Mission Three: F*ck Endeavor

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"Am I really about to do this?" Touya's hand hovered over the door. He had no makeup on and was in his 'Dabi' clothes. He was planning on putting this whole Suicide League business behind him. There wasn't any reason for it. It was honestly terrifying and not at all what it sounded like initially. Besides, Chisaki seemed like a much more interesting guy to support. 

"What if he blows my head off?" Touya frowned. He took a step away from the door and turned in the opposite direction. He shouldn't do this on his own. Maybe he should try and get some backup. Or, maybe he shouldn't do this at all. This was crazy. This was absolutely insane. 

He turned on his heel again and opened the door. He flung it open on both sides and walked in with a hop in his step. He danced around the flames the came flying for him and the rage bubbling upon his father's face. He smiled, waved, and instantly regretted all of his choices. 

"You're not supposed to show your hideous face like that in front of me," his father seethed. 

"You know what?" Touya placed his fingers together and then pointed them forward. "I'm starting to think I really don't give a damn what you think, father dearest," he smiled and then his collar started blinking. It quickly fell off of his neck. He ran forward with a ball of blue fire and grabbed his father's neck with it. He stared into his eyes, his own blue flames flickering in his hair as he let out all of the rage he'd been throwing to the side. The windows crashed behind him and Keigo stood. He grabbed Enji's arm and threw him out of the window. He plummeted to his death without another word, too shocked by anything taking place to try and land properly. 

"Excuse me, sir, but did you just send my father plummetting to his inevitable doom?" Touya placed his hand on his chest and feigned offense. 

"It was that or allow him to reach into the drawer and blow off all your friends' heads. I think their collars should be coming off soon." 

"So, how do you plan on covering up this nonsense?" 

"Wait, aren't you the guy that saw me..." Keigo pointed, shocked. 

"The one and only, Dr. Touya Todoroki. That's my name, don't wear it out," he winked. 

"You look terrible." 

"Thanks," Touya grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment," he said, placing his hands on Keigo's chest and pushing him out the window he just broke. 

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me?" 

"You have wings, you'll survive," Touya laughed. "You deserved it okay, you just killed my father. My one and only father," he wiped away an imaginary tear from his eye. 

"You were going to kill him yourself! I did you a favor!" Keigo flew back into the office, frowning. 

"Who is going to be the head of the company now?" Touya sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "I certainly don't have the face for it." 

"What about your brother?" 

"How do you know about my brother?" 

"He introduced himself to me once in the hallway. He seems like he could inherit things fairly well." 

"I hate that you're right," Touya pointed. "But what about this? How do I explain to people why my father fell out of a broken window?" 

"Suicide? You bullshit other things fairly decently..." 

"Shut up," Touya huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm trying to think." 

"Do you want Chisaki to start working here to develop the drug?" Keigo suggested. 

"Since when was I so buddy-buddy with him?" 

"Since he just sent me here to save your life," Keigo shrugged. 


"Oh, it's off," Izuku looked at the collar that had fallen to the floor. 

"I suppose that chip my brother gave me worked quickly..." Shouto stared at the collar as well. 

"Hatsume is really good at playing with technology," Eri smiled. 

"Is it okay for her to be in here? She went through the showering process but..." Shouto wanted to make sure. 

"It's fine. Eri is cute," Izuku knelt down to Eri's height and pet her head with his gloved hand. 

"Where did Touya go?" she asked, suddenly concerned.

"He is going to come back for you-" Shouto stared at the window, certain he saw something fall just now. He moved toward the window and looked down to see his father's corpse resting on the sidewalk. He felt nothing but complete relief. Not even the slightest bit saddened by this event, he turned away from the window and smiled. "I have a feeling he will come back for you soon," he assured. "He just had some business to attend to but I think that's finished now." 

"Do you mean it?" Eri looked up, water in her eyes. 

"Shouto wouldn't lie to you," Izuku promised. 

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