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A chorus of gasps can be heard throughout the pack and then everything goes silent, even the children playing on the ground stop playing and look up at Alex. Somehow everyone knows that this is the worst possible idea right now, it could get not only Alex but the pack in some deep trouble not to mention his family would notice his absence which would mean it couldn't just be brushed under the rug.

Alex looks over her pack in front of her seeing their shocked and saddened expressions, I'm sure she was hoping they would be on her side but by the looks of things they are disagreeing with her statement. Her eyes shift from the crowd to me, a frown etched into her skin, I wish I could reach out and erase the lines on her forehead. I frown in return and she steps back to stand next to me.

The silence continues to the point of awkwardness so I step forward to dismiss the pack and they disperse across the lush green grass of the lawn. I turn back to Alex seeing her face scrunched in confusion.

She shakes her head, "I don't understand," she mutters under her breath and I walk over to her wrapping my arms around her waist, she steps back before I get my arms around her; my mouth downturns at her actions.

"Alex," I say quietly, "what did you expect? We don't kill in this pack, in others they do but that isn't part of our morals here. We believe in punishment but not death." I attempt to explain to her but the glare she shoots at me causes me to wince in pain.

"You don't understand Sam, I've been to hell and back in the last few months and Cade is the reason behind the most part. I've never been in so much pain then in the time I was with him and no one else should ever be tortured the way he tortured me and that is exactly what will happen if we just let him go," she exclaims her voice rising in anger. Her shoulders are rising and falling quickly because of her increased anger and her hands are clenched in balls at her sides.

I wince at her anger which is clearly directed at me before grabbing her hand and beginning to drag her inside. She protests but I'm stronger than her and am able to get her into my office before she makes a scene. I let go of her once we get inside the room and she sits down on my sofa still looking like she wants to rip everyone's heads off.

I shut the door behind me smiling at her angry expression, somehow her anger never ceases to amuse me.

"Why are you smiling like that!? This is not funny!" She shouts getting up from her seat to walk up to me. Anger radiates from her whole being as she approaches me, she lifts her hand to my face to slap me but I'm faster catching her hand on my own before bringing her arm down.

"Now Alex," I tut, "you shouldn't hit people." I say nicely before bringing her into my arms. She relaxes herself into my chest and I sit my chin on top of her head. Her warmth radiates throughout my body and the sparks from just touching her ignite within me. Her scent is intoxicating and I can't help but breathe it in. Her body feels so small and fragile wrapped in my own, I never want to let her go.

"You know I love you," I say and she grunts causing a smile to form on my face, "Alex I do and you know that, and I want to grant every single wish you want, except this one. Killing Cade is not the answer, it will only turn around to backfire on us in the long run. I know that deep inside this is not the person that you are, you aren't a murderer and I know that but what he is done is unforgivable and I can see that in your eyes. We can get a restraining order on him, we can inform the police about his actions and then we can let him go and he can be constantly watched, possibly even trialled for this and he will never be able to do this again." I try to convince her but suddenly her hands are on my chest pushing me away. Her eyes light up with a fire I have never seen and she steps away from me disagreeably.

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