Chapter 28

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Madison P.O.V

I shook my head and leaned into Nash's chest. I started to cry like really cry, who knows what that creep would have done to me.

I shivered I was cold laying here in the damp grass. Nash noticed this and took his coat off and wrapped it around me.

"Let's get you home" Nash said while grabbing my waist and slowly lifting me up and practically carried me to the car.

He quickly hopped in the front and turned around "do you want anything from the store like a drink or a snack?" I was thirsty and hungry.

"Yes" I said and he turned around and started the car and put in a CD and my favorite song started to play Night Changes by one direction so I started to sing along.

"Going out tonight, changes into something red, her mother doesn't like

that kinda dress, everything she never had she's showing off, driving to

fast, the moon is breaking through her hair she's heading for something

that she won't forget, never no regrets is all that she really wants,

we're only getting older baby, and I've been thinking about you lately,

does it ever drive you crazy , Just How Fast The Night Changes,

everything that you've ever dreamed of, disappearing when you wake up,
but there's nothing to be afraid of, Even When The Night Changes, it will never change me and you"

I sang but then I stopped after that because my throat hurt. I saw Nash smiling "you have such a beautiful voice" he said and i smiled.

He pulled up to the store " I'll be right back" he said and I just shook my head and closed my eyes.

I listened to my song and Nash put it on repeat. God I love that boy he knows what to do when I'm not at my best I can't imagine life without him anymore.

I started to fall asleep when the door opened and Nash hopped in. I kept my eyes shut and he set the food and stuff in the passenger seat and leaned back and kissed me on the forehead.

"Goodnight princess" he said and went back to his regular driving position. He turned the music up a little bit and I fell asleep.

(So here it is and NIGHT CHANHES AGH I lobe that song but ill update whenever I can its gonna be Thanksgiving soon so I'll be busy but I'll update soon I promise)

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