Perfectly Made

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***Shaela's POV***

I love Grey. I really love Grey. He is an amazing mate, father and Alpha. But, I'm so hurt. Carrying these secrets should not have been his burden to bare alone. I would have supported him in anything and everything.

This man has given me an incredible life. I would not separate with a moment of it. I am just so distraught that he did not trust me enough with his troubles.

There is nothing to forgive, honestly. It is a personal choice to divulge your past to your partner. He did not cheat on me. He did not break our bond. But, he did not trust me.

How do you move forward in a relationship that lacks the fundamentals?

Collin came by to check on me. He informed me that Landon was in fact his biological father. That question was never at the fore front of my mind. I would have loved him the same as any of my pups.

I have been updated on the current standings. Demetri is finally relieved of the stress he induced with his fishing expedition and actively leading as Alpha. Alex is worried about his father. Alivia is doing her best to hold it all together as Luna. Really, nothing has changed within the pack.

My heart though, this is where changes are manifesting. I have to choose to not only forgive, but to forget. I must find a way to nourish all the amazing parts of my mateship and to file away the one discrepancy that never had to be.

A childish side of me would love to entertain the idea that he was not pure when we met. It would be easy to focus on that detail. Easier still to be angry with that flaw. But, the maturity in me knows it never mattered. He was patching a hole, she was his filler. I can't blame anyone for past mistakes.

It's only been one day since I took my bag and headed to this cabin. I requested time to process the skeletons that have been exposed. At first, I craved the solitude. I was hellbent on taking my time. I have learned several things in a 24-hour period.

1. I miss my Alpha. Truly, it is as if I cannot breathe without his presence. Twenty years will do that to a soul.

2. I miss my children. The lights of my life. They are the most cherished and magnificent gift I could ever receive.

3. I cannot hold grudges. Everything inside of me, as a Luna, is demanding that I comfort my family. I am a Luna. My soul is one of a nurturer.

With the conviction of my spirit, I choose not to dwell on the singular perfidy that shadows the bliss of my life. I would trade that betrayal a thousand times for my mate.

With a sound mind and a lonely heart, I made my declaration:

I am heading home. My home. My mate. My pups. My everything. It all awaits and I'm coming home.

***Grey's POV***

24 of the worst hours of my life. Every second is kindle to the raging fire of self loathing. I did this. I stacked the planks one by one. I soaked the wood in gasoline. I set fire to the pier.

Shaela is my everything. Next to my pups, her love is what keeps me alive. I have been wholly blessed with my Luna. I miss my mate.

I should have trusted her with my past. I should have let her share in my secrets. If I could, I would. But, I did not.

I'm sitting at home, our home, thinking over every decision I made. I have rehashed every detail of my deceit. Sleep evaded me. I don't deserve to sleep. I would rather punish myself for the pain I rendered my family.

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