Chapter 18

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Mahi stood in front of him feeling as shocked as he felt. She never thought she would meet him here. Anna had talked of a Raj and she had suspicions but she didn't expect this. Raj felt rage, he thought this was all over and that he would not face this problem again.

"What are you doing here?"

"Raj...I – I" She couldn't find the right words. She was angry at him. "How dare you ask me that, where else would I be after what happened? Offcourse I'm back in India!" She raised her voice feeling frustrated.
"Okay, I'm sorry"

"Well I'm not! I can't believe you're here to ruin my life, yet again!" She screamed. "I thought It was over!"

"I can say the same to you!"

"I didn't shatter your dreams jerk!"

"I didn't give you any reason to form dreams" He wasn't angry at her, he was tired. He had had enough of this problem and he was just not in the mood.

"Whatever!" She turned around and stormed off. She would get her revenge on him. Was this the same Raj Anna knew?

Anna was still standing near her car admiring the beautiful flowers, oblivious to the drama going on right outside the car park. All of a sudden she couldn't wait until Saturday and the dance lesson that was in store for her. She missed Raj and immediately had the urge to call him. Somehow she felt the flowers were related to him, she couldn't shake the feeling off.

The phone rang, it was Anna. Raj felt his heart break. Everything felt complicated.

"Hey Anna"

"Raj! Dinner?"

"Sure, I'll meet you somewhere" before he knew what he was doing he has accepted the invitation. Dammit Raj you idiot!

"Hmmmm I'll meet you at that small restaurant near Papa's office, across the street"

"Okay" He hung up. He was standing across the street from the place Anna referred to, he would reach before her and that would give away his whereabouts. He decided to walk around the block and return to the spot again. The moon shone brightly above the high rise buildings and was making shadows on the ground. Raj got to the restaurant fifteen minutes later to find Anna sitting at a table patiently waiting. She smiled as he walked in and took a seat in front of her.

"Raj! You look tired"

"Just a long day, how are you?" He looked at her and he couldn't help feeling his heart flutter.

"I'm great! I made a new friend" Anna excitedly recounted her meeting with Mahi.

"She sounds great, what's her name?"

The waiter arrived. They ordered and sat back again.

"What did you ask?"

"I don't remember, probably wasn't important"

"Anyway, do you have anything planned for Saturday?" She asked eagerly.

"For the lesson? Not anything in particular. We'll just learn a new routine" He smiled at her gazing eyes.

Anna swallowed hard unable to control her breathing. Dam Raj – why are you so charming! A movement at the entrance of the restaurant caught Anna's eyes. It was Mahi, she looked shaken. Anna stood up and called out.

"Hey Mahi! Mahi!!!"

Mahi saw Anna and smiled while making her way toward their table. Just then Raj turned around to look at who this Mahi girl was. For the second time that night their eyes locked and both felt angry. Mahi stopped walking toward Anna, turned around and left the restaurant. Anna was taken back by this and decided to pursue her. Mahi looked like she wasn't in a suitable state to go a lone.

"Anna where are you going!"

"My friend Mahi looks troubled, I should go help her. Sorry I'll be back in a second"

"OH okay" Raj felt his heart sinking. They were friends. He was doomed.

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