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A shout is heard beside me as he jolts awake, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" he asks, frantically searching around the room, his hands moving quickly over the blankets and his eyes flitting around the room quickly.  I've never seen this man before in my life yet he seems to be worried about my wellbeing. Also what the fuck is he doing in my bed. 

I jump out of bed scampering across the room to stand before my door. The fact that he seems worries and has not yet tried to attack me takes me off guard and I don't scream at first instead trying the approach of talking. I turn around to face my intruder with my back against the door, hand on the handle, ready to run at anytime, "you have three seconds to tell me who you are and what you are doing in my room before I scream my lungs out." 

He raises his hands in a truce but I don't move from my position, "Ok, I promise I'm not an attacker and I'm not here to kidnap or murder you just please let me explain," he pleads his eyes staring into my soul. 

I can't help but be drawn to his eyes, the colour is so brilliant. I remain in the same spot but let him speak. 

"My name is Sam," he says as if that helps me understand at all why he is still in my bedroom! I begin to take in his appearance and I can't help but notice that he is wearing only boxers, the fact that he is dressed in only boxers doesn't shock me too much considering I'm still reeling over the fact that he is even in my room. 

I look around to see if there is an open window where he could have climbed in but my only window is sealed tight, whilst looking around I notice that Ryder is missing and my door is closed meaning he should still be in the room. 

"Ryder," I call out quietly hoping he will appear for nowhere and attack this stranger who somehow got into my room. 

"Where is my dog?" I mutter to no one in particular, and then I look over at Sam suspecting that he has done something to my dog, my suspicions are confirmed when I see him fidgeting and avoiding my eye contact, "What have you done to my dog?" I ask louder than before glaring at him.

He stops fidgeting and looks up at me innocently, "Well," he says scratching the back of his neck which puts his abs on full view, I can't help but look at them as he moves. As quick as I look I look away again but he notices me looking and smirks at me. I glare at him in return and move from my position at the door to grab and blanket before throwing it at him. 

He catches the blanket easily in one hand. "I wasn't cold though," he says still smirking at me I just continue to glare at him and he lets out a small laugh but picks up the blanket and covers himself with it.

"Where's my dog? What have you done to him?" I repeat getting more stressed by the minute. If Ryder's not back soon I'm going to have to go find him. I can't deal with strangers in my room and my dog missing all in one night. 

He looks away from me starting to fidget with the edge of my blanket again as if he's nervous. 

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," he says looking up at me from underneath his eyelashes. 

"Tell me where my dog is now or I am going to find him and you are going to get stabbed by my father," I threaten my voice getting louder and louder. 

"Okay okay, how do I say this?" he says to no one in particular muttering under his breath. 

"Use your words," I spit out still glaring at him, my arms crossed over my chest. 

"I am your dog," he says abruptly looking at me to see my reaction. What comes next astounds us both, I keel over in laughter at his absurd statement. After I've bought my breath again and stood up straight I look at him trying not to laugh but failing miserably. 

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