Chapter 12

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It was Jai. She had heard Raj. She dismissed it as her imagination and got out of bed.

"Jai! What are you doing in my room?"

"I came to wake you up" He said smiling

"Shoo! Get out of my room" She pushed him all the way out the door and sat on her bed. Wondering why Jai was here, she got up and walked out of the room to have a shower and get ready for the day. He was not in the hallway so she assumed he had gone downstairs. When she reached the bathroom she found a large velvet box with a note dangling off it. It read:

Anna, this is to make you look like a real princess at the ball – please wear it with the earrings I gave – Jai

She smiled to herself and opened the box. It was a beautiful diamond necklace. She felt awkward. She didn't want to keep this gift, it was way too much.

"Jai JAIII" she screamed as she ran downstairs. But he wasn't there. But she found another box waiting for her at the bottom most stairs.

"What the hell?" she spoke to herself

Slowly she positioned herself to sit on the stair, grabbing the box. She tore it open feeling excited. Four gold bangles neatly lay inside shining up at her.

"Oh God!" She said taking the bangles out. They looked to be real gold and she worried. Why was he doing all this? She felt bad, he was trying to hard. She silently thought she will give him a chance. He was not downstairs so she proceeded back up to her room.

"how can I make this ball a good experience for him?" she asked herself. Without realising she found herself thinking about the dream last night - they were dancing so well together. And then it hit her! She sucked at dancing and Raj was brilliant at it!

"I can surprise Jai!!! I can ask Raj to give me dance lessons before the ball and then I'll blow him away on the dance floor" She told herself being optimistic. This made her laugh as she imagined her uncoordinated self shaking with all her efforts on the dance floor next to a traumatised Jai. She composed herself and started dialling Raj's number.


"Raj!! I need a favour"

"Anna, what is it?" He replied smiling at no one in particular. It was good to hear her voice.

" You know how the ball is next month...." She started

"I'm not going, you know that" he replied feeling hopeless. She would be a lone with Jai and he would not be there. Suppress it Raj! He thought to himself. It can never happen!

She was silent for a little while. She wanted him to come with them so badly, but there were only two tickets.

"I know Raj" She replied feeling a bout of sadness.

"So what do you need?" He asked sensing the change in her tone. He didn't want her to be sad about anything.

"I need dance lessons"

"Sure! That's exciting! Go ahead Anna – I'm rooting for you"

"No, Raj – I need you to give me dance lessons" She asked and waited holding her breath.

"No" he responded immediately. With her near him he wouldn't be able to contol himself at all. It couldn't happen.

"Raj! Why?" She whined.

"Anna, I can't teach – I'm not that good" He lied. He had taught at a local studio in the US in his spare time.

"Raj!!! Try please? I know your good!" She felt disappointed. Then she had an idea!
"Okay wait! The birthday present for me, is that legit?"

"Yes" He knew what was coming and regretted giving her that gift.

"Okay I'm using one now, and I want you to teach me" She replied feeling proud.

He sighed and thought for a moment. She had him and he couldn't go back on a promise. He was true to his word.

"Okay" He replied giving up.

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