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Dylan is leaving to return to America today and I don't know if I'm ready for him to leave just yet. He has to go back to keep up with his studies but I miss him so much when he's gone and this short stay has not satisfied me.

I'm sitting on the couch watching TV when Dylan strolls down the stairs with his large duffle bag full of his belongings. I turn off the TV rising from the couch and go over to him wrapping my arm tightly around his mid riff. He chuckles before dropping his bag on the floor beside him and returning the hug.

"Going to miss me little sister?" he asks. He places his chin on my head. "I'll be home in no time, it will be like I never left." His attempt at reassuring me is unsuccessful, the feeling of sadness still churning in my stomach.

Dylan has been one of the most important people in my life. He was such a large support for me when my mum began neglecting me, dad was too busy with work so Dylan was the only one I had. He wasn't only my brother but also but my best friend.

"Why couldn't you have gone to University in Australia?" I mutter. I immediately feel guilty after saying that knowing that the opportunity he has is something he worked so hard for and deserved.

"I'll Skype you every day ok," he reassures me. "Call me if mum becomes too much of a pain."

I snort before stepping back from his embrace. "Mum is always a pain."

He looks at me with sympathy before picking his bag up again and throwing it over his shoulder. He looks over at Sam in his wolf form sitting in the corner of the lounge room watching out exchange. "You better look after my sister, buddy," he says pointing over at Sam in warning. Sam lets out a bark and gives him a wolf grin. I smile remember the moment we told Dylan, or more like got caught.

"Sam you're walking too slow," I yell out behind me. I turn around to see Sam lagging far behind me at the front gate of my yard. We decided to walk home after our chat in the forest back to my house because I got hungry and I was already sick of being around other people for the day.

"I'm coming," he shouts before running to catch up to me as I stand at the front door of my house.

I slip the key into the door and swing the door open, I step through onto the threshold with Sam on my heels. He softly closes the door behind himself. We both kick off our shoes and I begin to make my way to the kitchen, my stomach grumbling in hunger.

"Alex? Is that you?" A voice calls out from around the corner. I stop in my tracks, frozen and before I can turn around and tell Sam to change back into his wolf Dylan has rounded the corner seeing the both of us standing there in front of him. Oh, shit.

Dylan eyes narrow at Sam behind me. "Who are you?" he spits out rudely looking Sam up and down disapprovingly, a scowl on his face. 

I glare at Dylan in warning and glares back reaching out and grabbing my forearm dragging me closer towards him, getting me away from Sam no doubt. Dylan is not usually someone to show anger but when it comes to me he turns into this overprotective alter ego. Multiple times he has reminded me that I'm not allowed to date until I'm thirty which I'm sure he knows is ridiculous but that doesn't stop him from reminding me of it everyday. Lucky from him, until now I've never had a problem with dating anyone. 

Sam extends his hand out to Dylan with a sweet smile on his face. "I'm Sam Asher, a friend of Alex's." 

Dylan doesn't accept Sam's hand just continuously glaring at him. Sam smile falters and he lowers his hand. "Sorry for coming into your house, Alex invited me but I can go," Sam says turning back towards the door. 

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