The Reunion

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And now...
What you've all been waiting for!
I think...

The Reunion

"Hurry up, or we'll be late!" Iris yelled. The reunion was going to start in 30 minutes.

The truth is, Barry was nervous. Almost everyone who was in Glee knows he is the Flash, and all of his friends know about his past. There were no more secrets to keep, and frankly, Barry felt a little insecure about all of it.

So yeah, he was right to be nervous. And yes, he was stalling because of it.

Oliver was waiting outside on his motorcycle, and he knew Barry was stalling. It wasn't too hard to see that, since his boyfriend had been choosing between two ties that looked almost exactly the same.

"Okay! I think I'm ready!" Barry yelled to Iris. He opened his bedroom door. Standing outside his door, Iris was wearing a purple dress. They were told it wasn't a fancy reunion, but Iris insisted that Barry should made a good impression.

"Which tie is better, this black one with grey dots or this black one with light grey dots?" Barry asked Iris. She sighed, putting her face in her hands.

"Just pick one! Or ask Oliver!" Iris whined. "We're going to be late, and I really want to meet your friends!"

So, Barry went outside and asked Oliver, who basically said the same thing.

And with that, they headed for the reunion, Iris in Eddie's car, who was dropping her off, and Oliver and Barry on the motorcycle.

(And if you're wondering, Barry chose the black tie with light grey polka dots.)


Along with the Glee club members, family and friends came to the reunion. Jeff and Nick were preforming a duet on the stage. Blaine was with Kurt at the entrance, welcoming people.

"Hello, sir!" Kurt greeted Cisco. "Hello, ma'am! Wow, that's a beautiful dress! Is it designer?" He stared in awe at Iris's dress.

"Well, yes actually! It's made from silk and..." Barry didn't listen to the rest, because he could see Blaine staring at him.

Oliver put his hand on Barry's shoulder. "Are you going in?" he asked. Barry broke out of his trance, nodded, and walked in.

"Uh, hi." Blaine greeted the couple. Neither responded, and just continued towards the snack table. Santana and Brittany were there, raiding the plate of salad saltines. Brittany turned around, tapped on Santana's shoulder, and they both left, their mouths stuffed with the saltines.

"I think everyone either hates me, or are confused about me being a superhero," Barry commented.

"Probably the latter." Oliver said.

They both got plates and took food from the selection, then found an empty table to sit at. Rachel walked over to their table, and her face visibly paled. "Sorry, I'll just sit somewhere else." She reached down onto a chair, and grabbed her bag.

"No, it's fine! You can—" Barry started, but Rachel already left to sit with Quinn and Puck. "Well, that's just kind of weird, since I practically saved her life. And almost everyone else in this place. And what do I get? Shunned." he mumbled.

Eventually, Caitlin, Iris, and Cisco sat down at the table with them. "Wow, your friends are so cool! I'm so glad I wore this dress," Iris said, probably mainly talking about Kurt. "One of them works for! He said he could get me in touch with his boss! I could end up..."

Someone was standing behind Barry, he could feel their eyes staring into his back. He looked over his shoulder, and Blaine was standing there. Blaine made a hand gestures for Barry to follow him. "I'll be right back," he said, standing up and pushing in his chair.

"But wait! You won't get to hear about how Vogue could—" Barry was already following Blaine.


"I'm sorry everyone found out about your powers," Blaine said. "It was all my fault!"

"No it wasn't. Even if you weren't there, I would have still had to tell them my identity." Barry assured him.

"Well, even if it wasn't my fault, I can make it up to you! I signed us up for a duet after Santana and Brittany finish singing." Blaine said.

"Blaine! I don't—" Barry started to protest.

"Nope! It's my way of saying sorry!" Blaine cut him off, and smiled, like he was a great person. "We're singing (a song)"


"Oh look! We're on!" Blaine sprinted out to the stage, Barry groaned and followed him.


"That was great, Barry!" Oliver said, hugging his boyfriend.

Cisco was giggling, drinking from a red Solo cup. "Cisco, are you..." Barry trailed off.

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am!" Cisco said, still laughing. Caitlin looked at her friend with a worried expression.

"I think he's had enough fun for tonight, I'm going to drive him home. Bye guys!" she said, grabbing Cisco by the arm.

Iris took out her phone, which was vibrating. "Oh no! Eddie just said he's waiting outside! We're going on a date, and I completely forgot! I have to go."

It was just Oliver and Barry, and everyone else who was at the reunion. Some people had left, but most were still talking, eating, and preforming.

"Hey, Twink!" Someone called. It was definitely Santana. "Come here!" she said.

Barry walked to the Latina, who smirked. "So, how fast can you run?"

He ran to the other side of the room. Santana grimaced, trying not to smile or gasp. "Not bad," she said.


After that, Barry did a bunch of tricks in front of everyone. He kind of felt like a circus animal, but it felt great to show off in front of a crowd, something he wouldn't normally do. At the end of the day, Oliver and Barry went to Oliver's apartment in Star City.

"That was fun," Oliver commented.

"Honestly, I don't want to see those people again. It just complicated everything, and some people almost died." Barry said truthfully. After a few seconds of silence, they both started laughing.

"I love you, Barry." Oliver said.

"I love you too."


Okayyy.... And then they lived happily ever after! Yay! I just want to thank everyone who reads, comments, and votes, because 11k people have read this, along with 470 votes! So thank you. Also, I might do a few bonuses, but who knows? I'm going to start another fanfiction soon. So if I DIDN'T make any bonus chapters, you guys wouldn't be mad?

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