Chapter 15

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Nash's P.o.v.

I Needed to keep her away from him so I took her to an old house my grandfather used to live in.

I couldn't lose her I loved her more than anything and I would do anything to keep her safe.

As I pulled up to the house I notice another car with its lights out follow me.

I knew it was that Justin guy but I pretended I didn't notice

I pulled up and got out of the car and carried Madison upstairs and layed her down in a bed.

The bedroom she was in was the one at the end of the house it had No windows and only 1 door.

She looked perfect even when she was asleep. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

I walked out of the room and immediately ran to all the windows upstairs and locked them.

I rushed downstairs and started telling the boys what to do.

"Go lock every door and every window and I mean EVERY window" I said and they got up and ran around the house.

They locked every door and every window they even put chairs in front of the doors.

Hayes and Jineen were in the room next to the one I put Madison in.

I remembered the gun in the closet upstairs in Madison's room.

So I went up stairs got the gun and went back downstairs.

I pulled up a chair and sat there waiting for him to try and break in...

( OH MY GERSH Madison's in a lot of danger so what's gonna happen Next? )

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