Chapter 22

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Madison's P.o.v

I woke up to his voice "Wake up the planes landing" Nash said.

I stretched and leaned my head back on Nash but this time I was looking up at him.

He looked down and Kissed me "Why are you so darn cute?" he asked.

"Hmm I didn't know I was" I said while laughing.

The plane landed and we got off the plane. We got the luggage and went to a car rental place.

We rented this huge van which fit all of us and all the luggage.

We drove along the streets looking for a house to buy.

We saw one and we immediately called the number a lady picked up "Hello this is Stacy how may I help you" she said.

"Um yea we have found a house we would like to buy and it had this number on it" Nash said

"ok I'll be right over" she said and hung up. We walked one the porch and saw we had a fenced in yard.

About 10 minutes later a car pulled up and a lady walked out.

She was about 22 years old and she had Blonde hair and her skirt was too high.

She walked up the stairs "Who was the one that called me" she said

"I did" Nash said as he walked towards her with me by his side.

She looked him up and down then smiled "So how old are and what brings you here?" she said with a sly smile.

I already didn't like her I squeezed Nash's arm to make him know that.

"I'm 17 and I came here because of a person who stalked my Girlfriend" he said pointing me out.

She looked at me with a nasty glare "Well I'm sorry sir but your not old enough to buy a house" she said smiling.

"Actually I'm buying it" I said "And how old are you" she sneered.

"I'm 18 and I can buy this house" I said smiling. She was so rude and I was gonna tell her about it.

"Ok I'll have Mike come out and show you around then" she said obviously annoyed as she walked away I snapped.

"Well we would be glad to have him and not you. Oh also I don't appreciate you checking out my boyfriend and being rude towards me so good bye" I said with a smile waving at her.

She looked offended good "I don't need mouth from you little girl" she said

"Yea and I don't need mouth from a 23 year old slut " I said and gave her the finger.

She got in her car and drove off meanwhile all the guys behind me couldn't stop laughing.

"What I didn't like her" I said and Nash came up and hugged me.

"That was amazing I didn't like her either" Nash said I looked over to Jineen

"Ayye that thot walk" I sang and she laughed and joined in with me.

(So the town slut aye haha I didn't like her so what do you think?)

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