Chapter 1

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Its been a month since the incident with our Dad.

I haven't spoken to him since but Jineen and I have moved to California far away from our dad.

Now today is the first day at a new school and we know nobody so it's just us.

I'm 18 my names Madison and Jineen is my sister she's 14.

We look out for each other all the time and my mother told me to take jineen and move away far away.

So I did I'm not gonna let dad abuise her like he abuised me.

I never told anyone about him abuising me I kept it to myself.

We walked into the school jineen was in 9th grade and I was 12th.

We went our separate ways.

I walked around the halls looking for my new locker.

I was looking down at my schedule struggling to hold my books when I ran into someone.

I watched as my books scattered across the floor and I hit the ground hard it hurt.

I looked up to see a hand stretched out so I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you" he was apologizing? I wasn't looking.

I looked at him now and he has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.

"Its my fault I was looking at my schedule I'm sorry" he just smiled and introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Nash" we shook hands "I'm Madison" he smiled again.

Turns out Nash is in 11th grade and was new here too so I decided that I was gonna hang out with him this year.

He told me about his family and how he has a big family and has a younger brother named Hayes that is in 9th grade.

"I have a sister named Jineen in 9th grade" He just looked at me which was weird but he walked me to my class and had to leave me.

The rest of the day was a rush and before I knew it it was time to go home.

I met Jineen and we walked home but Nash caught me.

"Hey I'm having a bunch of friends over wanna come over to my house and we can hang out?" I smiled thinking.

Jineen spoke up "Who's all gonna be there?" Nash looked down at her.

"Well Me Hayes Cameron Matthew Taylor and Carter" Her eyes got all wide.

"Yea we'll be there" he smiled and gave me his address and Jineen and I continued home .

We still had to finish unpacking. The house we got was huge 4 bedroom and 3 bathroom and it had an in ground pool in the back yard.

We got home and unpacked some stuff then I layed down and took a quick nap.

( is this any good I have other stories that I make but I never update I promise I'll update this one as much a i can)

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