Chapter 34

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The next morning Jai had arrived at Raj's house, before Anna had even woken up. She was a little shocked to find the two men chatting away In Raj's room. Her heart skipped beats as she watched them. She loved them both so much. Her heart ached, soon one would leave. She had to control the tears that were threatening to erupt out of her.

Suddenly her phone started vibrating and she backed away from the room to pick up the call.


"Anna, it's Mahi"

"What do you want?"

"I need to speak to you"

"I have nothing to talk to you about"

"It's about Raj"

What could she want to say about Raj? Anna was curious, but she didn't want to talk to Mahi.

"I don't want to hear it, there's nothing you can tell me that I don't know about him"

"You don't want to hear about how he and I used to dance? Or another secret I have about him?"

"I already know you two were dance partners!"

"Aren't you curious about the way we danced? Him holding me by the waist and gently guiding me – oh we had so much chemistry"
She was trying to wind up Anna.

"I don't care!" Anna was feeling hot in the face.

"You will care, when I tell you his secret"

"So tell me then!"

"He's going to die" Mahi said without a hint of remorse. "Did you know that?"

"Is that what you called to tell me? You shouldn't have wasted your time, I already knew!"


"Raj told me! He also told me what a psycho you were – leave us all a lone you mental patient" Anna snapped angrily.

Mahi was furious. She was lost for words and tried very hard to think of something. But she couldn't. She hung up hoping to come up with something to separate Anna from Raj. Anna hung up and leaned against the wall, heaving angrily. She hoped none of the men had heard her. She walked back to Raj's room and sat on his bed next to Jai. They both stopped talking.

"What were you talking about?"

"Nothing important" Jai said casually.

"C'mon!!! No more secrets!"

"Anna, we were planning something"


"If you must know! We were planning to go to the ball together, all three of us – how does that sound?"

"EEEEP omgg" Anna jumped with joy and started doing a little dance. "I'm so happy!! We can all go together, dance, eat and fun all night!" She felt so happy.

"We knew it would make you happy" Jai said.

"It was Jai's Idea" Raj said not looking directly at Anna.

"Jai you genius, I love you" Anna said hugging him playfully. He wanted her to be happy and he knew how torn she would be after Raj....

"Okay okay" Jai laughed and pulled away from the hug, he didn't feel right hugging her while Raj was watching. He didn't know why he felt so, but Anna wasn't his.

"Oi! Why are you pushing me away!!" Anna said punching Jai hard on the arm.

"I don't want your hugs" He replied trying to sound snobbish.

"OH? You're too good for them are you? I'll show you" She hugged him harder and refused to let go, he couldn't even push her off.

"Anna!!" Jai cried, your suffocating me. Raj started laughing at the two of them. Anna let go and stared at Raj. To see him laugh made her heart feel light and all of a sudden she was engulfed by such sadness that she could barely sit up.

"What's wrong?" Jai said noticing this change.

"Oh nothing nothing" Anna brushed it off. But Jai noticed her eyes had gotten watery, but he let it go. She was suffering so much because of this, he remembered the vow he had made earlier – he would help her remain happy, no matter what.

"Since we're all here now, lets go do something" Raj suggested.

"Hey I have a better Idea, lets all go on a trip?" Anna pipped in, trying to make herself forget what she had just remembered.

"Hey yea! Sounds great" Jai said, trying to keep Anna going. "Where?"

"We can go to your parents holiday home, Raj – How about that?"

"Oh yea sure, I'll get the keys off my mum" Raj said. "it'll be great, there's that lake nearby too!" He sounded a little deflated, and both Anna and Jai noticed.

"What's wrong?" Anna asked cautiously.

"I'm just tired, nothing else" he replied quietly.

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