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"Sam, hurry up," I yell from the front door my hand resting on the doorknob. I'm jumping in excitement about the day I have planned. I've had this idea for a few weeks now, it's been a year since Sam and I started trying for children with no luck so I've decided to take matters into my own hands whilst also keeping Sam in the dark. He loves to try to guess but he is nowhere near close to what is actually going down today.

Hands grasp my shoulders pushing me down to stop me from jittering excitedly. I turn in surprise and see Sam behind me, an amused expression on his face.

"Are you going to tell me whats going on?" his eyebrows raised in question. I smile at him biting my lip and shaking my head.

"Nope," I reply turning around quickly and grabbing the door handle to open it but before I can large hands wiggle their way around my waist holding me to a large strong Sam.

Sam rests his face on my shoulder, his breath tickling my neck and causing an involuntary shiver to rack through my body. "Baby," he whispers in my ear, "please can you tell me where we are going."

Sam's closeness causes me to lose my train of thought for a moment but I know exactly what he's doing and I'm not going to fall for it.

I start to wriggle in protest trying to get out of his strong grip, "Sam, let me go. I am not telling you where we are going to stop trying."

I hear his loud sigh from behind me before he releases his grip from around me.

I turn swiftly to face him again placing my hand on his cheek, "be a good boy, I love you."

He rolls his eyes jokingly, "yeah, yeah sure you do."

I glare at him before turning back around and walking out to the car. I finally got my driving permit so I jump in the driver's seat and Sam gets in beside me.

I start the car and pull out from the curb. Sam recently brought me a new car even after I protested that I didn't need nor want one, he said it was a birthday present but I know he just enjoys spoiling me. I'm not complaining.

I can feel the tension radiating off Sam and I see his leg jumping up and down in agitation. I laugh at his hatred of surprises and in turn, I receive a glare from him.

"Babe," he whines at me reaching over to grab my free hand, "you know how much I hate surprises."

I laugh at him again still not giving anything away.

"Pretty please can I have a clue?" he whines placing kisses all over my palm. I glance over at his adorably cute green eyes.

I sigh in annoyance, "fine, one clue," I say and he perks up listening intently, "we are going to the place where we first met."

I sit in silence letting him ponder over that for a second before he speaks again, "your house?" he questions, I shrug at him feigning innocence and he huffs annoyed letting go of my hand crossing them over his chest. He looks like a three-year-old who didn't get their favorite toy from the store but I can't help but giggle at his ridiculous antics.

I begin to see our destination up on the left and pull into the car park, I find a car park and turn the car off. I look over to see Sam looking extremely confused at the giant sign in front of us.

"You brought me to a pet shop?" he states sounding more like a question. He finally clicks onto my clue, "Oh this is where you 'adopted' me from."

I laugh nodding my head at his cluelessness, "yeah, feels like a million years ago."

I begin to climb out of the car and Sam catches up with me at the front of the car, "So, what are we doing here?" he asks.

"Well," I begin, "considering we are having no luck in the children department I thought it would be a great idea to get a furry friend." I wait for his reaction hoping it's a good one and when he bursts out laughing I can't help but stare at him.

"Babe," he splutters still keeling over and holding his stomach from laughing, "you already have a furry friend. Surprise! It's me."

I laugh at him grabbing his hand and entwining our fingers, "Yes and I love you very much but I think it would be good for us to get a normal pet. Not an animal that is sometimes a human. Something for us to take care of."

He ponders over the idea for a few seconds, a smile still lingering on his face, "So what you want a dog then?"

"Well I mean we can get a cat if you would prefer that," I reply nonchalantly.

The look that passes over his face is a mixture of shock and fear, "Hell no, we are definitely not getting a cat. Cats are spawns of Satan."

"You literally turn into a giant dog and you're scared of a tiny cat. Wow."

"That's not fair cats hiss at people and have the worst attitude. Like one time this cat literally just out of nowhere attacked me, I didn't even do anything."

I stare at him like he's lost his mind before deciding that I can't even deal with this conversation anymore, "Alright, fine, no cats but we are getting a dog."

Sam sighs, "Fine."

I jump up wrapping my arms around his neck and he catches me in his strong arms giggling into my ear as I bury my head into his neck leaving a kiss behind, "Thank you."

When I let go and step back he rolls his eyes and sighs at me, "how long do I have to put up with you for?" he says smiling.

"Oh, only forever," I reply chuckling at his joke.

He leans down kissing me quickly, "I like the sound of that." 

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