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***Demetri's POV***

Ivana's Family.


Vampires and werewolves are separated for a reason.

The day that coven stepped foot on Red Moon territory, all hell broke loose.

I thought Collin was going to start a bon fire. Ivana's family would be the kindle.

22 vampires in a room with almost as many werewolves was a recipe for a Lifetime movie.

Ivana's brother Ian started the first round. He made an off handed comment regarding Collin skirting Alpha duties to play Daddy. I have never seen a man shift so fast in my life. Not Collin, no that would have been funny.

My Dad shifted and had Ian on his back in milliseconds. Mom clapped and Ivana's mother screamed. To be fair, the dickhead had it coming. It took me, Alex and Efran on top of Carter to calm Dad. We ended up dragging him outside. He demolished that poor Oak tree. We are getting a new picnic table or two.

The next round went to Ivana's mother. She picked and pulled everything Ivana did apart. The milk wasn't warm enough. The bath was too hot. The clothes were the wrong colors. The names were horrendous. I thought Gia and Aeon were gorgeous names. Don't cuss in front of newborns. Don't sing that song. Breast is best. You could have sliced the tension with a satin thread. Alivia took that fight. She bitch slapped Ms. Gaius after she called Ivana an imbecile.

I won't lie, I fucked Alivia in the bathroom after that. My Luna was a hero.

Then the blowout started. Ivana's uncle Vladimir waltzed in the door and immediately called Lily beloved. That is the vampire equivalent of mate. Collin lost his ever loving shit. He took poor Vlad to the cleaners. The 38 year old was kicking his feet from seven inches off the ground. When his face turned pumice we stopped the physical attack.

The war of words were thrown next. Collin cursed Vlad into hell. He told him he would blow the devil's dick before he would claim Lily. Elise's face was comical. Carter had to give Collin a sedative to get him remotely calm. The damn shot didn't even knock him out.

After a good hour of listening to priceless threats, an agreement was made. Vlad could have Lily. But, he had to pledge Red Moon and move to Lily's room. They weren't even allowed to move into their own home until Dad, Carter and Collin decided.

I laughed until I puked. Vlad was practically promising his left nut. Lily was begging him to save that particular appendage.

By the end of the hour Vlad had Lily in a very conservative position beside him on the couch. They looked like two teenagers on their first date, meeting the parents. Epic!

Next Crescent Moon was attacked. That went over as well as a blizzard in Libya. Ivana's father, dear Mr. Angus Gaius, decided to question our treaty. My cackles rose and Renzo starred in the show. That bastard asked what we had to offer. My fist went flying and so did his body. Twenty seconds and thirty feet later, Renzo was pinning him to the floor.

I let the leech know, we didn't ask for his useless opinion. I wasn't about to justify my role in the life of my Luna's home. As Efran, Dad, Alex, Carter, Collin and Vlad tried to hold me down, thrashing persisted. Max and Jak tried to help. I broke thru the barricade of wolves and landed too many blows.

Angus was livid. He started threatening to call a favor in from the witches. That was a low blow that earned a punch from Alex. Twin fists rained fire upon the face of the 45 year old Sire. No signs of stopping fell upon us as Angus continued letting his mouth write checks his ass couldn't cash.

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