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Do you know what the worst part about a break up is? It's not the fact that the person you love is gone; it's the stares you get from people.

Here I am sitting in school and everywhere I look I can see people staring at me from every corner of my eyes. I can feel their eyes boring into the back of my head and to be honest it's terrible. I don't want people's pity or comfort or whatever else they are feeling; I just want to carry on with my life like nothing's happened.

It's been another week since the break up and things have finally stared to turn around. I mean Sam didn't stay at school for very long after I made a new friend. I guess he didn't see the need to stay after I met Lilly. She's the girl I ran into on the first day and she is a great girl.

Lilly and I became friends instantly after the first day. I mean being partners in half of our classes could probably do that.

I look around once again sighing loudly at all the people whispering and looking over at me with pity in their eyes. They could at least try to hide the fact that they are staring but no.

"Alex just let it go" Lilly said watching me. I just nodded in response not really in the mood for a massive conversation about it.

Thinking over the breakup again I can't help but think this is my entire fault. I over reacted so much but I don't want to go back and be a burden on Sam. I'm scared that now he won't take me back.

Have I mentioned I haven't seen him for 3 days and its killing me?

Usually he would drop in everyday to see if I was okay and to just see me I suppose but he stopped coming and I miss him so much. I get updates from Ash about him an apparently he is better and has taken over his Alpha duties again but I still can't stand the thought of not ever seeing him again.

I hear the bell go and slowly get out of my seat making my way to my next class. Lilly trails off going to her class to but before she leaves she gives me one last hug because she knows I have troubles with one of the girls in this class.

She is actually an ex member of Sam's pack. Apparently she got kicked out for poisoning someone with this potion that made them do what she said and long story short she slept with one of the pack members who had a mate which is illegal and she was kicked out by Sam. But I probably would have kicked her out myself if she wasn't already kicked out.

I walk into the classroom and make my way to the back to sit in my usual seat between a girl with long curly dyed red hair and a boy with a buzz cut who looks like he could kill someone with a look. I look down at the work we are doing today trying to hide from her.

"Oh look at that the street rat decided to join us today." Carlee calls out in her snotty voice. "Did the big bad Alpha let you out of your cage today?" she whispers just low enough for me to hear. She's so close I could reach out and strangle her; I contemplate this for a few seconds and go straight forward when she pushes my shoulder with her bony fingers.

"Okay class it's time to start" the teachers says walking into the classroom, conveniently right when I reached out to wrap my hand around her throat. She smirks happily swaying her hips a little too much when walking back to her chair clad in only a skimpy skirt and top that doesn't cover anything. I snarl at her retreating figure.

I don't know what brought on this violent side of me but I hope that it's not permanent. I have never been a very violent person but being around some certain people bring out what you could call the bitch in me.

The lesson continues on its own boring way and I'm surprised when Carlee doesn't annoy me way out of the school. The only pain of not getting my L plates like a normal person is I now have to walk home but hopefully not for too long. I have started reading the driving book but I have to find times to study it before the final test.

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