Mission One: Dabi Infiltrates Shie Hassaikai

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"You're name is Dabi, right?" Harley swayed her arms as she walked, tilting her head from side to side, humming a tune Dabi couldn't recognize. "But, that's not your real name." 

"It's my name now and that's all you need to know," Dabi scratched behind his ear. The constant chatter of his group members was annoying him. If they continued he'd have to shut off the device completely. Endeavor wouldn't like that too much. 

"Hm, you're not very friendly," Harley frowned. 

"Am I supposed to be?" the more the two walked the more and more confused Dabi got. This place was like a labyrinth. It would take at least a couple of times before he memorized the layout. Not that it would matter, this place felt alive. Someone's quirk could alter the walls at will. It would be too difficult to wander around on his own. 

"Boss wants to bring the world back to what it once was. He knows that quirks exist and has been looking for a way to bring people back to normal so they stop abusing their power."

"Funny thing for a yakuza to say..." something about those words didn't sit right with Dabi. Did Overhaul want to stop quirks? Wasn't that the same excuse Endeavor gave? Why steal the formula and data if you could just watch the guy and help him succeed? Either his father was lying (which wouldn't be uncommon) or there was more to the issue than Harley let on. 

"Hm, not really, I think Overhaul prefers the old yakuza life. Trying to intimidate people with guns and violence is a lot easier than trying to guess if your quirk is stronger than the one they have. It levels the playing field a bit if you know your guns are the best there are." 

Dabi scoffed. "Quirks have nothing to do with it. He just wants a different method for the same problem." 

"Think about it," Harley shrugged. "If you didn't have your quirk, your skin wouldn't be like that. Overhaul is just trying to help out the people that want to be helped out. He isn't necessarily going to force people to give up their quirks. At this point, not enough people even have quirks to begin with. If he wanted to eliminate quirks for good he could just kill all the people that have quirks to stop them from passing it onto their children. But, he wants to eliminate the root of the problem." 

"Instead of creating medicine to aid the symptoms he wants to create a permanent cure for the disease. Quirks might still pop up even if he were to murder everyone." Not that quirks were a disease. No, wait a minute, Endeavor was a disease to this world. Dabi could get behind 'curing' his flaming ass. 

"Exactly," Harley grinned. "Recessive genes and all that. We still don't know how people got quirks to begin with. It's in science. Overhaul just happened to be an heir to the yakuza life." 

"Sounds like you're really on board with this."

Harley shrugged, "I don't care much for what happens as long as it happens in an entertaining way." 

"I see." Dabi continued following Harley in silence. The further and further they got to the center of this place, the less noise his ear was making. They must be underground. No signal. That means he would be looking forward to an angry Endeavor upon returning back to the top. Fuck. He could feel his hand start to shake. Dabi grabbed his hand with his free one. He couldn't have Harley thinking he was scared to be alone in enemy territory with her. No, he was terrified of other issues. More pressing matters. 

"This is the room," Harley gestured to the door. 

"Thanks, I guess?" Dabi opened the door. Time to copy the information onto his handy dandy USB then get the fuck outta dodge. 

"How long do you think it'll take you?" 

"About five minutes." 

"Make that zero we have company," Harley clicked on the monitor to hide the transferring information. The door opened again and a male with wings walked through. 

"What's going on here?" 

"We've got a new recruit!" Harley smiled and gestured to Dabi. 

"A what now?" Dabi frowned, crossing his arms. "I agreed to let you show me around but I had no intentions of staying here." 

"Oh, come on now," Harley draped her arm around Dabi's neck and gave him a good squeeze. "You know you like it here." 

"Didn't Overhaul tell you to stop bringing in people that he doesn't approve first?" the winged man yawned and scratched the back of his head. He was clearly too tired to give a fuck. 

"Hm, well, he did but..." Harley didn't seem too concerned. She snickered and walked out of the room. "I think I'll leave you two to get acquainted." 

"Oh no you don't," the tired angel grabbed the back of Harley's shirt, keeping her from leaving. "Explain what the fuck is going on right now, if you wouldn't mind." Well, at least he is polite. 

"I'm just helping the enemy get some information, is all, nothing big," she grinned. "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you? Hawks.~"

"Toga, this is an entirely different situation. What if you get the poor guy killed?" he gestured to Dabi. The scarred gentleman shook his head and went back to work. Clearly this 'Hawks' person wasn't much of a threat. Done...and...done. He grabbed the USB and stood up, shoving it into his pocket before walking around the desk and leaning up against it. 

"Trust me, angel, getting killed would be a blessing," he snickered lightly and crossed his legs as he stood. 

Harley, err, Toga, laughed. "He called you 'angel'!" 

"Toga, if you say one more word I will throw away all of your knives." 

"No! Not my babies!" she sobbed a single tear and shut her mouth. Hawks released his grasp on her shirt and took a step towards Dabi. His face was too close for comfort. 

"I don't know who you are but you better watch it," he sneered. Dabi smirked in response. 

"Oh? Why don't you make me, angel?" 

No sooner had he said those words the ceiling cracked above them. Large pieces fell and crashed through the desk. Sora Blue crashed through and crouched on the ground. He stood up, brushed some of the dirt off of his body and outstretched his ungloved hand. "Get away from Dabi, winged bitch," he growled. 

Amongst the coughing and trying to free himself of dust, Dabi still found his mouth hanging open in shock. "How did you even find me?" 

"I'll always know where to find you, somehow," he shrugged. 

Dabi didn't want to admit to himself that those words touched him, so he refused to say anything at all in response to that comment. "Well, batta bing batta boom," he shrugged and wrapped his arm around Sora Blue, swinging him over his shoulder. "Three, two, one, let's jam," he aimed his free hand down at the ground and used the momentum of his flames to push him upwards. Hawks couldn't follow him, the flames would burn his wings off. He smirked to himself, amused with his small victory, and landed safely on the ground. At least Explosion could help his creativity. He was surprised the flames worked to lift him up. 

The second the two made it to the ground and Sora Blue was standing on his own two feet, he hugged Dabi with all of his might. "I thought they were going to torture you or something."

"Nah, and even if they did, I've got enough of a pain tolerance," he gestured to his scars. 

"It's still not okay..." 

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