Chapter 9

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That night Anna had trouble falling a sleep. She was confused about everything in her life and just wanted to be rid of it all. She made a decision to stay away from both men for awhile to fix her mind up. Everything had happened too quickly and she felt she had made a mess of everything.

The next morning Anna's mother informed her that Jai was here to see her. Anna refused – she felt horrible about what happened with him and did not want to see him even for a second. She was a little angry at him and herself. Jai left soon after and she watched from her bedroom window as he went. At around lunch time Raj visited her. She wanted to see him but couldn't bring herself to face him after what she had done. She watched, her heart aching as he got back into his car and drove away.

The next few days followed the same routine. But sometimes Jai brought her chocolates or flowers and left them for her when she refused to see him. She thought this was very sweet but still couldn't bring herself to face him. Raj brought nothing but he took her heart with him each time he left and she longed to be with him.

Jai was feeling extremely guilty about what he had done. He felt he forced her into something she didn't want but he wasn't going to give up. He would win her heart somehow he thought to himself. He went to her house everyday and took something for her, but she had refused for over a week. His optimism did not die out and he kept trying. Someday she would talk to him and he would say sorry to her.

Raj also visited Anna because he worried for her. She was not well at all the last time they had met and he just wanted to make sure she was okay. She had refused to see him on all occasions and he felt guilty. Maybe if he had reacted more positively to the kiss? Did she like him in that way? He felt his heart leap but immediately pushed it down hard and fast. He decided to visit Anna again that day and finally after long last he was successful because she was the one who opened the door.

"Oh Raj" She said automatically

"Anna, why have you been avoiding me?"

"I, I – Raj no....It's not like that....I..." She couldn't explain.

"I told you to forget what happened the other week, Anna lets just forget it all"

"I feel like an idiot" She looked sad. He noticed she had dark circles around her eyes and looked tired.

"We are all idiots in a way Anna – even I do things I regret, but don't let it eat at you – leave it behind"

"I wish..." She drifted off. She couldn't bring herself to say it. She wished the kiss had happened under different circumstances.

"So....can I come in" He smiled warmly and she melted before him.

"Uh yea come" She opened the door wider to let him in.

"Where's aunty?"

"She went out to shop"

He sat down on the sofa and looked up at her. She couldn't resist so she sat next to him.

"Anna, don't feel sad....You know I could never bear it when you were upset"

"I'm not sad, who said I was sad?" She said smiling at his sweetness.

"I can see it" He replied gently.

"What else can you see?" She dared to ask

"Anna" He became serious "Talk to Jai – he made a mistake"

"I can't Raj – I feel horrible thinking about it, I don't even feel like seeing him"

"You will see him sometime, won't you? He feels horrible"

"I feel horrible too"

"Okay take your time – but just know he wants to say sorry to you"

"He's been leaving me many things – I know he is sorry"

"What sort of things?" He became curious

"Just chocolates, flowers and notes – almost everyday" She sighed.

"Did you enjoy the chocolates?" He laughed knowing how much she loved to eat.

"They were good" Anna replied, unable to wipe of the grin forming on her face.

A knock at the door made them both jump. Anna went to open the door and immediately shut it again.

"Jai..." She explained.

"Anna open the door – please!" He begged.

"Jai just go, I can't talk to you right now" She said feeling frustrated
"I finally see you after a week, I need to say something to you so please!" He persisted.

"Anna, let him in – he only wants to say sorry" Raj came right behind her and whispered to her ear. She felt his warmth and wanted to lean back into him, but resisted.

"Okay come in" She opened the door for Jai.

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