"Aww thanks Ro! It's been pretty good so far! Seeing you has definitely made it better!" Patton said pressing a quick kiss to Roman's lips.

"As much as I love standing around here being mushy, school is going to start soon and we need to get our stuff from our lockers." Virgil said grabbing Roman's hand and tugging him towards the doors to the school. The four boys made their way to Patton's locker first as it was the closest.


"Ah Ro! I love it! It looks so good!" Patton squealed when his locker came into view.

"Anything for you, My Prince," Roman replied reaching for Patton's hand, bringing it to his lips and gently kissing the knuckles. Patton turned to open his locker, giggling when the balloons fell around him.

"Awww! This is adorable!" Patton said pulling out the teddy bear. "And there's clothes for it too!" Patton gasped, turning to Roman and pulling him into a kiss. "Thank your Roman. This is amazing! Ooooh roses!" Patton pulled out the small flowers, and brought them to his nose, sniffing their scent. He pulled one out of the bouquet and tucked it behind his ear.

"Look! Now I can bring it with me everywhere!" Patton giggles.

"You look beautiful Pat," Roman said.

"Aww thank you!" Patton said grabbing his textbook for his first period class.


Logan opened his locker and saw the Crofters balanced on his books. Immediately he grabbed the closest jar and opened it.

"Here," Roman said pulling a spoon from a ziplock bag in his backpack. He knew his boyfriend well enough to know that Logan wouldn't make it the whole day before he wanted to eat some.

"Thank you Roman! This is," Logan started excitedly, "uh adequate." He continued, more composed. Turning back to his locker, he quickly grabbed his binder from inside and they left for Virgil's locker, Logan still eating his Crofters as they walked.


"Is this what I think it is?" Virgil asked, staring into his now opened locker.

"Yep! My Chemical Romance tickets for my very own chemical romance." Roman said, "The concert is a few hours away, but I already talked to your parents and they said it was fine for us to go on a road trip there! Patton and Logan are welcome to come, but I couldn't afford more than just the two tickets."

"Thank you, but you really didn't have to get me anything. This is too much. Is there a way to return the tickets so you can get your money back? You shouldn't have spent this much on me. You could probably sell it online if you can't get a refund. I'm sure lots of people would want to buy it. Virgil rambled fidgeting with his fingers.

"Virgil," Roman said, gently grabbing Virgil's hands. "I love you so much and you are worth every last penny I spent on you. I could probably sell the tickets, but I don't want to. I know how much you love MCR and going to their concert will make you happy and your happiness is worth so much more than any concert ticket."

"Thank you Roman. I love you too," Virgil mumbled blushing slightly at the attention.

"C'mon Roman! We got to go to your locker now!" Patton exclaimed grabbing Roman's hand and ignoring Logan's muttered grammar corrections to his sentence.

When his locker came into view, Roman stopped and stared. The outside and been fully decorated with hearts and balloons. He walked the rest of the way to his locker and opened it. Inside were pictures of them throughout the years they'd been together. There were pictures from their first date, and homecoming and so much more. To the side of his books was a vase with 11 red roses, and one plastic rose with a note saying "We will love you until the last rose wilts." Next to that was a big box of chocolates and a smaller box with a red velvet cake pop on top.

"Thank you, my loves! This is beautiful!" Roman said excitedly. He turned to Patton and pulled him in for a quick kiss before turning to Logan. He hesitated knowing how Logan didn't like pda, but Logan leans in the rest of the way pressing his lips to Romans. When they pull apart he turns to Virgil. Before Roman can ask, Virgil pulls Roman to him for his own kiss. 

"It's the least we could have done. You always go full out for these things, tailoring your gifts to each of our interests. It was only logical that it was our turn to repay the favor, and considering your Romantic behavior, we concluded you would appreciate this the most." Logan stated.

"Yeah! Like Lo-Lo said, we love you so much and we wanted to show it!" Patton added.

"So do you like it?" Virgil mumbled.

"I love it!"

Well idk how I feel about that. It kinda sucked, but I'm also like low key proud cuz it was over 1500 words and I haven't managed to do that in a while. I hope you liked it!

Also, side note, but expect a lot of Logince to be coming in the future cuz I keep getting ideas for pretty much only that ship, so that's what I've been writing.

Peace out!

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