Chapter 30

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Raj watched as Mahi walked out of the room, he noticed the shock on her face too. He wanted to get away, but he had promised his father.

He politely sat through the entire meeting and had gotten the impression that Mahi was very happy about the union. He however was finding it difficult to trick his heart. That night he tried to tell his father that there was someone else.

"Papa, What if I didn't marry Mahi?"

"I would be upset beta"

"But what if I was in love with someone else?"

"There's really no one more suited for you than Mahi. I thought you would be happy, you two made such a great dance couple"

"Yes, but I don't know if I love her"

"The love will grow as you spend time with her, Raj I'm tired – I need to go to bed."

That was the end of that conversation. Raj didn't try again, he didn't want to stress his father out. He tried to talk to Mahi about the issue directly and see if she could or would end it from her side. They often went to visit Mahi's family before the wedding preparations began, and Raj was trying to find the best time to let Mahi know he didn't want to marry her.

"Mahi I need to talk to you" Raj said spotting Mahi a lone in the corridor one afternoon.


"Are you Happy?"

"Sure Raj, I can't believe we're going to get married!"

"I don't feel that way about you and thought you should know – it's not fair for you to marry someone who doesn't love you" He had said it straightforwardly. He knew she would be upset but he had to stay true to himself.

"I love you Raj and You can learn to love me" She sounded a bit harsh as she said it.

"What if I can't learn?"

"You have to! We're getting married and that's that!" She stormed off toward the living room, leaving Raj dumbfounded.

He had tried everything to get out of the marriage. His mother didn't know about any of it. He didn't even know how to start telling her the entire story. He put it off and thought, she will accept his marriage if it came down to it.

Raj experienced more frequent dizzy spells and felt more and more tired. He wondered when he would get his results. His father wanted the Marriage to go ahead as soon as possible – so everything was planned and ordered quickly. Raj felt hopeless and totally powerless, as he watched everything coming together. A week before the marriage Raj approached Mahi again.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Raj what's wrong with you, offcourse I want to!"

"But what if I'm not happy?"

"What if I am happy? Raj – can't you see how happy I am"

"But I will never be happy with marrying you"

"Learn how to be happy!"

" I can't! I don't want to do this Mahi!"

"Raj, I want to – so deal with it somehow. Your father adores me and he wants you to marry me. You wouldn't disappoint him right?"

Raj wasn't winning this battle. She seemed a little irrational and he gave up. He would force himself to be happy if it would make his father happy. His parents had given him a great life, regardless of marital problems and he owed it to them. His mother would also be happy he had married a girl from a good family; he was so sure of it. But his heart would always belong to Anna and he couldn't do anything about it.

Early on the morning of the wedding, Raj received a call.


"Raj, Its Dr Rai – I have your test results"

"Oh! Ok I'll come and get them in a couple of days"

"No, Raj you have to come and see me now – it's urgent"

"I'm getting Married today Doctor"

"You might want to come and see me first Raj, I highly advise you come now"

"Okay I will" Raj put down the phone and got dressed. He would make a quick visit to the doctor and then go to Mahi's house where the last minute preparations were being made. They had booked a hall for the wedding and everything was ready.

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