Chapter 90: No More Nice Guy

Start from the beginning

"See? Look how happy he is! It would be a shame that happened to him because of something you did to me. Don't want to hurt him, do you?"I say, making a finger stick behind his hand to make a peace sign

His finger starting shaking as if to signal Killer no or don't do something. I tighten my grip on him. He stops.

"K-Killer! Don't listen to him! Don't agree to anything! This is not Dream we're dealing with! I can't risk you getting hurt!"Nightmare pleas to Killer

Mmmm. There it is. The fear. The worry. The emotions I can feed on. I feel myself absorb this and make it into power and energy. I smile, feeling stronger.

"Yep, I'd like to be called Agni. I don't work with him, but thanks for making him so easy to manipulate! Ah, he wasn't doing anything you saw or dealt with by his own intention. Ok, I'm off topic. Hmmm, but I didn't say you could talk. You know what happens when you disobey."I say

I feel him begin to tremble. I drop his hand and morph my hand into a weapon. He is quiet, seeming to just accept it and prepare to take the hits.

"No! Please! Don't hurt him! I'll do anything! Please!"Killer cries

I look at him. I smile. I take a picture of these moments in my mind, like pictures of a photo album in my head. The love. The fear. The worry. The desperation. The emotion. It is wonderful. My hand turns to normal.

"K-Killer...Please, don't do this..."Nightmare stutters

"Don't worry, Nightmare. It's gonna be okay."Killer says

"That depends. What will you offer?"I ask

"Killer! Please! I'm begging you! Just go! I'll be okay!"Nightmare says

Oh, what a liar.

"Name it, I'll do it. I will work for you. Serve you. Whatever you need, just....just don't hurt him!"Killer tells me

"Hmmm....That sounds like a nice offer....."I say, pretending to consider it

He is falling for my trap. I see their connection and know what will happen next. Surrender. Obedience.Sacrifice. What I want. My plan. He doesn't have the potential or qualities to fit the plan. And if I'm right, which I am, something will occur in three...two...And......One!

"I'll obey."Nightmare says

"Huh?"I say, acting surprised

"I'll obey. I give in. I'll do what you want. Just, leave him out of this."Nightmare says

"Is that a promise?"I ask

"It's a promise."He replies

"And you know what happens to those who break promises with me, right?"I ask

He nods.

"Fine. Any last wishes?"I ask, being merciful since he is cooperating with me

"C-Can I say goodbye? Please?"Nightmare asks

He looks so weak. So easy to use or manipulate. So scared. It all works out perfectly. They won't last.

"Fine."I say, releasing him

"Killer!"He cries, running to Killer

"Nightmare!"Killer exclaims, running and hugging him close

Nightmare breaks into tears. Killer tries to comfort him. How badly he was failing was so satisfying to watch. But then they actually have a conversation.

"You shouldn't have done that! I had it handled!"Killer says

"You call that handled?! Neither should you have! I can't lose you, Killer! Not again!"Nightmare says

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