A Study of Dragons

Start from the beginning

I looked at him plainly. "Are you going to keep using the word majestic or am I just going to have to leave?"

He laughed. "We both know you would not leave even if I begged you to do so, Nemir."

I pursed my lips and looked down at the salad beneath me that was a bit off-putting. "Do you elves ever eat meat?"

Glorfindel let out a bark of laughter. "I believe you have eaten meat with us for special celebrations." He took a bite of the salad and looked back to me after chewing thoroughly. Gods, is everything the elf does so perfect? "And I do believe you are trying to change the subject."

I took a bite of my own food, a rather large glob of what I think is this world's version of spinach and carrots, and gave him a closed-lip smile while chewing. It was definitely a white flag waving, and I was pleased that he took it without force.

"What types of foods did your people generally eat in your world?" He inquired between bites. "If your lack of desire for greens is one thing, I do believe your diet consisted of other produce?"

I snorted and immediately covered it all up with my hand but I think I was too late, and a little piece of chewed up spinach landed on the table in front of me. Dear gods, please have mercy on my soul.

"That is certainly seductive," Glorfindel mocked. "What are you going to do next? Spew out your ale in a similar fashion?"

I quickly swallowed and flicked the glob off the table much to Goldilocks's amusement. "No, I wasn't planning to do that. But if you want me to-"

"Oh, please spare me from having to change my shirt," he voiced, holding up his hands in surrender. "I would rather not have a Lady such as yourself spit ale all over me."

I laughed. "I will certainly try to not do that, but who knows? I'm full of surprises."

His eyes glittered in the candlelight. "You certainly are."

"Lady Persephone, are you even listening to me?"

My eyes snapped up to see both Alma and Finalfon looking at me as though I'd lost my mind. And to be honest, I probably had. "Uh... yes?"

Alma immediately started to stifle the laughter that threatened to crack her small frame. Finalfon, however, did not look so amused. He crossed his arms stiffly over his maroon tunic and looked positively ruffled with his wild blond hair.

We were at the library, again, and the two scholars in training were still trying to teach me about some battles over some jewels that had taken place thousands of years ago. To be honest, the fact that these guys were stupid enough to fight over jewels told me everything I needed to know- that I didn't need to waste time and learn more.

"Oh, you did? Then what did I just tell you?"

I paused and took a second to hopefully try and come up with something that could soothe this peacock's ruffled feathers. But, after a few seconds of contemplation, I had a big wad of nothing.

"Well... there were jewels, I think."

The poor elf rolled his eyes, and I could tell he probably just wanted to get up and walk out. It wasn't like I was paying attention to a word he said, after all.

But in my defense, I had a reason to be daydreaming. Glorfindel, yes, the beautiful, elven House of the Golden Flower Lord that was too handsome and generous to be true- that Glorfindel- brought me on a date.

Well, it was to the public dining halls, but I'll take it.

I think.

"Persie, we were talking about the Wars of the Beleriand which led to the end of the First Age," Alma said calmly, a glitter in her eye as she did so. "This was the battle which the elves and their allies fought against Morgoth and his forces."

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