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I rise from my chair hastily causing a ruckus in the store, a few faces turn to look at me. I grab a few napkins off the table and start to pat down Sam's chest to remove the remnants of the drink I just embarrassedly spat all over him.

Sam grabs my wrists in his own hands and I freeze in place realising I've practically been feeling him up this whole time. I look up at his face expecting a cocky smirk but his brow is furrowed and his lip is between his teeth.

"Alex, its fine," he says, his voice melting my insides a little. I shouldn't be thinking this, I just found him in my room!

I look away from his eyes shyly and he releases my hands. I take a step back to compose myself a little before sitting back down on my chair, my head hanging in shame.

I don't speak choosing to sit their and wallow in my embarrassment. He is the next to speak, "Say something Alex."

I look up at him a little, still embarrassed that I literally spat on him, "What do you want me to say Sam, I just met you about 6 hours ago in my bedroom and you just told me I'm your soul mate forever according to some supernatural wolfy connection. I also just regurgitated my drink all over you. I think I need a moment to reevaluate my life."

He sighs and leans his head on his hand staring intently at the table, his eyes avoiding my own.

I let out my own sigh of frustration, I can't help my feeling of connection with him which is utterly ridiculous considering I know absolutely nothing about him. For some reason I am drawn to his beautiful being and melodic voice, even his scent is enticing to me. all these feelings are running around my head about a stranger that I feel like I have known forever. This is so much for me to handle.

"Alex," he mutters quietly, hurt clear in his voice, "if you don't want this now I completely understand, this is so fast and I know I have literally thrown this on you. Like you said we just met but I honestly feel like I can tell you anything, and I know thats so wrong and it shouldn't be like that but I can't stop my feelings." He runs a hand through his hair brushing it away from his face, frustration written across his face.

"I am not trying to scare you away," he says this time quieter than before, "I know you're probably scared and confused, I get it and I don't want to sound completely cliche and ridiculous but I'll be waiting for you to make your choice about me forever because thats what this means."

Sam isn't looking at me as he says it, his eyes are focused on his hands which are fidgeting on the table in front of him. I can tell he is hurt by my reaction, his face says it all. I can't help but run his words around in my mind. He'll be waiting. Forever. Feelings. So many things to think about.

I can't help the feeling in my heart when he says those words. I don't want these feelings but apparently my heart has betrayed me. We both sit in silence for a little thinking about what has just occurred before us. I begin to feel trapped in this little store so I rise from my chair, it scraping loudly against the hard concrete. Sam's head whips up and he looks at me frazzled and disorientated. I begin to make my way to the exit and I hear the scrape of the chair behind me, no doubt following me. Once I get outside I take a deep breath in, one hand clothing a railing outside the store, the other holding my drink.

Sam rushes out quickly. He rests his hand on my shoulder as I am lent over a little, "Are you ok, Alex?" he asks me, his voice laced with worry and concern. I take a step away from his touch overwhelmed by his actions and words. Things I shouldn't be feeling stir in my stomach and I look at his face. His face seems to have been etched into a permanent frown since I have met him.

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