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I stand in front of my pack, looking at all of them grouped together. We haven't been in a massive group like this in a long time, not since I was made alpha and we had the ceremony.

I look at my family standing right up the front of the group; Ash, Jodie, Emily, Josh, Maya, Charlie, Damien. All of them mean so much to me and I know they would understand what I will ask of them next.

I scan the group, "Something has come to my attention," I say loudly so everyone can hear me, "it is urgent and needs to be addressed as soon as possible, that is why I have asked you all here today."

Some of the member's gasp and I hear a it of chatter throughout the group, undoubtedly people are wondering what is going on.

"It has come to my attention that my mate and your Luna, Alex, is missing. I have only just found out today that she has not been seen for a few weeks" Just the thought hurts me deep in my gut. This revelation causes louder chatter among the pack and sobbing is even heard and before even looking up I already know its Charlie. Her and Alex were extremely close.

"As of right now I am able to tell that she is alive but I don't know if she is dealing with extensive injuries or not. We are assuming this is a kidnapping because I know Alex and I don't believe that she just left without coming back, there is no way she would be able to leave her family behind." I say trying my hardest not to look weak in front of my pack. They can't see how much this is killing me on the inside.

"I am asking you as my pack to volunteer to assist me in finding her. I won't force anyone and I would prefer it if women and children stayed back but if I deem you fit enough to come then you will be allowed." I look around at everyone, I never wanted there to be a day where I had to ask my pack to possibly go into something that could be dangerous. "If you would like to volunteer we leave tomorrow morning at dawn and we will first be going to her house to pick up her scent before searching the surrounding bush area and anywhere else where she would be located."

A group of concerned and sad eyes all look at me. I watch as Ash and Damien both stand up to come and join me. Josh also tries to stand but Maya pushes his shoulder down, Josh is still weak from his injuries. His recovery was miraculous and Maya ended up forgiving me in the end but he is not in the right form to fight. I hope it doesn't come down to a fight but if it does then I don't want him to be there.

I can see in Jodie's eyes that she really wants to come but I know that Ash will be forcing her to stay with Emily, if something bad happens to both of them in a fight then Emily will be left an orphan and that would be absolutely terrible. I smile at her showing that I understand why shes staying, she returns my smile.

All of my guards stand up and stand behind me, I have a total of 20 male guards and I also have 18 female guards who are mostly mates to my male guards but they will be staying behind to protect the pack that is left here at the house.

A few of the older males who are now retired volunteer themselves and join the ever-growing group behind me. Once wolves get to a certain age they are allowed to retire from their responsibilities and live out the rest of their lives happily.

A few of the other worker's volunteer for our search party. When it looks like no one else is joining the search party I turn around to look at the turn out for what I have and I am pleasantly surprised to say I have at least 50 men and women on my side ready to go out and find my missing mate.

"Thankyou to all of you for volunteering your services. Tomorrow morning at dawn meet here with anything else you may need. Tonight make sure to get a good sleep because tomorrow will be a full day. We will be searching from dawn to dusk if we don't find anything but if we are on track their won't be any stopping. This will continue until Alex is found." I state looking all of them in the eye to make sure they understood.

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