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"I... have to go!" Barry said, running off the stage.

"Coward!" Santana yelled after him.

Rewind snapped her fingers.


"Cowa– crap!"

The metahuman laughed. "I could do this all day!" The New Directions and Warblers were all on the stage now. Suddenly, there was a streak of scarlet light, and in front of the stage, stood the Flash. "Welcome, Flash!" Rewind greeted.

"What do you want, Rewind?"

"It's like we've known each other forever. And yet, we've never met! Take off the mask." She demanded. Flash started running towards Rewind.

Santana couldn't believe what she was seeing. First, the man in the suit was running so fast, you couldn't see him! Second, once he got almost arms length away from the girl, she raised her arms. The Flash was teleported back to his starting point, still running.

"I could do this over–" He was teleported again.

"And over–" Again, the speedster rewinded.

"And over again!"


"Guys, I can't stop running!"

"Barry, try running faster!" Cisco yelled from the comms.

He did, but that really didn't work. The next time he teleported, it was way too far back.



Barry opened his eyes. He was in the old Warbler practice rooms. "-worst idea ever, Sebastian. Why would you slushy Blaine like that? What was in the slushy, huh? Are you even listening to me?" Nick was trying to talk to him.

"What the..." Barry started, he didn't know what to say.

"So you weren't listening, then. It's really not a surprise! I told you not to do the slushy, but you didn't listen!" Nick continued.

"What– Is this a dream or... a practical joke?" Barry asked, more to himself though.

"You idiot!" Nick yelled.

"Nick, calm down," Jeff said, "Sebastian has had enough yelling at."

Nick made some sort of strangled growled noise, then punched the captain in the face. "Dude!" Barry yelled. What was going on? Why was he here? Maybe he went too far back in time?

He stopped thinking about that when he realized how badly his nose was bleeding. In just a few seconds, his uniform was almost covered in blood. Nick must have been really angry to do that.

"Apologize to them, or the council will kick you out of the captain position!" He yelled.

Barry had to stay calm, it was just a middle school fight... "Oh really? Last time I checked, there was no council! You have not right to punch me! Get out!" He yelled at Nick. Nick shrugged, muttering something about the Warblers not being the same, and left.

He screwed up, didn't he? Just that could change the whole timeline. Maybe Nick was leaving the Warblers, and wouldn't be at the reunion. Or maybe he was angry at Barry and went to Central City, turned into a meta, and was out to kill him?

Okay, maybe not that. But Barry went to find Nick anyways.


"Nick? Are you here?" It was the last place Nick could be, his dorm he shared with Jeff.


"I'm coming in," Barry said. He opened the door.

Nick was still in his school clothes, lying on Jeff's bed. "Nick, I'm sorry... Why aren't you in your own bed?" Barry asked.

"I-It smells like Jeff," Nick whimpered. Barry could tell he was crying.

"Please come back to practice, we need you. I'll apologize to Blaine and his friends. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry." he apologized. Nick just nodded, stood up, and walked out the door.

He stopped just before walking out of Barry's sight. "Aren't you coming? I'm driving you to the Lima Bean. Text Blaine to get all the people you hurt to meet us there."


"F-first of all, Blaine I am sorry about your eye." He didn't know what to say. Nick just said to apologise, and to tell them he wasn't Micheal, and dedicating the preformance to Dave. It was years ago when this all happened, so he couldn't remember what Sebastian would have said.

"That means nothing to me," Blaine said.

"Just give me a chance. I have no excuses other than a lame prank got completely out of control. Second, the Finn photos have all been destroyed. I want the Warblers to win fair and square. And, we're gonna take donations for Lady Gaga's Born This Way foundation. Win, lose, or draw, we're gonna dedicate our preformance to Dave Karofsky." He paused. No one said anything, so he continued. "I thought you might want to join us."

Kurt leaned over to Blaine "Wait for the punch, you know it's coming."

Barry shook his head. Was he really that bad in high school? "No, not this time. For too long I have treated everything like a big joke." He remembered when he talked to Dave at Scandals.

"So, how do you get a guy to like you?"

"You get a guy? Please."

"Why? What's wrong with me?

"First off you're about a hundred pounds overweight. Quit waxing your eyebrows, it makes you look like  Liberace. In fact, just... stay in the closet buddy."

Barry looked at the group of New Directions. "It's all fun and games," he said, "until it's not."


He had to get back to present time. Spending a day in the past was bad enough, what if everything changed? What if the demons were looking for him? Was he even fast enough to get back?

Of course he was. What was Barry thinking? If he could go back to save his mother and return, he could definitely go 5 or so years into the future.

Running into the Dalton parking lot where Barry knew was empty, he got prepared to run back to the present time.

"Sebastian?" Barry turned around. Blaine was leaning on his car door. Did he just see that?

"Y-You weren't supposed to see that! Don't say anything to anyone!" was all he came up with. He started running, knowing that he really screwed things up.


When Barry ran through the breach, something very... weird happened. Before Rewind could do anything to him, a bullet hit her, and she fell down unconscious. "Bullseye!" a familiar voice yelled.

Cisco ran to the limp body, and put meta human cuffs around her wrists. When he realized everyone was staring at him, he yelled, "Continue!" and breached back to wherever he came from, probably Star Labs.


Barry was backstage, saying hi to some Warblers, and steering clear of the New Directions. He felt someone touch his shoulder, and looked around. "Can we talk in private?" Blaine asked.


Another chapter! Another great day! Another invisible dollar! And another new reader!

That's my new chapter end. So, comment ideas about stuff. I'm so glad people are commenting ideas. If I haven't done an idea yet, it's because I haven't found a way to fit it in yet, or have planned for it to be in another chapter. I always try to tag the idea person.

A New Run (ARROW+FLASH+GLEE) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now