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Start from the beginning

"To be reborn a hybrid." Klaus says, looking at Lunar. He does not wish for her to become like him.

"I don't care about me." Lunar tells them both, looking at them but it's as though she's not really seeing them. "I'm gonna go find our daughter and slaughter those witches." She says engulfed with rage now, it's the first and only emotion she's felt since her death. She died.

Lunar turns, storming out of the crypt with the brothers rushing after her. She leads them through the endless maze that is the city of the dead, until they break through the illusion and turn down an aisle.

Lunar guides Klaus and Elijah towards the witches altar, where their performing the ritual spell. Genevieve holds the ceremonial athame aloft, above the baby's head.

"Noo!" Lunar shouts, as Elijah picks up an urn, throwing it at the witches. It slams into Genevieve's hand, knocking the knife from her grasp.

They rush forwards, Lunar feels a surge of anger inside of her like nothing she's ever felt before, but it's short lived. Monique and Abigail hold hands, channeling the ancestors power to throw Lunar, Klaus and Elijah backwards against the graves.

"La mère, la père, la frère, la sœur. La mère, la père, la frère, la sœure." Abigail chants.

"You fools! To come against us in our place of power, in our strongest hour. You don't face three, you face us all." Monique retorts. The hundreds of dead witches come to stand against the Originals, pushing them back and protecting the Harvest girls whilst they carry out the sacrifice.

They continue to fight, trying to push through. Lunar and Klaus split up, both heading in opposite directions of the cemetery whilst Elijah takes them on, front and centre, trying to overpower the ancestors

Lunar finds Genevieve picking up the athame. In a desperate attempt to stop the sacrifice the fiery brunette lunges forwards, landing a blow to the red heads pretty little face. A devilish grin envelopes Lunar's features now, as she kicks and punches, rejoicing in the pain the witch is feeling, until the blade is once more knocked from her hands.

She knocks Genevieve to the ground, before rushing towards her baby, but the witch recovers quickly. Genevieve lifts a hand, quickly casting a pain infliction spell. Lunar shouts, falling to her knees.

Klaus has been thrown into a tomb by Papa Tunde's twin sons. He pulls himself out of the rubble now, racing back towards the action.

Seeing a wrought iron fence, Klaus wrenches off one of the spikes. He throws it with force toward Abigail. The spike impales the blonde teen, slicing straight through her stomach and killing her; breaking her and Monique's connection with the ancestors.

Monique rushes for the athame blade, ready to finish the sacrifice herself. Klaus and Elijah vamp speed towards her, but she blocks them with magic, creating a wall of fire around herself and the baby.

"No!" Lunar shouts, still being inflicted by Genevieve's spell. She grasps at her head, pulling at her hair. "I will tear all of you apart!" Lunar threatens.

Monique raises the knife, ready to bring it down on the baby and sacrificing her, when suddenly she's hit with a dark object. The devil's star. Her body instantly becomes covered in cuts, a thousand to be exact, and she coughs up blood, before falling to the ground.

Klaus and Elijah turn to see who has saved the baby, and are shocked to see Marcel. Before anyone can say or do anything, Marcel vamp-speeds to the baby, lifting her into his arms and speeding away with Klaus in hot pursuit.

- The Abattoir -

Klaus returns to the compound, to find all of the bitten vampires strewn over the courtyard, majority of them dead. Marcel is sat by the fountain, holding Klaus and Lunar's daughter in his arms.

"I was too late. There should have been more time." Marcel says, referring to his dead vampires.

Klaus looks at the carnage. "Looks like the wolves came back and finished what they started."

The baby stirs, mumbling incoherent noises. Klaus looks down at her now. "You took my daughter so I would heal you and your friends." He observes.

Marcel looks up at him, smiling weakly, expecting Klaus to be angry; but he just shrugs, a small laugh escaping his lips.

"Here." Klaus offers Marcel his wrist, but Marcel jolts away.

"This bite, all this.." He looks at Diego's dead body before continuing. "I know it didn't come from nowhere. This is the last note in a song that I started a century ago when I brought your dad to town. And for that, I am sorry." Marcel says, sincerely.

Klaus kneels down in front of him now. "No. You saved my child's life, Marcel. For that, you deserve this." He holds up his wrist once more, and this time Marcel bites into it, drinking Klaus' blood which heals his bite. "We will take down whoever brought this upon us, I swear it." Nik promises.

Klaus looks at his daughter, still in awe. He's filled with relief that she's ok, and he can't wait for Lunar to return to the compound to meet her. "May I?" He asks Marcel, who hands him the baby.

Klaus takes her in his arms gently, almost afraid that she may break. She seems so tiny, so fragile, so pure. "Sssh." He says softly as the baby stirs. He stands, looking at her big beautiful eyes, her delicate features. She is every bit her mother's daughter.

"Oh, hey. Hey there." Nik smiles now, he feels as though his heart might burst from the love he feels for her. The baby turns her head, looking at Marcel who smiles. It's as though she's a ray of light in the darkness.

The pair laugh, blissfully unaware that Davina has resurrected Mikael from the dead. He stands nearby, looking on, the indestructible white oak stake in his hands.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now