Chapter 18

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Madison's P.o.v

I really Loved Nash. He was my everything and I don't know what I would do without him.

I heard a loud crash and Nash jumped up off the couch.

He grabbed the gun "Stay behind me at all times" I just nodded my head.

We both stuck our heads around the corner to the kitchen and saw Justin with 3 other guys.

"Go upstairs get Hayes Jineen Cameron and tell the other boys what's happening and to come downstairs quietly then go to that back room lock the door and don't look back" Nash told me quietly.

I was crying I didn't want him to get hurt I couldn't lose him.

I did the only thing I could think of I kissed him with all the love and passion and ran up the stairs.

I ran into the room where all the boys were goofing around "Guys keep quiet and turn the light down" I said in a hushed whisper.

They did what they were told and came over to me.

"What's going on?" Cam asked I couldn't stop crying.

"Justin and 3 other guys are downstairs" I said.

"Nash said that Cam Hayes and Jineen need to come with me to the back room and lock ourselves in it" I sobbed and tried to be as quiet as possible.

"The rest of you need to go downstairs as quiet as possible" I said

I took Jineen Hayes and Cam into the room and locked the door.

I layed down on the bed and cried. Jineen watched and came over and hugged me.

She walked over to Cam and whispered something in his ear.

Cam walked over and hugged me "What if he doesn't make it back Cam?" I sobbed into his shoulder.

"He will come back I promise I will try and keep you as safe as he woul-" he was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.

Jineen started crying and Hayes ran over to her and pulled her into his arms.

Cam hugged me tighter and took Hayes arm and pulled us all towards the closet

He opened the door and we all got in the closet and locked it.

We sat there for a few minutes until we heard people running up the stairs.

I pulled Cam even closer.

Someone broke open the bedroom door and came to the closet

Cam was ready to fight.

Whoever broke open the door just broke open the closet door.

I started screaming but was cut off by a hand presses against my mouth...

( CLIFF HANGER HAHAHA what do you think happens? who broke the doors? )

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