High Council of Seraphine

Start from the beginning

A few moments later, Beck and I run into Krike and Esme at the castle entrance. The girl's squeal and engulf me in hugs. This is what I miss about these two. Always willing to offer comfort or a hug. 

Beck clears his throat. Esme and Krike let go of me and curtsy to Beck. Beck rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "That is not what I was looking for,"

Beck opens his arms and smiles.

The girls look at each other, smile and lunge for Beck. 

My betrothed grins as they nearly topple over from the force of their hug. They are too cute. So much how I want our children to be like with their father. This is much like a look into the future. A future I want desperately. A future I want with Beck. 

"Off you go, have a gossip session," Beck states, smiling at Esme and Krike. 

"I'll see you in an hour,"

"Meet by the fountain?"

"Of course." I smile, looping my arms through Esme and Krikes. 

Across the room, Father stares at me with resentment and bitterness. How tasteless of him. The council session is almost upon us. All we wait for is Lord Lewys. He's late as usual. The last time I was in Risadona, he spent half an hour talking to all the young princes and princesses that came with their parents. 

Father wasn't too happy he was forty minutes late. He was even less impressed that Lord Lewys was gossiping with Blane and me. We got an hour-long lecture that night. Not what I wanted to happen. We weren't even the ones to start talking to Lord Lewys. 

Several minutes go by, and there is no sign of the lord of Risadona. 

Sitting with Father are Blane and Hertha. Hertha must have felt my stares as she looks right at me. Her slight smile tells me she's not happy to be here. This is the third meeting she's attended. And her birthday. She turned nineteen today. 

Hertha sighs as Father tells her to pay attention to Lord Enro. Hertha retracts her gaze from me to the lord. 

I overhear Father asking Lord Enro where King Prys is. The young lord shakes his head and says Prys has stepped down. It's King Brent now. Lord Enro points over to King Hayes. Standing beside the older King is Brent. I've only met him once. He was pleasant and quite lovely. 

Hertha also follows Lord Enro's directions to King Hayes. Her eyes widen when her gaze meets King Brents. Oh. Interesting. 

A male clears his throat, pulling attention to him. Lord Lewys. Now that he's here, we can begin.

Lords and ladies begin to take their seats. Beck places a hand on my knee to keep me from jumping out of my seat with nerves. 

Three seats from Father and Hertha, Sol squints at Beck and me. No doubt he'll be telling Val what he saw today. When Sol squints like that, he looks much like his younger sister. It drives Bianca crazy when people compare them. 

"Welcome all; we gather here today to remember the sacrifice made by the first kings to lead an army against the first king of Seraphina. Today we gather in Risadona for the 2661 year since the first battle fought in the 56-year war,"

"Before we begin, Lord Lewys, I would like to announce I have found my mate," King Brent states smiling wide. His gaze remains fixed on Hertha. I knew it. I saw it happen...The same thing happened with Beck when we first met. 

"Who praytell is the lucky female?"

"Princess Hertha Allardian,"

"What?" Father exclaims, light seeping out of his palms. If he's not careful, he'll burn the table he's sitting at. "You cowardly girl, I had it all arranged with Lord Enro. You will be marrying the lord,"

"King Brent is my mate, and I will not reject him, not for you and certainly not for lord Enro," Hertha growls, her timid shell cracking. 

"You will do as I say,"

"I will not,"

"The paperwork has been signed, there--"

"Laws made by the spirit king himself decree that a mate may abolish any contract binding their mate to another," King Brent quotes, standing up to meet Father's gaze. "I am exercising that right,"

"You have no right,"

"I have every right,"

"Hertha is my daughter,"

"And yet the spirits decided I am worthy of being her mate,"

Father growls lowly. Blane's eyes widen as Father's glowing palms steadily get brighter. "You have no right." Father growls again, pushing his chair back and walking over to King Brent. 

Brent doesn't move. He keeps his gaze on my father. 

I lock eyes with my brother. He's gone pale. I nod my head to Father. If Father won't stop, then Blane will have to stop him. Blane stands and grabs Father in the nick of time just as Father is about to reach Brent. 

Father growls at Blane to let him go. Thankfully my brother has the sense to not listen to Father for once. 

"King Allard. I will have no violence in my council chamber," King Hayes booms, standing to his full height. The older King turns to Blane. "Get him out of here,"

Blane nods. He drags Father from the room and orders guards to return him to Aletheia. Blane returns after a moment, likely to cool himself down. 

Blane sits and nods to King Hayes. The King nods back and sits beside his wife. 

"Lord Lewys, might I speak,"

"Of course, Lady Mari," Lord Lewys nods. 

"Thank you," I stand and address the council for the first time since Caledonia. "Any male in this council that tries to make backroom deals to sell their daughters to males will have my wrath to deal with. I was one of the lucky ones to escape a male who would have, in the end, forced me to end my life. That was how miserable I was. If you have any care for your daughters, you will let her choose who she marries,"

It all starts with a king holding back his laughter to set off other kings also holding in laughs. The King's laughter fills the room. 

Foolish males. Too prideful and self-important to head the word of a female. After all, they only think of females as tools for breeding. Were too emotional, too fragile, too much and too little. We will never live up to male standards. 

Nor should we. 

"Any further deals made under the guise of this council will deal with Kaliste in full force." Beck growls lowly. An underlying threat more precise than my own. 

The kings stop laughing. 

The rest of the meeting went as planned. No one calls out for their mate. No one tries to attack another...at least not physically. No one else gets kicked out. 

Now I stand with Blane, Hertha and King Brent. I was asked to play mediator by Hertha. In case this got physical. Hertha wants to go with King Brent. Father will want her home. 

"Blane," I stare at my brother, then turn to King Brent with a warm smile. "King Brent, congratulations on finding your mate,"

"Thank you, Lady Mari. I hope you can find yours as swiftly as I found mine," 

I smile. "I have already found mine. We happened to bump into one another at a fountain,"

"Blane, do I have to go home?" Hertha asks.

I turn to our brother. Surely he wouldn't stop Brent from taking her. They are mates. It's foolish to keep mates apart. One way or another, they will find their way back to each other. 

"That is why I am here. It will be good for you to go with King Brent and stay with him for a week. After, you will return to Aletheia for a month. This cycle will repeat until you are married and King Brent's problem,"

"I agree to those terms," King Brent states, holding his hand for Blane to shake. 

My brother smiles and shakes the King's hand. 

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