Turning of Seasons

Start from the beginning

Oh. Whoa, she did not expect me to say yes.

Myla quickly snaps out of it and rushes to pull me out my door. Kerri loops her arm through mine with a smile. Woah a genuine Kerri smile. What has them all pepped up? Wait Mari yelled for Darrian and Kerri. "Is Darrian coming?"


Footsteps chase after us. I glance over my shoulder and running after us is another redhead. Darrian. "And him running after us makes sense,"

"Hurry up lazy bones," Kerri yells at her brother.

For a second Darrian's footsteps speed up, then he's walking in line with us. "Glad you could make it Darrian,"

Darrian smiles and brushes a strand of red hair out of his eye. "Glad to be here, now I've been thinking of where to go,"

"Let's hear it," Myla grins.

"First Madame Katryna's then to Lady Vranes and the last stop at Lord Biorn's,"

Madame? Lord? Lady? Do nobles head these shops? Or are they simply patrons? "Are any of these shops owned by actual nobility? Or are they shop names honouring the dead?"

"The dead," Myla, Kerri and Darrian state at once.

Oh. That's nice.

"Many shops are named after dead lords and ladies, usually the ones who were favoured patrons of the shop owners," Kerri states as we make our way out of the castle.

Kerri continues to tell me that she knew Lady Vranes. Apparently, she was a robust woman who loved the fineries in life. Like pure silk from Persia.

Persia is the capital of silk production. Mother used to make frequent gambits and trips to the kingdom of the sun. Father hates it. He calls it a cursed desert. Father's assessment is not far off. The land was once lush farmland rich with trees and diverse wildlife. Now all that can stand to live in the desert are syrpants, camels and fae who know how to hide from the sun.

"Persia may be the capital of silk but the same can be said about the way it treats females," Myla grunts.

Kerri tells me to leave Myla's musing on Persia alone. She mentions it's never a good idea to talk about Persia with her. It becomes apparent when Myla tells Kerri to not treat her like a glass vase.

Kerri nods.

We walk in silence for a while before we enter the market. The large market is bustling even at this early hour. Males walk briskly to and fro, going about their business with intent. Females stroll along with friends on their arms. Smells come from everywhere. Sweet and savoury, salty and pungent. It's all daze-inducing--but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before.

And soon enough we arrived at Lady Vranes. Oh. This is the shop I visited with Darrian back last Rigel.

"Ah, ladies and lord," The lanky shop owner bows at her waist. Her braided back mousy hair falls forward. "welcome back,"

"Thank you for having us, Ina. Now we are in dire need of new frocks and Mari here can't decide for the life of her so we will need your help looking for colours," Myla immediately jumps into conversation with the owner. Ina, I believe her name is.

"Of course," Ina looks me up and down. A smile graces her face. "I think a pale pink, light green the same colour as the king's eyes and pale blue like the sky,"

"That's a good start,"

"Let's get to it,"

For hours Myla, Kerri, Darrian, Ina and I look for fabric. Several times I tossed one at Myla, she thought it was for me but I corrected her by saying it would look elegant on her. I did the same with Kerri who smiled at my choices. Even Darrian gave me applause. Darrian has a nose for colour and the way fabric will lay on the fae form.

I learned that months ago when he took me to the market. Now he gives the same amount of criticism he did then.

After a short snack of honey and cheese, we continue to fill out order forms for dresses fit for spring. Myla ends up ordering a beautiful dress in orange, the fabric I threw at her earlier. She also got three other dresses in yellow, purple and pink. 

Kerri stuck with pale blues and greens. Darrian mostly picked hers but what surprised me was the green fabric I picked. That was not an accident. Kerri winked when she saw me watching her talk with Ina. 

For me, it was a whole ordeal. To my friends, it was all hands on board. From not having any spring dresses suitable for outings, I've now got plenty. Three green dresses of various shades, two light blue, a warm yellow leaning more towards orange, a lilac one and three pink dresses of different shades. 

"Shall we head home?" I ask my companions, my slip repeating what I ordered in hand. Kerri nods and slips her arm through mine like she did this morning. 

"Beck won't want us to be late for dinner, he has a whole turning of the season's thing planned," Myla states, frowning at the thought of returning for dinner, "I think Bianca helped him with the planning, I didn't pay much attention to it,"

Darrian grins. "You called the castle home,"

"I did?"

Darrian nods.

"I did." I say with a smile. For once in my life, I'm happy to call a place home.

After washing and dressing Darrian walks me to the dining room. I opted to wear the necklace Beck gave me for wintertide. The necklace is beautiful and something I wear constantly. Darrian noted it and chose fabric accordingly at the Lady Vranes. We never managed to leave to see the other two shops. 

Next time. 

"Suprise!" Beck, Myla, Kerri, Kent, Fern, Mylo and Bianca exclaim as I open the door to the dining room. 

After all the magic lessons with Mylo, my magic has begun to flow more easily through me. So much that it's become integrated with my emotions. Mylo said it would happen and we've been working on making them separate, but today is not one of those days where they are separate. 

Light pours out of my skin and lights up the room and hall. 

When the shock fades so too does the light. Thank the spirits, it's embarrassing enough I almost screamed at the top of my lungs. The light didn't help. 

"What is this?"

"Have you never had a surprise party thrown for your birthday?" Myla asks disbelief ever-present on her face. 

I shake my head. "Never,"

"Well, now you have," Myla states motioning for me to fully enter the room. As I do I check out what they've done to the dining room. 

Hyacinth covers the windowsills, Anemone, Canterbury bells, Bellflowers and Bee Orchard flowers decorate the tables as centrepieces. Above us, covering the ceiling is an abundance of fabrics. Purples, greens, blues and yellows. The fabric has been strategically placed as if to cover something on the ceiling. 

What could it be?

"Pull the rope," Mylo encourages. I look around for this rope he wants me to pull. When it becomes apparent he nods for me to join him.  

Mylo walks me over to a rope dangling by the fireplace. My hands take the smooth rope and tug on it. The fabric falls from the center and floats to the walls, leaving a mural of--me. Me protecting Kent. Spirits this is something. Not at all what I expected. 

It's beautiful. The artist is incredibly talented. 

A small tap on my shoulder brings me out of my trance. I look away from the mural to find Beck holding a box. He urges me to take it. "Happy 23rd Mari,"

I take the box and give it a small shake. A tiny jingle reaches my ears. It's going to be jewellery, expensive and beautiful. "You didn't have to get me a gift, being here is gift enough,"

Beck smiles. "I got you one anyway,"

Inside the box is a bracelet. It's nearly identical to the necklace I'm wearing. Purple gems. My favourite colour. 

"Thank you." I tell Beck, and I mean it from the bottom of my very full heart. 

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