Chapter 30: Old Friends / Breaking The Glass

Start from the beginning

"Cool, Eddie I see you still like anything fluffy, what are up to now?" London asked.

"Oh me? I work for Jaguar and Range Rover! I get to design and edit design plans for the latest cars... Pays really well!" The Arcanine replied, then he bought London closer to him, "So fluffy!"

"Uggh... Um James? Did you get that job as a surgeon?" London asked.

"Mmhm, I got out of medical school pretty quickly, it was a breeze!" He said, "I work at London Metropolitan Hospital now!"

"Congratulations!" London answered, "It's so good to see you guys again"

Eddie started pinching London's cheeks with his big paws, "Ah stop Eddie!" London said trying not to laugh.

The others laughed.

"You want our phone numbers?" Chelsea asked.

"Umm, sure, I'd love to catch up with you guys" London replied, Eddie started hugging him like a teddy bear, "Aww"

After recieving this friends phone numbers, London said goodbye and went back to Gryffin and Tokyo.

"See ya soon!"

"Goodbye!" Eddie shouted excitedly.

"See ya!" The others shouted back.

When London arrived at the playground, Isabel was there reading a book, London sat next to her, Isabel looked over and smiled before giving him a kiss.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Good, you?" London replied, wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

"Great, I heard Tatyana is running alongside you guys now!" Isabel said.

"She is, she's probably gonna turn the Surren troops into sushi though" London said, remembering the time she cut a Luxray in half while he was with her in Alabama.

"Hm... How's Tokyo?" She asked.

"He's doing swell" London replied, the Flareon looking at Tokyo who was playing hopscotch with Gryffin, an Eevee with silver eyes and a gold bell on his neck.

"You said his English is good, can I have a conversation with him later?" Isabel asked.

London nodded, "Sure"

"Cool!" Isabel replied, clapping excitedly.

- - -

"So let me try and understand this... You had a nightmare?" Greene said.

"Yeah..." Luke replied.

Greene sighed, "Your suspended"

"What?! Why?!" Luke shouted.

"Because these dreams you are having, they could be related to field duty. I also read you tend to let your feelings take control sometimes, combine that and the fact you and Delevio are together, you put yourself in more danger than you actually need right now... I'm sending to Manchester for 2 weeks to stay with your mother, when you recover you will be able to return to the field, you're dismissed"

"Sir! I can still fight! I'm not gonna let some silly nightmare fuck my performance up! Come on, please -"

"Luke! This is how it starts, you fight, you witness deaths, you get PTSD! Do you really want that at your age?!" Greene shouted.

"Pff, I'm not gonna get PTSD" Luke said back more aggressive.

"Luke stay off the field! That is an order!" Greene shouted.

"But -"

"No, stay off the field! If I find out you return without authorisation again, you will be court martialed!" Greene shouted, "It is against regulations to send agents on the field if they report they have traumatic dreams or visions, please leave I'm expecting a phone call from Kovar soon"

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Where stories live. Discover now