19 | Waddling Duckies

Start from the beginning

  "I don't know..."

  "I won't force you to. You just looked like you wanted a taste, though, I suppose you could sample it's flavor with a little kiss," he suggests cheekily while poking his bottom lip, which made his date blush. The woman rolls her eyes and smiles before hooking an arm behind his neck to pull him closer for a kiss. He smiled, his heart feeling all jittery, even as she parted, and licked her lips. Sure enough, she was able to taste the alcohol, and it was pretty decent to her tastebuds.

  "Maybe I'll try one itty-bitty sip?" She still sounded a bit unsure, which Loui couldn't help but giggle at as he passes to her the unusual, plastic cup.

  "Bottoms up." She elbows him for the comment before taking a hesitant sip. She shuddered a little at the flavor, but it was indeed better than she thought it would be. She had only gathered a small taste off of her lover's lips, but it didn't compare to the strength of a full sip. She found herself taking another before handing the cup back to Loui who chuckles. "See, was that so bad?"

  "You're gonna turn me into an alcoholic." She shakes her head.

  "So dramatic."

  "Look who's talking?" The two laugh while walking through more of the festival, which began to feel more crowded. Between sharing sips with Y/N and drinking the beer himself, Loui craved another, but decided to try a different brand this time. There was a booth giving out samples, so they went there first. Much to the demon's surprise, Y/N decided to taste a few on her own free will, which made him happy. He had worried she'd feel out of place at this venue, but she looked to be having a good time, however, he soon began to realize that the woman's tolerance level was rather low. After buying two bottles of beer on top of what she had already drank was enough to make her completely loopy even though she had only made it through half the liquid in the second one.

  "You're a bad influence, you know that?" Y/N states to the demon, slurring her words a bit as she pokes at his firm chest. Loui chuckles at the swaying waitress as they walk slowly at each other's sides.

  "I do try."

  "Don't be a smart ass." She wacks the back of the man's head, knocking off his fedora due to the force, but he laughed it off while picking it off the ground. The hit didn't hurt him. It would take a lot more than that to put a dent on the high ranker, but she did do it hard, and that amused him. After dusting off the few specks of dirt that tainted the black fabric, the blonde puts the hat back on his head. His index finger then reaches over to the woman's face to poke at her nose as he retorts with,

  "You need to learn portion control." In the blink of an eye, his finger is replaced by lips, shocking the woman with H/L, H/C hair. Her mouth gapes as she playfully shoves his face.

  "Sir, I am just fine, thank you. Oh, look, ducks!" Her attention immediately shifted after spotting the waddling creatures near the pond a little ways away from the festival. She giggles as a line of little ducklings follow their mother out of the water and shake out their fuzz after walking upon dry land. Loui simply adored the sparkle in her eyes and couldn't resist his next course of action.

  'If it's ducks she likes, then ducks she'll get.' Y/N yelps as she's scooped up into a strong pair of arms without warning and instantly clings to the man's neck with one arm, while the other continues to hold her half-empty bottle of beer.

  "Loui!" She shouts as he smiles childishly while bringing her over to the pond. The music playing from the stage could still be heard from the wooden bench where they sat together to watch the cute ducklings. "Oh my gosh, they're so cute! I just wanna squish em!" She exclaims, making Loui's lips form into a smile as he makes eye contact with one of the ducklings. For a moment, their eyes flashed red, while the demon took hold of it's tiny mind to make it waddle towards him. Y/N gasps excitedly as he bends down to pick it up. The mother of the duckling turned and was about to hiss at them to keep away from her son, but the second ruby eyes looked her way, she paid no mind to the couple.

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