We got to the top of the hill in about 10 minutes and even though it was almost 4 am the city was still lit.

We sat down and just looked. "I love it and hate it here" Keenan finally spoke. "From up here everything looks so peaceful" he added.

"When in reality ..." I started "it's really not".

We both sighed "Ti.." he began "yeah?" I looked at him "I loved tonight. Even if the feeling isn't mutual and you think you made a mistake. I don't think we did. I loved it. I loved how it made me feel and I loved being able to be that close and intimate with you" he spoke.

I teared up. Finally. The tears I've been holding back. "Keenan .. that was the most intimate moment I've ever had in my life. That feeling was so foreign to me. I loved it myself. I didn't want to stop, I wanted to be that close with you all night" I told him.

"Why did it take you so long ? You never and I mean not once admitted to having feelings for me, you always acted so oblivious" he asked me.

"I didn't want it to be true. I just wanted to have my boy best friend. Keenan I've been in love with you since the first day we met in Chemistry or English freshmen year, there was an instant connection I felt, we bonded so well like we've known each other all our lives. But I didn't want it to be more than just friends. That boy friend girl friend title ruins everything in today's society and I couldn't imagine actually losing you. That's why when Alexis came back and you dead aśs pushed me away I was so hurt. I was so so hurt" I explained to him.

That's the first time I ever said that out loud. But it's the truth so I'm glad it's finally out.

"I know and that was so stupid of me to do. I tried my hardest to push you away and to make you just not wanna be around me all so I could try to get rid of my feelings for you .. it didn't work" he laughed.

"Yeahhh not so much" I laughed with him , but the laughter soon stopped.
"I miss her, even though she was a pain in my aśs sometimes. Overall she was a great girl. With so so much potential" I knew he was talking about Alexis.

"Yeah" I didn't know that side of Alexis that he knew so all I could say was "yeah".

"But I don't wanna get into that right now" he coughed. I just nodded my head.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked me "I don't know" I answered. "We go back tomorrow and I know things with you and Anthony will more than likely spark back up, so I will say this. I want to be with you. I'm making it as loud and as clear as possible. I want you Tiara. You're the only one I have my eyes on, and I don't want anyone to get in the way of that. But just know I'll support whatever decision you make. Regardless we're meant to be in each other's lives" he explained to me.

I was left speechless , I wasn't expecting those words to come out of his mouth.

"I'm not gonna say the thought doesn't interest me but this has nothing to do with Anthony, this whole Korey thing is still fresh. I love you Keenan , and I love what we just shared but jumping into something with you so soon after this. Yes it has almost been two months but how do I know you won't run off and do the same no matter how much you claim to love me" I was crying now.

I never truly healed from the news Korey dropped on me in front of my entire family. It's like one minute he was here and now he's gone starting a new life with someone who came out of the blue. That whole situation does not sit right with me.

"You know me .." he said "I knew him too. How do I know one day you won't wake up and decide to just up and leave me again?" I asked him "why're you comparing us so much?" He asked me.

"Korey and I are two completely different people, with different intentions obviously"

"Yeah but y'all are the only two boys I've ever fallen in love with.." I paused. "I can't help but to compare".

Keenan sighed. "I'm not gonna rush you into anything, I'll wait for you, I've been waiting for you since sophomore year, I can wait for you forever but let's not make me do that" he said.

I laughed at him and just stared into his eyes as he spoke.

"You're worth waiting for Ti, so as you get back to where you want to be mentally. I'll be by your side the entire time. Supporting you and being the best friend I can be".

I didn't have much to say so I just hugged him. I hugged on him tight and didn't let go, I could stay in Keenan's arms forever.


This is probably the longest I've gone without updating , y'all I'm sorry :( I just got back to school and it's been all over the place, two almost three weeks in and I'm just finalizing my schedule. Then I've been catching up on sleep also it's just a lot but I will not leave y'all hanging and I will continue the book of course. The updates will probably just not be as consistent , I will try to update at least once a week until I have a set writing schedule because I also have school, school work , social time , & sleep time.

But I just wanna thank you guys soooo much for sticking with me even through the slow updates ! And thank you so so sooo much for the 7k reads ! I saw that this morning and was smiling cheek to cheek

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter and also what you think Tiara should do !?!

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