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***Demetri's POV***

I spoke again with Alpha Carter. In two weeks we would make our way over to Red Moon. I was always excited to interact with other packs. The camaraderie gave me peace.

Beta Alex and Gamma Efran were in my office. We were discussing the trip. We will go in our wolf forms, since the pack was large and their territory was less than one day away. We made plans and discussed our pilgrimage. They seemed excited to leave for a few days.

We went over a few pack issues concerning patrol shifts and keeping the adolescent wolves better occupied. Apparently they had too much time on their hands, enough to be pulling pranks on everyone in the pack. I'm all for down time, but a little responsibility will be good for them.

We were wrapping up our meeting when we got a mind link requesting our presence in the pack yard. We didn't rush because they didn't make it seem urgent.

When we got to the area right before the training fields, all three of us looked at one another bewildered, but trying to stifle our laughs. 

Upside down, hanging from a rope in the tall evergreen tree, by one ankle, two barely teen she wolves were dangling. The scowls on their face would have been scary if they weren't so comical. They were screaming profanities and squirming, while trying to keep their shirts from falling over their heads. The blood was pooling at their heads and turning their faces a nice shade of eggplant.

Alex and Efran gently lifted the ladies in the air while I grabbed a knife from my pocket and cut the anguished teens from their restraints. Once on the ground all hell broke loose when the girls, Jenna and Ally, started frantically explaining how they got caught in the makeshift trap.

I tried to get them to calm down because they were so distraught they weren't making any sense. Once they FINALLY got the story out, Alex, Efran and I decided to do damage control. We told Jenna and Ally to head inside where they could get some snacks and relax for the day after their stressful ordeal.

Walking away, they were shaking their heads and throwing their hands in the air, obviously embarrassed by being outwitted by the captors.
Alex turned to me, once they were out of sight, busting out laughing to the point where tears were springing from his eyes. Me and Efran joined in commenting on the crude contraption that had caused so much havoc in our mid-afternoon.

Although it was quite funny, the little pranksters would need to be reprimanded. Rolling my eyes, as they forced me to be the bad guy, we headed out in search for the culprits.

No surprise, my sisters would be the engineers behind this raucous. So, like a good Alpha, I headed to my parents, trying desperately to stop the chuckles that were rolling off the three of us in droves. I walked in and greeted my parents with my Beta and Gamma flanking my sixes.

"Hey sweeties" my mom greeted us.

Leaning down to peck my mom on her cheeks, we all greeted her at once "Hi Luna, Hi Dad!"
Dad asked "what's brought you boys here today?"

"Well," I started. "Seems my little angels have been practicing their hunting skills."

Dad turned around and raised an eyebrow at me, a knowing grin gracing his very lit face.
Alex spoke up to enlighten our father with the details of our afternoon "Ari and Izzy (the twins nicknames) found it a good day to pull yet another prank, this time they got Ally and Jenna" he rubbed his hand over his face and drug it through his jet black hair.

Efran added "you should have seen those poor girls faces, hanging upside down in the tree like a piñata waiting to be plucked at a birthday party,"

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