The Video

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When Oliver woke up, no one was lying beside him. Then, he realized Barry was a forensic scientist and probably got called out on a case. But this early? It was 5:30 in the morning.

He left without even saying goodbye.

Oliver wasn't mad though, just... kind of disappointed. He wanted to spend the day with Barry, but if course something had to happen. Plus, they had that meta to catch.

For a second, Oliver thought he could live a normal life for once.


Barry woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating, someone was calling him. He was about to answer, but he realized that Oliver was lying on the other side of the bed. It was Oliver's day off, Barry knew, and he should get to sleep in. So, Barry quietly stood up and walked into the living room.

He answered his phone without seeing who the caller was. "Hello? This is Barry," he greeted.

"ALLEN!" It was Singh. But why would Singh call Barry? Today was—

Oh yeah. Today was Monday, and despite Oliver getting the day off, Barry still had work in Central City.

"Captain, sorry I'm late! Just give me a few minutes, and I'll—"

He was cut off buy the captain. "Allen, I don't want excuses. Also, that not why I called you. There has been a murder at the bank! Go there NOW!" And with that, the line was cut.


Barry got to the murder site a few minutes after.

The body was harshly murdered. His face and neck were bruised. A stab near his hip, but one that could not kill.

"Cause of death: strangled." Barry murmured. It was more than that, though. Someone must have been really angry at this person.

Cisco jumped out of a Star Labs mini van, carrying a tiny machine. It was a dark matter detector. "Woah! Lots of dark matter here!" He spotted Barry. "Hey, look! I got security footage. You won't believe it."

A computer was shoved into Barry's hands. There was a video of the front desk man of the bank, it looked like he was about to go home. Suddenly, another man came in. "It's closing time," the victim said. Then he looked at the other man's face. "Woah, dude! Just... Just calm down!" The murderer ran towards the victim, and stabbed his hip, then, he strangled and punched, the victim, until he went limp. Dead.

The killer turned around, he had red eyes. But then, his eyes turned normal. "Where am I?" he said. Then, he saw the dead front desk man. "No no no... Did I do this? What happened?" The confused man ran away.

Barry closed the lid. "I know, right?" Cisco said.

"Cisco, it was that hypnotizing person. You know, why I was acting so weird." Cisco nodded.

Captain Singh walked to the men. "Any luck?"

"Yep! We know who it was!" Cisco said.

"Who?" Singh asked.

"No time to explain! Gotta go!" Barry yelled, and followed Cisco to the van.


Long story short, they captured the man. Apparently, he was struck by the partical excellerator, but for some reason didn't get his powers until a few months ago.

Barry would like to say he captured the Meta all by himself, but Oliver was there.

But that wasn't the best (or worst) part of that day.


Felicity was searching cat videos on Cisco's computer. She was there because they asked her to help capture the Meta. So anyways, there was one video of a cat who was "lip syncing" to a song called "Glad you Came." It was a different person singing it though, someone who sounded familiar.

In the credits, "Dalton Academy Warblers" we're credited for music. So, Felicity obviously looked them up.

She found a video of them singing "Stand." It was recorded live at a Regionals concert, whatever that was. The first person who showed up on screen was a familiar man...

"Barry?" Felicity whispered to herself, and watched the full video.

After, she texted everyone to meet her in the Cortex, including Barry.


Barry got a text from Felicity. "Meet me in the Cortex!" it said.

He sped there quickly. Felicity was sitting in Cisco's computer chair, in front of a computer with a paused YouTube video. And in that frame was a picture of him in a Dalton uniform.

"You will explain this once everyone is here." Felicity said.

Soon, everyone was there. Felicity played the video of Barry singing "Stand." Everyone glanced at him. Oliver frowned, the only one who knew.

After singing, Barry asked everyone to donate to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" charity.

Caitlin looked at Barry now (she was too surprised to look away from the screen). "Barry, you're such a good singer! And you were in a Glee Club? Wow!"

"Yeah, Barry! Why didn't  say anything earlier?" Joe asked.

There was a moment of silence. Barry couldn't tell them about everything he did. It's bad enough Oliver already knows. So what if he did tell everyone? Would they be mad? Would they care?

"Well..." Barry started. "It's more complicated than that."

He told them everything about his past.


"Why so glum, Kurt?" Blaine asked. Kurt was sitting on the hotel bed, his head in his hands.

"Sebastian." he mumbled.

"What, is it because he kicked everyone off my amazing group chat?" Blaine laughed.

"No, he's just a rude jerk. Even now! He hasn't grown up." Kurt said.

"Well, maybe you should do something about it if it bothers you so much. If Sebastian acts like a teen, maybe you should! Yeah, that sounds smart. Okay, how about dinner? I'll make a reservation." Blaine suggested.

"That sounds alright." Blaine left to make a reservation. Kurt looked out the window. It was much busier than Lima ever was. What, with the murder today and banks robbed. Kurt saw on the news today about the murder. Sebastian was there, maybe he wasn't lying about being a CSI.

Well, it was better than New York, at least.

As Kurt watched the traffic, he saw a red streak flash by, and was there a man? He thought he saw a man in the streak, who looked up for a brief second and stared at Kurt. And at that moment, Kurt wondered what the life of the fastest man alive was like.



I'm late. Yesterday I was working on this, but my family wanted to watch a movie. So I'm really sorry.

Also, literally everyone chose 2. I'm not surprised! Okay, how about this? The reunion is the end of the story.


There are BONUS chapters after! I was thinking like...

1. Olivarry oneshots (not smut, just little Olivarry moments.)

2. Group chats (different combinations of people and things they talk about?)

I could do both, I could do neither, I could throw my phone in the trash...

What do you guys think?

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