Off Duty: Bullsh!t Therapy

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"They finally let me out of that bullshit wrapping paper," Katsuki looked down at his body. The collar must've been their new protective measure against his quirk. It didn't make him feel any better. "One of these days, I'm going to blow the shit out of Endeavor." 

"Are you sure you want to phrase it like that?" Eijirou looked around the room, not wanting to make eye contact. He just thought of a horrid image that he didn't want to think of again. 

"What are you talking about?" Katsuki frowned, but there was always a permanent glare on his face. It wasn't much different from his usual expression. 

"Oh, nothing..." Eijirou looked down at his hands. He folded and unfolded them. They were supposed to be doing that bullshit therapy session but neither of them had any inclinations to. Just like the others, this was a standard case of patient and therapist romance. Except, Eijirou was experiencing unrequited love. 

"You just thought of some kinky bullshit between Endeavor and I, didn't you? Because I said 'blow'" Ah, there he was, being smart even though he pretended he was a dumbass. Eijirou continued staring down at his hands. He wasn't going to acknowledge that. No thanks. Nope. 

"I'll have you know," Katsuki crossed his arms. "That bitch isn't even my type. If I was going to go for someone with fire colors, it would probably be-" Katsuki stopped himself before actually blurting that out. Suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed, he blinked. 

"Probably be...?" Eijirou looked up. Katsuki didn't reveal his embarrassment on his face but he did seem a bit uncomfortable. 

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Katsuki laughed. "I'm trapped in here all of the time with no damn place to go. If I were to step outside that door without permission my head would come clean off. No one enters this place but you so," Katsuki paused for a moment to point at Eijirou. "Doesn't that mean you'd be the only person around for me to fall for?" he shrugged. 

"When you put it like that it makes it seem as if I'm coaxing you into something you don't want," Ejirou laughed awkwardly. "I haven't done anything like that though. Although, I suppose I could considering I have the upper hand here as the doctor." 

"That's some kinky shit," Katsuki frowned slightly. "Maybe you're the one that needs therapy." 



Touya sat in the chair with his neck steadily bleeding. Each moment that passed it seemed like the collar was getting tighter. He'd asked numerous questions to this guy but nothing appeared to appease his father dearest. Was he trying to blow his cover? Or just trying to find an excuse to kill him now?

"Are you sure your neck is okay?" Keigo asked once again. 

"I'm honored that you have such concern for me," Touya forced a chuckle out of himself. He only had one more question left to ask and it seemed as if his father was going to make him ask. So, he inhaled and exhaled a long breath before grabbing the sides of his chair. He leaned forward and placed his hands on either side of Keigo. "Do you know anything about Shie Hassaikai?" the collar suddenly felt a lot more comfortable. Was that really the magic question? 

Keigo's eyes widened slightly but he smiled shortly after. "I suppose it does make sense for a facility like this to want to know about Shie Hassaikai." 

Touya moved away from him to go back comfortably into his own chair. He sighed. "Unfortunately many patients bring up the topic so I like to ask before anything gets too serious." Touya was lying straight through his teeth. "They've become a bit of a problem more recently. People that find our treatment ineffective will go out and seek this group of thugs." 

"You really don't see these?" Keigo pointed to his back. Touya leaned over in his chair to look behind Keigo. 

"See what?" 

A feather flew off of Keigo's wings and went straight for Touya's face. Under any normal circumstances, flinching would be the appropriate response. Touya didn't even blink. He'd been forced to stand idly by as his father threw flames at him until his flinches were completely removed. This sort of trick wouldn't work to see if he was lying. 

"I guess you don't, huh," Keigo was surprised. Maybe he was even doubting himself. But, he didn't mention the subject further. 

"Now then, should we continue?" 

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