Chapter 75: Trying out Powers

Start from the beginning

"They are all okay, all doing what is asked of them" Gaia replied "Tartarus is finally getting used to me, Thanatos is very busy because of some virus, Hecate and Hypnos are finally recognised by the Olympians and have their own cabins at the camps, Apollo is acting like himself and standing up for himself, Erebus and Apate is still insane as ever"

"Order?" I asked, almost sounding hopeful he was okay.

I haven't seen him since I was in the coma, I still don't trust Chaos nor Void.

"Order and Chaos are ruling peacefully on Chaos' planet" Gaia said "Void kept his word and he is currently looked up until all three of them deem otherwise which might not be for a while"

Gaia smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Relax Percy, everyone is fine, no one was hurt...only you were" Gaia said "Stop worrying about other people"

"You know my flaw" I said "I can't help it"

"What's your flaw?" Clay asked, curiously mixed with annoyance.

"Personal Loyalty" I replied "It has gotten me into trouble a lot" 

"You think?" Ava asked, making me chuckle as I turned to her "You've saved my life, everyone's lives so many times"

"...including Order's" I whispered as I felt Gaia's touch remove from my shoulder.

"Percy? Are you-"

"You don't use your powers anymore okay?" I said, grabbing Ava's hands "Maybe you could watch me do mine? Since you actually don't know what I have"

She grinned, and ran to the log where I was before, which was only a few meters away. She sat down, her childish attitude overcoming her once again.

"We'll leave you to it then" Gaia said, narrowing her eyes at me.

I smiled innocently back as she sighed and walked off with Clay.

"Clay has never been that...harsh before" Ava said as I turned back to her.

"Don't worry Ava, he's probably wants to protect you" I said.

"Well if he wanted to protect me he won't argue with you!" Ava said as I walked to her.

"Ava" I said "How long have you known you've had a brother?"

"Um..." Ava started, thinking "Maybe a year or two, not very long"

"How would you react when your sister, who you never knew existed, fell in love with a complete stranger who is a danger magnet...and after only a few months of knowing each other are getting married" I reported, making her silent "He got you back only to get you taken away's going to take time but he will adapt"

Ava nodded, looking over at her brother, who is practicing his powers, Gaia talking to him. 

"He just can't lash out at you like that though, he should know you only just woke up from-"

"A lot of people think I'm strong enough Ava" I said, looking her in the eyes "That's the way it is in this world; I'm the great Percy Jackson, the Greek Hero with one flaw and someone who is always strong and will never let you down" 

"Then they don't deserve you Percy" Ava said "You are human...the demigods and your friends should know that the most"

I sighed, not wanting to continue the subject.

"What powers do you have?" Ava asked.

"I have my birth father, Poseidon's power" I said "Which is everything water related, I am normally the strongest at that. I also have Nyx's powers as she adopted me...I have also been blessed by Athena, Aphrodite and Hera. Athena blessed me with intelligence, skills with any weapon, Hera blessed me with ability to block my mind and Aphrodite blessed me with charmspeak and in life threatening situations changing appearance"

"Wow" Ava whispered, "You're so cool Percy!"

I smiled and couldn't help but blush.

"The problem is I haven't used a lot of my powers in a long time frequently" I explained "Since I was around mortals a lot there was no point of using my powers...and Poseidon disowned me for a while-"

"Wait what?" she asked, confused.

I sighed.

"A story for another day" I said, putting my hand up, water almost immediately coming to my finger tips.

"Wow, thats quick" I commented as Ava gasped.

I smiled as I moved it between my fingers. I threw it up in the air and froze it, the ice shattering on the ground.

"That's so cool!" Ava said.

"Seems I haven't lost it" I said as I tried to summon my Nyx power.

And sure enough, in the palm of my left hand black, galaxy like mist was forming from my hands and disappearing like a mist as it fell.

"Woah!" Ava said.

"That's well done son"

I turned, the mist disappearing to see Poseidon.

"Poseidon" I heard Ava said.

"No need to bow" Poseidon said, chuckling as he came over to me.

He ruffled my already messy hear.

"You got the hang of your powers quickly" Poseidon said "Even your blessings"

I looked at him confused.

"How did you know about them?" I asked.

"Hera mentioned it one day while the mess happened over the last year" Poseidon explain "Zeus was getting mad that he couldn't get into your mind and she said she blessed you, as well as Athena and Aphrodite"

I nodded.

"I can sense your exhaustion" Poseidon said "You might not sense it yourself, but you need to rest up"

I looked at him confused.

"For what?" I asked.

"The Olympian court wants to see you" Poseidon said, making me pale.

Last time I check their brains were getting eaten out by Void's curse. 

"As long as there's no l-lightening then I'm fine" I said, trying not to stutter.

"Do you think this is wise Poseidon?" Ava asked, hearing her footsteps behind me "He only just woke up and the events are fresh to him, wouldn't it cause PTSD?"

"I will immediately teleport him out when that happens, I'm not letting that happen again" Poseidon said smiling at me "I won't let you go that easily again"

I tired to smile but it wasn't forming.

I am not looking forward to tonight. 

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