red dot. It was like the other one, but this wasn't moving. Barry was in a warehouse near the edge of Central City.

"I'll go. I can get him," Oliver said immediatly.

"Okay, really? I'm a superhero too! I'm also going." Cisco said.

"Fine, but I'm in charge."




"Will you guys just go already?" Caitlin yelled.

"Fine." Cisco and Oliver said in unison. Then, they got changed for whatever might happen. It could just be a mugger, or something worse.

A New Run (ARROW+FLASH+GLEE) *COMPLETED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ