Identity Slip

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It was clear that Barry needed to find Caitlin. He tried to call her, but it imediatly went to voicemail. Iris called her, and told Barry that Caitlin  couldn't be reached. She also turned off the GPS on her phone.

Cisco tried to vibe her, but that didn't work either.

"She wouldn't just leave Central, would she?" Barry asked. Cisco sighed.

"I don't know. Caitlin's somehow blocking my vibes."

Barry felt a vibrate from his phone. Iris texted him to go to Jitters.

One he was there, Iris greeted him with a hug. "Your friends are wondering about you," She pointed to the far corner. Blaine, Nick, and Jeff were sitting at a table for four people.

Barry groaned, thinking about the other day. After admitting to Blaine that he was the Flash, he made a run for it. It has been two days, making the reunion the day after tomorrow. "They said you were their friend, and you promised to get coffee with them today. And that you're late," Iris explained.

He walked over to their table, and sat down in the empty chair. "What do you guys want?"

"We want to talk about the you-know-what that happened and how you're you-know-who," Jeff said. Barry glared at him. "We also need to say sorry."

"What did you do?" Barry asked.

"We may or may not have kind of... accidentally told all the Warblers about you!" Nick rambled.

"WHAT?" Barry yelled. Some people looked back at them. "Let's go somewhere else to talk."


Rachel had gotten most of the New Directions to meet her at the reunion place. "I was thinking that since we have to share our reunion with the Warblers, the New Directions can have a before-the-reunion reunion."

"What's the point?" Santana asked. "This whole week has basically been a reunion!"

"Well if that's true, did you know that I—" Rachel started.

"You're doing a rerun of Funny Girl! You told me that already," Santana cut her off. Rachel frowned.

Suddenly, a gunshot went off. "Hide under the tables!" Quinn yelled. Everyone screamed and ran to different tables, trying to squeeze under them. Puck carried Artie out of his wheelchair and sat him beside Tina, who was crying.

"This b-brings back b-bad memories," she sniffled.

After making sure everyone was safe, Puck got under a table with Brittany. "Wasn't Santana with you?" he whispered.

Brittany nodded, her face pale. "She was right here, but I think she left..."

Puck cursed and crawled out from under the table. He had a clear view of Santana standing in front of six men dressed in black suits and black ski masks. They each were armed with tiny pistols.

"Santana!" It was Rachel's voice. She ran over to her friend. Brittany looked at Puck apologetically, and followed Rachel.  Puck ran to the girls, and tried to shield them. He heard someone whisper his name, and Quinn came into view.

"Tie them up," said a voice behind the six men. The men separated, revealing another man. He was wearing a blood red jacket, his eyes glowed green under the hood.

Five of his minions grabbed Puck, Rachel, Santana, Quinn and Brittany. The sixth went outside, and he came back with five rolls of climbing rope. Twenty more people in ski masks entered the room, each holding a roll of rope. They went to all the tables and tied up the former Glee members who hid underneath them.

All the Glee members were tied together on the stage. "Now," the leader said, "at least one of you knows the identity of the Flash."


"We're sorry! It kind of just slipped!" Jeff apologised. Blaine had to leave for some New Direction business, and only Jeff and Nick were there.

"How could you just tell two dozen people that I'm the Flash?" Barry yelled at them.

"Some of them are pretty slow, so they might not have caught on." Nick said.

"And we weren't being that obvious!" Jeff said.

Barry's phone buzzed. A crime was happening at... the place where the reunion was at?

"I have to go," Barry said.

"Oohhh, Flash business?" Jeff fawned. He stood up.

"Yes, and you are not coming." Barry replied.

He sped the three out of Star Labs, and ran towards the crime.

"Come on!" Jeff yelled.


Barry arrived at the crime, paling visibly when he saw all off his former enemies tied up on the stage. Only a few people were missing, like Marley and a few other people he saw at the concert, but did not know the name of. Blaine was there, though.

"Ah, Flash! You're just in time," a man in a red hood said.

"Why are you doing this?" Barry asked. He noticed a figure who was tied up away from everyone else. She has ginger hair. It was Caitlin.

The man followed his gaze. "You know her? We couldn't get her to say anything about you."

Caitlin tried to say something, but her mouth was covered in duck tape.

Barry suddenly felt angry at those people for trying to use his friends as bait. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know your identity. If you tell me this, your friends will be free. If not, well..." As if on cue, twenty or so men in black robber type outfits appeared from the shadows. They pointed their pistols at random Glee club member. One pointed his weapon at Rachel, who gasped in fear.

He smiled, and put his finger on the trigger.

Barry sped to the guy, and took his pistol. It seemed easy to beat these men. He underestimated them, though. As soon as the lightning was trailing behind him, the men attacked him. Their leader lifted his hood, raising his hands. It seemed as if time slowed, but only for Barry.

He's dampening my powers, Barry thought. The leader signaled for his minions to grab Barry. He tried to get away, but the Meta dampened his powers too much.

One person accidentally loosened his grip, and Barry tried to get away with the ounce of speed he still had. But it wasn't fast enough. The Meta grabbed one of his minion's pistols and shot him. Barry groaned in pain, and fell.

"So," the Meta said, "who are you, Flash?"


I didn't have much time to make this, so I hope it doesn't seem rushed. Yesterday I almost forgot to update, but I didn't have enough time to finish this chapter anyway. Sorry about that!

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